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What an incredible night we had. It was the last night of our Signs
and Wonders Conference in Iowa at Heartland Assembly of God, March
13, 2004. There was a serious impartation granted by the hand of
God Himself. As we went deeper into worship the glory of God came
into the room. The air was heavy with His presence. As I lay on
the floor soaking in His Glory the power of God so overwhelmed me,
my body began to shake under the intensity of the visitation. I
heard the inner audible voice of God speak to me about the next
move of His Spirit. He told me "This move will not be brought by
any one man. It will come from My Spirit." I then saw the Lord dancing
with a baby in His hands. I knew the infant was the next move to
be birthed by the hand of God. I was aware that the presence I was
experiencing was the very breath of God, and a foretaste of the
next wave of His Spirit.
As I stood to the pulpit all I could do was bury my head in my Bible.
As I held onto the podium the worship team continued to play. The
Lord spoke that He would strengthen me to be able to share the word
He had written on my heart. As I lifted my head I could visibly
see a white mist glory cloud hovering near the ceiling of the church.
Several others could see it too. It was the manifest glory of God.
All around the sanctuary people were weeping and shaking - some on
their knees and some standing. The Lord was impregnating us with
the seed of revival. He began to speak to me that revival would
be birthed out of intimacy.
He brought me to Genesis 1:2 "The earth was without form and
void; and darkness was on the face of the deep. And the Spirit of
God was hovering over the face of the waters."
Then to Genesis 2:7 "And the Lord God formed man of the dust
of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life;
and man became a living being."
During our time in worship the Holy Spirit hovered over us the way
He overshadowed Mary when she became pregnant with the Christ child
(Luke 1:35). There was a genuine seed of revival deposited in our
spirits. At one point during worship, the manifest breath of God,
the "ruach" of God, was breathed into us and we were filled with
new life. The worship leader could no longer stand behind his keyboard
but could only lie across the altar groaning under the weight of
His presence. It was like when the cloud of glory filled Solomon's
temple and the priests could no longer stand to minister because
of the cloud (2 Chron. 5:14).
The Lord spoke to me about this next move being birthed out of intimacy.
He brought me to Song of Solomon 3:1-4:
"By night on my bed I sought the one I love; I sought
him, but I did not find him.
"I will rise now," I said, "And go about the city; in
the streets and in the squares I will seek the one I love."
I sought him but I did not find him. The watchmen who
go about the city found me; I said "Have you seen the one I love?"
Scarcely had I passed by them, when I found the one I
love. I held him and would not let him go, until I had brought
him to the house of my mother, and into the chamber of her who
conceived me."
There were several important principles the Lord revealed to
me out of this account of the Shulamite woman searching for her
1) She was so longing for
the One she loved, that she was willing to be inconvenienced in
the middle of the night to get out of bed to go search for Him.
She couldn't wait till morning. The Lord is causing His church to
arise out of the bed of our comfort and complacency to search for
2) She didn't find Him right
away. She had to look and search for Him. The Lord is not always
easily found. Sometimes there has to be a persistent search for
God until we find Him.
3) The watchmen couldn't tell
her where He was. There are those times where we need to find God
for ourselves. We can't live off of someone else's experience or
anointing. We have to dig our own well and find the presence, power
and anointing of God in our own lives. Other people's testimonies
can encourage us. But we must always press in to find God for ourselves.
4) When she finally found Him
she wouldn't let Him go. When we find the Lord we must not be easily
satisfied. Many times when we are spiritually seeking and pressing
in to God, we get a taste of His presence and then stop seeking
or holding onto Him. This is where we miss it. We must be like Jacob
who wrestled with the Angel of the Lord all night until He blessed
him. He would not let Him go. This is how we must be with the Lord.
We must not let Him go until we have the fullness of what He wants
to bless us with. When Jacob wrestled with God there was a name
change from Jacob to Israel. He went from "Deceiver" to "Prince
with God." There was a deep transformation that took place in Jacob.
As we wrestle with God and refuse to let Him go until we have His
full blessing and favor, there will also be a deep transformation
in us as we become more like Him, being transformed into His image.
5) They entered the chamber of
intimacy. This is where new birth is conceived, in the secret place
with God. It is in this chamber of deep intimate love with God that
His seed of revival is imparted into us.
The next move of the Spirit will be birthed out of this place of
intimacy with God, with the overshadowing of God's Spirit in our
lives. Psalm 91 declares "He who dwells in the secret place of
the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."
The shadow of God is the place where His glory covers our lives.
It's a place of refuge and protection from all the plots of the
evil one. It's also the place where God infuses His strength and
life into us.
In Genesis 1:2-3 there is a creative force and life released under
the hovering of the Holy Spirit in Creation. Under the shadow of
the Spirit there is creative power and authority released to bring
order out of chaos and light out of darkness. It was under the shadow
of the Holy Spirit that God spoke creation into existence. When
we are under His shadow there is a creative power released in us
and through us to declare into existence those things that God desires
to manifest in the earth.
In Luke 1:31, 35-38, it was under the overshadowing of the Spirit
that Mary became pregnant with the Christ child. What was impossible
became possible. The supernatural became natural. The key to Mary
receiving the impartation she received from God, to carry the seed
of the greatest move of the Spirit in history, the birth of the
Son of God, was her simple act of agreement. Her response to the
Lord was "Let it be done unto me according to your word."
In verse 45 it says "Blessed is she who believed, for there will
be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord."
God just needs our agreement and simple faith to receive the fullness
of all He wants to give us.
As the presence of the Holy Spirit overshadows His church in this
hour, there is coming an impartation to carry the seed of the next
move of God. The secret place of intimacy with the Lord is vitally
important to receiving the fullness of all He wants to birth in
the earth. It will be out of this place of abiding under His shadow
that the creative force and power of His Spirit will be released
in our lives, including the move of extraordinary signs, wonders
and miracles. This demonstration of God's power through His people
will be a direct result of the time spent in the secret place, under
the shadow of His glory. We must guard our time with God and guard
the seed He places in us. Out of the secret place of intimacy will
come the release of life and power to see the glory of God cover
the face of the earth.
--Matt Sorger
If you would like to invite Matt in to your church or area for Healing
Revival Meetings, or for a regional conference or crusade you may
contact his office at 631-696-4950 or email them at
"The Joseph Anointing"
by Matt Sorger
Audio Cassette
This message was
recorded at a Signs and Wonders Conference in New Mexico in
January of 2004 with Todd Bentley, Keith Miller and Matt Sorger.
On this tape Matt delivers a powerful prophetic teaching on
the release of the Joseph anointing. He expounds on the life
of Joseph, including his seasons of testing and trial and how
the Lord supernaturally positioned Joseph for divine promotion.
Matt shares on how this is a year of great increase, release,
and divine favor. He shares on the heart of a forerunner and
what the purpose is for spiritual promotion. He expounds on
how God's plan for your life overrules the actions of man and
brings fulfillment to every dream and vision. As you listen
to this tape get ready for a "suddenly" in your life and for the
blessing and anointing of Joseph to be released!
Feel free to
online OR by phone (1-8.6.6-881-0477)
"Walking in the Demonstration
Power of God"
by Matt Sorger
Audio Cassette
Matt shares about
God's heart concerning divine healing, and on the model of the
supernatural found in the book of Acts. He also shares on how
to operate in the market place anointing of signs and wonders,
how to live in true revival, and God's destiny for the younger
Feel free to
online OR by phone (1-8.6.6-881-0477)
To donate by regular
mail, use this address:
Elijah List Ministries
(Now a Non-Profit Ministry)
528 Ellsworth St SW
Albany, OR 97321
or call: 1-8.6.6-881-0477
or 1-541-917-0484
If you donate $15 or more to
Elijah List Ministries, we will send you our current tape of the
Month NO_CHARGE, as a token of our appreciation. Any
amount over $15 will be tax deductible.
is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles
in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists
and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep
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Thank you and blessings,
Steve Shultz, Publisher, The Elijah List
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