[Editor's note: Below are the prophetic words that Donna Rigney shared during her recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]
The Prophesied "Grand Rescue Event" Fulfilled!
The Lord has told me over the past few years that He will be rescuing us in such a way that all will see it, and all will know it was by His hand. He called it a "grand rescue event."
Just as He did for Israel when He delivered them from slavery in Egypt, He promised He would rescue His people who have been crying out to Him day and night. In a day, He not only released the Israelites, but He parted the Red Sea for all to see. After they were safely on the other side, He had Moses extend his rod over the Red Sea once again for all to see, causing the Red Sea to close, and the Egyptian army that was pursuing the Israelites was drowned in the sea.
At the debate, God fulfilled this promise: all saw the sham of Biden's presidency, the deception perpetrated on the American people by the news media and the Democrats, and the strength and resolve of Donald Trump. Again, a few days before the debate, when the Supreme Court ruled in Trump's favor, all saw it! Blinders were ripped off people's eyes!
Millions watched as an assassin attempted to kill Donald Trump, and God miraculously saved him. News media outlets are all declaring this to be a divine intervention! All are watching God's "grand rescue event" of His people, just as He promised us He would do.
Victory After Victory Is Coming!
On Monday morning, June 24, 2024, four days before the debate between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, Father spoke to me about the great power and goodness that will come to our land when His glory is poured out. He promised, "Victory after victory will be yours. But unlike what Donald Trump says—that people will say they are getting tired of winning because they are winning so much—you won't get tired of winning. Celebrations will break out spontaneously!"
All week I saw the beginning of the fulfillment of this prophecy. Not only was the debate a tremendous victory for the conservatives, but the rulings of the Supreme Court all week marked the time of great victory coming for many, including those imprisoned unjustly after January 6th.
On Friday morning, June 28, 2024, after the debate between Joe Biden and Donald Trump, Father spoke to me about the debate and the future of our nation: "Fresh fire will fall from Heaven on the world! Last night was just the beginning of what We have planned: victory after victory! Yes, many men will join this movement to restore your nation back to Me and to greatness. (Photo via Flickr)
"Eyes are no longer blind, but now many are dumbfounded that they allowed themselves to be duped into believing in a false reality. Angry at those who deceived them, disgusted that they were tricked, and furious at the suffering they endured and continue to endure, because of the tricksters they follow, is the condition of many who had their eyes opened and saw the truth exposed before their eyes.
"Backfired upon are those who led this sham—exposed for all to see their shame. And never to be believed, or followed, or voted for will those be who orchestrated the demise of your nation and its wealth. They will be made to pay; payback is coming to all involved in this disastrous deception that was perpetrated against the people of your nation. This land will be great again and will do My bidding.
"Your nation will be restored and will shine like a light for the benefit of this world. Yes, world changes will get into position and will impact this world through My grace. In all seven mountains, a great shift in leadership will bring about transformation that will restore the destiny of this once great nation. For the sake of the world and My Kingdom, and in answer to the prayers of the righteous, this will be done quickly! Victory is at hand!
"Greater than the victory that this world enjoyed after World War II will the victory be at the end of this war for the soul of your nation.
"I am positioning My chosen ones to lead in this hour. Both young and old will take their positions, because all are needed to get back all that was stolen and lead this land back to the path of its destiny. I will combine the strength, vigor, and enthusiasm of the young with the resolve, wisdom, and tenacity of the aged to raise up a force that will take this world back for Me.
"This is the time of the grand unveiling that I promised through My prophets was coming. Eyes are being opened; the veil of deception is being ripped off My children's blinded eyes; and truth is being revealed, while lies are being exposed. This is happening to individuals and to nations!"
Confirming Scripture: Isaiah 40.
Another Victory: Donald Trump Survived an Assassination Attempt!
On Saturday evening, July 13, at 6:11 PM, shots were fired at Donald Trump, and one of them grazed his right ear. By the grace of God, his life was spared. After falling to the ground and being shielded by the Secret Service, Donald Trump stood up, raised up his arm—his hand held in a fist—and shouted, "Fight, fight, fight!" While being ushered off the platform, Donald Trump asked for his shoes twice.
The following evening, during our prayer time at our Sunday evening service, the Holy Spirit showed me that Donald Trump was living Ephesians 6:10–18. He was covered in the armor of God, and I believe (prophetically) that he was asking for his shoes because he is ready to complete his assignment to make America great again.
"...and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace." (Ephesians 6:15)
At the time I received this revelation, I didn't realize that Donald Trump was being shot at during the same time: 6:11 PM. Also, I was shown that what the enemy tried to do to Donald Trump backfired on him. In seconds, the shooter was shot and killed. The Lord has been showing me for months that what they were doing to Trump would backfire on them, and that they would fall in the pit they had dug for him. (Photo via Flickr)
(I know that this word is for all who have been mercilessly attacking him, not just the shooter in Pennsylvania.)
On Saturday morning, July 13, 2024, hours before Donald Trump was shot at in Pennsylvania, Father spoke this impacting word to me about Donald Trump.
He brought me to 2 Chronicles 20. This Scripture recounts the story of Jehoshaphat and the men from Ammon, Moab, and Mount Seir, who came to attack Judah after they had been spared by God, when Israel came to possess the Promised Land. Jehoshaphat prayed to God, "See how they are repaying us by coming to drive us out of the possession You gave us as an inheritance" (v. 11).
Father explained that those whom Donald Trump only did good to had attacked him. He let those who were his political enemies go unpunished in his first term; he didn't pursue the crimes that they would have and should have been prosecuted for—people like the Clintons, Biden, the Obamas, the FBI, the DOJ, generals in his army, and many others.
They paid him with vicious, slanderous, and full accusations, and relentless attacks. Now, like Jehoshaphat's enemies, God will cause them to be destroyed. They attacked one another and not one was left. (We are watching the Democrats fight each other over Biden's failing bid for the presidency.) Plus, Judah got all their plunder. The wealth of the wicked will come to the just. Peace rained through the land!
Then Father declared, "Watch as I do punish those who have been mistreating My chosen ones. Whatsoever they've done to the least of My brethren, they've done to Me. When I look from Heaven, I see My Son being abused again and again by those He served through My children. This will stop! Those who refuse to repent—like Peter repented when he denied My Son—will be held accountable and lose everything!"
Lessons for Us to Learn from This Teaching:
1. We must not mistreat those whom God uses to bless us when we don't deserve to be blessed or forgiven.
2. When blessings come, we must be grateful, stay humble, and be loyal to those who help us.
3. We must not align with the wicked or those who hate the ones that God uses to bless us. (The three armies united against Israel.)
4. When we are attacked, we must not fear but have faith in God, trusting Him to save us. We must leave the battle to Him, not get discouraged, stand firm, and worship God before the victory. And during the attack, we must have faith in God and in His prophets.
5. We must pray for those who attack us to repent like Peter did, when he denied Jesus, and pray for them to be forgiven and restored. He got his destiny back; pray they get their call back.
Again, Father Spoke about Donald Trump!
On Sunday morning, July 14, 2024, Father continued to talk to me about the assassination attempt against Donald Trump: "Rejoice in the God who delivers, saves, and surrounds you with strong protection. I am a wall of fire that shields you from all attacks of the enemy. You all watched My grand rescue event as I shielded your true and honorable president, Donald Trump, [so that he could] escape certain death. My hand was covering him and will continue to cover him and his!
"All that I promised through My prophets I am performing! Many will believe in Me and in My ways!"
On Tuesday, July 16, 2024, Father continued to speak to me about Donald Trump: "Don't worry about Donald Trump; My hand is on him and on his destiny. He will restore this nation to greatness, and to My Son. Yes, Jesus will rule as King and Lord over the U.S.A. By My hand, it will be done; yes, My hand resting on an imperfect man will bring forth great victory. And you will see one good thing after another unfold. My children will benefit from My blessings that I pour out on this man—Donald Trump—your nation, and the world. (Photo via Flickr)
"Fear, terror, and tyranny will be chased out of your land, and others. Such an avalanche of My goodness and My glory will be poured forth that there will be no room for evil; it will have to flee!
"Those whom the evil ones used to implement their wicked schemes will flee as well. They will run and try to hide, but no one can hide from My all-seeing eyes. Exposed for all to see and brought to justice will be the fruit they reap. No one will escape justice.
"Exonerated and set free will those be who bore the stripes of injustice. You have prayed for My resurrection power to fall on your land, and now is the time [when] you will see it come to pass. I will raise up the poor and destitute and restore the infirm and imprisoned.
"Discouragement will be sent far from Our children to the camp of the enemy. They will reap what they have tried to sow into the lives of the innocent and the just."
On July 18, 2024, Father continued to speak to me about the great victories that are coming: "Sing songs of deliverance like Miriam! Rejoice, for victory is assured! This explosion of victory will manifest personally, nationally, and globally!
"Like rain falling from Heaven, it will rain My goodness on all flesh. Recompense and restoration will bathe all and wash away injustice and corruption. A few won't accept what I am doing, but the masses will!"
While walking in the spirit with Jesus, I felt a cool breeze blowing all over me. Jesus explained, "I am going to breathe upon this world. My breath will blow away the chaff (or what is useless, corrupt, and unprofitable) off My children's lives; and, at the same time, refresh and strengthen the weary and oppressed. Many, like Donald Trump, have grown weary during this battle for the soul of your nation, but I will refresh them. Invigorated by My breath, they will lead the charge to 'take the hill,' or take back all that was stolen in years past.
"Liberty, justice, and prosperity will be returned. All the inalienable rights that I gave My children will be given back to them. Joy will return to your land. Just as Miriam led the people to celebrate their freedom, and their rights [were] restored, My chosen worshipers will lead the masses to worship and celebrate like no other time in the history of the world. Because the warfare and oppression have been so intense, the celebration will be magnanimous!
"Yes, even the chaff of disloyalty, bitterness, and unforgiveness will be blown away. All wickedness will be dealt with. Those who hold fast to the chaff, and won't allow Me to remove it by My breath, will be eliminated and have no opportunity to influence others to follow their way of wickedness.
"The faithful will be rewarded; fruitful will their lives be. So happy will they be, they won't even remember the deep sorrow that they endured before I breathed upon them."
Confirming Scripture: Jeremiah 50:33–36.
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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.
Email:Â hisheartinternational@yahoo.com
Website:Â donnarigney.org
Donna Rigney is the pastor of His Heart Ministries Int. in North Central Florida. She hosts a Sunday evening service at the VFW Post at 47 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast, FL. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and has a prophetic show (Nuggets of Gold) that is on Rumble and Sid Roth's network, METV. She can also be seen on Elijah Streams and is a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She appears frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries.
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