Pierre Goulart, Gatineau, Quebec, Canada

Beautiful, Eternal, and Full of Meaning

In a vision, I found myself in a heavenly garden, marked by a sign reading Le Jardin de l'Amour (The Garden of Love). The French words added a romantic touch, perfectly capturing the essence of this place.

As I continued forward, I came upon another sign, Le Parc des Amoureux (Lover's Park). A white bench, surrounded by fragrant red and white flowers, created an atmosphere that was both inviting and intimate.

My wife and I sat on the bench, my hand resting just above hers; they were not quite touching, but the current of love flowing between us was intense and deeply fulfilling.

In that moment, our entire love story seemed to come to life: how we met, how we fell in love, the emotional and physical intimacy we had shared, our dreams, and the many sacrifices we had made for each other... (more)

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NCAA Responds to Trump's Executive Order to Protect Female Athletes

"We strongly believe that clear, consistent and uniform eligibility standards would best serve today's student-athletes instead of a patchwork of conflicting state laws and court decisions. To that end, President Trump's order provides a clear, national standard." -from the NCAA Statement

[PJMedia.com] On Wednesday, which happen[ed] to be National Girls & Women in Sports Day, President Trump (more)

Trump Tells National Prayer Breakfast: 'Let's Bring Religion Back. Let's Bring God BACK into Our Lives' [Video]

[Breitbart.com] President Donald Trump joined the National Prayer Breakfast at the Capitol on Thursday morning, honoring a more than 70-year-old Washington tradition. In doing so he offered the plea: "Let's bring religion back. Let's bring God BACK into our lives." The annual event brings together a bipartisan group of lawmakers for fellowship... Subscribe for free to Breaking Christian News here Click Here to read and watch the video...(more)

JD Vance Reveals How the White House Will Uproot Religious Persecution: 'It Ends With This Administration'

[TheBlaze.com] Religious persecution came to a head under ...Joe Biden's administration, weaponizing the government to imprison pro-life protesters and censoring Americans for holding views they deemed unorthodox. But under President Donald Trump's new administration, Vice President JD Vance outlined all the efforts that have already been made to eliminate the religious persecution pushed by predecessors. ... "Now, our administration believes we must stand for religious freedom, not just as a legal principle as important as that is, but as a lived reality, both within our own borders and especially outside of it," Vance said...(more)

FIVE Reasons to Defund 'Public' Broadcasting

...Both PBS and NPR repeat the leftist media's resistance to an opposing side on contentious issues like climate change and transgender ideology. Our study of seven months of PBS News Hour found they gave over 90 percent of the air time to the Left on gender ideology stories...

[Newsbusters.org] Now that Republicans have control of Congress and the White House and Trump's "government efficiency" czars are looking hard at slicing the funding for the Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB), it bears repeating: "public broadcasting" is not serving the public. It serves a narrow slice of America, an audience of wealthy liberal elites...(more)


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