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"MOBILIZING THE BODY" Plus: "Revelation For Our Present Condition and the Joseph Calling"

by Paul Keith Davis,with Bob Jones
Apr 6, 2004

Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven
by Paul Keith Davis
$12.00 Book
Shepherd's Rod 2004
by Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis
$5.00 Book
The Thrones of Our Souls
by Paul Keith Davis
$12.00 Book

Elijah List Readers - Don't Forget to attend our Graham Cooke/Kim Clement Summer Camp Meeting August 30 - September 3, 2004 in Canby Grove, OR! Start the registration process now by contacting Kary Rose for arrangements. Kary Rose's email: Phone: 541-926-3317 or 1-866-881-0477
News Item #1 - Watch Steve Shultz on Extreme Prophetic April 12 - 18, 2004

Beginning this coming Monday, April 12th, and running for a full week, Steve Shultz, Publisher of The Elijah List, will be featured with Patricia King on the subject of "Hearing the Voice of God." You may watch this program any time of the day on Patricia's Extreme Prophetic website at

Plus: "Revelation For Our Present Condition and the Joseph Calling"

By Paul Keith Davis, with Bob Jones

Greetings friends,

The year 2004 has already begun to take shape as a season of advance and confrontation. The 1 Kings 18 & 19 model is presently in place for the addressing of self-serving leadership within the Church by the Holy Spirit. Perhaps all of us have elements of this in us that must be laid at the altar as we judge ourselves in order not to be judged. Like David, our earnest cry should be to create within us a pure, clean heart with right motives, without selfish ambition.

We are incredibly needy, and like Solomon, incapable in our own capacity to "know how to go out or come in." (1 Kings 3:7) Rarely has a generation been in such desperate need of a visitation from heaven and impartations of great grace. Thankfully we have the prophetic promise that unprecedented measures of favor and grace are set apart for the people known as the "capstone" generation coming with shouts of "grace, grace."

Imitate Their Faith

Our admonition in Hebrews 13:7 is to examine the faithfulness of our leaders who have gone before us to observe and scrutinize their conduct and the results of their lives. We are then charged to imitate their faith because Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. We are not necessarily called to emulate their personal style or patterns and formulas, but to imitate their faith. In so doing, the Lord will do through us what he did through them, with mighty expressions of power and authority.

It was our privilege this past weekend to be on the leadership team with a couple from Tacoma, Washington who were part of the Latter Rain revival of 1948 in North Battleford, Saskatchewan. It was an incredible encouragement to spend time with humble and contrite vessels who gave first-hand testimony of the awesome demonstrations of God's virtue just one generation ago. In fact, the wife was healed of barrenness in a William Branham meeting and now has three grown sons as her testimony. She testified how the manifest presence of God came into the meeting and overshadowed her, restoring her female organs and granting the promise of fruitfulness.

We felt the Lord indicating that we are at the door of another expression of spiritual outpouring that will be as impacting as the Latter Rain revival. If we will imitate the faith of those who touched the heart of God to receive the anointing, we will likewise encounter heaven and be entrusted with His virtue. A study of their lives will also help us alleviate the potholes and snares that cause derailment and shipwreck.

This is not a time to coast, but to press in all the more, despite circumstances. This is a pivotal year both naturally and spiritually. The Church is being called to stand in the gap for our President in this crucial election year. It will have direct implications upon the Church. We fervently believe George W. Bush is the Lord's choice. We must involve ourselves in this process through prayer and natural support.

Warmest blessings of grace and peace,

Paul Keith & Wanda and the WhiteDove team

By Paul Keith Davis

Since attending a series of prophetic leadership meetings in January 2004, the Lord has been speaking to us very pointedly about the separation within the Church that is directly ahead of us. There are ancient spiritual enemies that infiltrated the early church following the Day of Pentecost that have now come to a place of maturity. Likewise, the children of Light must also achieve a place of maturity in order to engage the adversary. The Lord is pressing us to "restore the land and make them inherit the desolate heritages." (Isaiah 49:8)

As we have often emphasized, our conflict is not with flesh and blood, but with spiritual forces usurping a place of dominion in the heavenly places. Ours is a spiritual foe! The battle will be won in the realm of the spirit, and will liberate people held hostage by spirits of intimidation, manipulation and control.

It is reasonably easy to recognize blatant perversion, unbelief and spiritism that permeates the spirit of this world. However, the more difficult confrontation lies within the Church and the false spirits that masquerade as authentic spiritual authority. However, through the development of discernment and an examination of spiritual fruit, a distinction can be noted as we approach maturity. The Scripture declares:

"Solid food is for the mature, who because of practice have their senses trained to discern good and evil." Hebrews 5:14

It seems to be high on the Holy Spirit's agenda to deal with these influences that desire to separate the people from the walk of intimacy that the Lord so emphatically desires.

Identifying Stumbling-Blocks

One such spirit is identified as the spirit of the Nicolaitans. We recognize this spirit raising its evil head at the very outset of the early Apostolic church during the Ephesian church age. It represents a perverted form of leadership that has as its objective the very opposite motive of the Holy Spirit. The Spirit of the Lord will draw the people to the Lord Jesus, while this counterfeit influence seeks to separate the people from the Lord. The Nicolaitan spirit will masquerade as a true governmental body wielding counterfeit spiritual authority, subtly using fear, manipulation and control to achieve its agenda.

As in the days of Elijah, a confrontation with the prophets of Baal is imminent. The Nicolaitan spirit will be challenged in this hour. The term "Nicolaitan" is derived from two Greek words: "Nikos" and "Laos." Nikos is defined as: a conquest; victory; triumph; to conquer; and by implication, dominancy over the defeated. The word "nicao" literally means; to dominate-intimidate-manipulate. Additionally, the term "laos" means "the people" or the "laity." Thus exacting the phrase "to conquer (dominate-intimidate-manipulate) the people (laity).

A careful examination of church history will readily highlight the Nicolaitan movement that marked the beginning of an unrighteous priesthood within the Church. Again, our intent is to identify the spiritual influences that have successfully stolen the inheritance of the saints throughout the Church ages. In so doing, we will be more amply poised to "overcome" in our quest to be seated with Christ on His throne, as He likewise overcame.

Equipping the Saints

It is the call of genuine governmental leadership to equip the people to do the work of the ministry. (Ephesians 4:11-12) The apostle Paul was willing to lay down his life for the people to whom he ministered. He did not lord his spiritual authority over the people, but readily poured himself out for the sake of the Lord's Church. That quality is the predominant separation between the genuine and the counterfeit forms of leadership.

The true leadership model is not that of a pyramid, but an inverted pyramid. True spiritual fathers will take great joy in seeing their spiritual offspring flourish in their relationship with the Lord and the impartation of the grace gifts. The Lord clearly expressed his disgust and hatred for the Nicolaitan spirit and its corrupt agenda. In fact, those who shared His disdain for this evil opposition were commended. (Ephesians 2:6) For those entrusted with the great end-time deposits of power and authority, there can be no intimidating, controlling or power-hungry prejudices exercising counterfeit authority over the sheep.

The Nicolaitan spirit will target Christians who have lost their "first-love" affections for the Lord. The enemy meticulously orchestrates a series of life events that cool our affections for the things of the Spirit, with the intended hope of imparting apathy and lethargy. Hope deferred will make the heart sick! If accomplished, the door is then opened to this form of leadership that directs the focus of the people away from the Lord.

Engaging Heaven

Thankfully, the Spirit of wisdom and revelation are promised to each believer, affording understanding of our rich inheritance in Christ. The Lord is granting the Spirit of revelation to open "eyes and ears" to a place of fellowship with Him that is displacing hopelessness. In its place, "first-love" affections are being re-ignited. Holy desperation is saturating the hearts of a bridal company who will not be satisfied merely hearing the testimony of others who have encountered the Lord Jesus - they must have their own experiential relationship.

In John 10 there is a clear admonition from the Lord stating, "My sheep hear My voice, and I know them and they follow me." We are promised the ability to experientially apprehend the revelation of His Voice. The more acutely familiar we are with His Voice, the more capable we become of recognizing the counterfeit. There has been a carefully orchestrated plot of the adversary to steal this aspect of our heritage. The desolate heritage of the saints is being restored. The progressive restoration promised in Joel 2:25 is presently taking place. The doors of Heaven are being opened, granting unprecedented access to the realm of the Spirit and fellowship with Heaven. The Lord prophetically outlined this privilege when He said,

"To Him the doorkeeper opens, and the sheep hear His voice, and He calls His own sheep by name and leads them out." John 10:3

The Lord is calling us by name and leading us out of the dungeons of bondage and oppression into a place of freedom and liberty. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is emancipation. There will be an overcoming army emerging in this hour. The invitation is being issued to enter into a place of fellowship with the Lord that will equip us for this long foretold confrontation. The Nicolaitan spirit can no longer hold hostage the Bride of Christ, who is destined to be joined with the Lord in a promised union.

Fourfold Apostolic Mandate

True Apostolic leadership will be commissioned with a fourfold mandate like the one given to the apostle Paul. The Lord sent one of His cherished friends, Ananias, to release a prophetic commission to the now converted Saul of Tarsus. Ananias charged Paul with four specific admonitions that overshadowed the remainder of his life - ones that will characterize the Apostolic leaders of this day as well. The scripture declares:

"A certain Ananias, a man who was devout by the standard of the Law, and well spoken of by all the Jews who lived there, came to me, and standing near said to me, 'Brother Saul, receive your sight!' And at that very time I looked up at him. And he said, 'The God of our fathers has appointed you to know His will and to see the Righteous One and to hear an utterance from His mouth. For you will be a witness for Him to all men of what you have seen and heard.'" Acts 22:12-15

Paul was empowered with four distinctive privileges that exemplified his Apostolic calling:

1. Appointed to know His will.
2. See the Righteous One.
3. Hear utterances from His lips.
4. Be a witness/testifier of what was seen and heard

The word "witness" is a judicial term signifying one who gives testimony only to what they have personally seen and heard. Hearsay evidence is not allowed in a court proceeding. Anointed eyes and ears are essential in the accomplishment of this mandate, granting access to the revelatory realm of Heaven where the will of God is apprehended and testimony articulated from credible witnesses. These attributes will begin to separate true governmental qualities from the Nicolaitan spirit.

At the end of 2003 while attending a large conference in Albany, Oregon, my eyes were opened as I entered the sanctuary, and the Lord allowed me to see a company of angels stationed in the back of the Church. Each was dressed in white robes with gold sashes or belts around them. When I asked who they were, the answer came instantly. A voice stated, "They are angels that gather." I shared that revelation with the pastor, but later wondered if there were biblical references that signified gathering angels.

An examination of the Scriptures provided several instances in which the Lord said that He is sending angels who gather. One such illustration is Matthew 13:41 declaring:

"The Son of Man will send forth His angels, and they will gather out of His kingdom all stumbling blocks, and those who commit lawlessness."

There is a present work of the Spirit to initiate the process of gathering the stumbling blocks and obstacles set against the high purposes of God. The Nicolaitan spirit is one such example of the effort of the adversary to inhibit the plan of Heaven. As we petition heaven to release the "ministering spirits who gather" through the authority delegated to us, we will begin to see these elements extracted and a more abundant flow of grace present to initiate genuine governmental leadership.

-- Paul Keith Davis

"Revelation For Our Present Condition and the Joseph Calling"
Fireside Chat With Bob Jones
by Paul Keith Davis

Throughout the last several years there have been numerous prophetic messages and articles written concerning the calling of this generation in the order of Joseph. There are multiple layers of application to this prophetic model. Some involve the promise of provision during times of famine, as well as a call to a position of leadership enjoyed by Joseph after his elevation from the dungeon.

It is not our intent in this brief outline to address the various applications involving the symbolism of Joseph. (For a review of what Paul Keith Davis has written on the Joseph calling, you may read it the Elijah List archives at

However, this week Bob Jones was given a vision directly related to our present condition and its relationship to the Joseph calling. The experience seemed to indicate a present focus on this arena of our calling.

He was shown how many have been in the process of being perfected through sufferings and difficulty. It is in the dungeon that our character is forged, preparing us to carry the mantels of power and authority delegated for this generation. Furthermore, he also saw the importance of this election year and the direction our nation takes following 2004. If the enemy has his way, an atmosphere could be created in this nation that is less favorable for the advancement of Kingdom purposes.

In his vision, the analogy of Potiphar's wife was underscored as a present warning. The Scripture emphasizes:

"It came about after these events that his master's wife looked with desire at Joseph, and she said, 'Lie with me.'" Genesis 39:7

Despite the seemingly oppressive conditions, the favor of God will be recognized resting upon the "Josephs" even during their seasons of refining. The spirit of this world, represented by Potiphar's wife, will seek to entice them to a place of compromise. We must be aware of this snare, and pray for the grace and mercy to overcome this test. Once accomplished, the scorn of "Potiphar's wife" will be harsh.

The false accusations of the enemy will attempt to demoralize and imprison many with the calling of Joseph placed upon their lives. Our strategy is to come before the Throne of Grace and request justice and restoration. When the thief is captured he must restore sevenfold all that has been stolen through corruption. This revelation will launch many into their calling and destiny.

-- Paul Keith Davis & Bob Jones


WhiteDove Ministries' Upcoming Events:

April 14-17
"The Denver Prophetic Gathering"
With Bobby Conner
8242 Pecos
P.O. Box 211337
Denver, Colorado 80221

April 22-24
We are partnered with "Voice In The Night Ministries" to present the...
Florida Regional Prophetic Conference
Melbourne, Florida
with Bobby Conner

"Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven"
by Paul Keith Davis
$12.00 Book

"I do not know what I may appear to the world, but to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on the seashore and diverting myself now and then finding a smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary, whilst the Great Ocean of Truth lay all undiscovered before me."
- Sir Isaac Newton

An ocean of divine truth is waiting to be discovered. An unprecedented display of God's power and authority are about to take place in the church. In this fascinating book, Paul Keith Davis reveals how those anointed with the Spirit of Wisdom and Revelation will see an awesome demonstration of God's glory in the coming days.

"God is about to raise the bar on revelatory ministry. Just as He did by making sure that none of Samuel's words went unfulfilled, an acceleration in the prophetic community is about to occur.

"Over the next several years, we will see a generation of "throne room" prophets emerge. Their words will be more powerful than any that have been spoken in recent years. Their accuracy will be deadly. Today's prophetic community will be as small children who are like kindergarteners compared to the college-level expressions that will come. Their prophetic utterances will make the ears of the world tingle, just as Samuel's did. These throne-room prophets will receive their power through their intimacy with the majesty of God.

"In Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven, Paul Keith Davis sheds light about this new level of revelatory ministry that will be built on intimacy with a majestic picture of God's throne. His book describes the great call on those who long to engage with the revelatory realm of Heaven. Their words, forged in the throne room of God, will cause the ears of many to tingle. Tingling ears will lead to pricked consciences, which will lead to penitent hearts. And penitent hearts will lead to a renewed world.

"May God's face shine on you as you read Engaging the Revelatory Realm of Heaven by my friend, Paul Keith Davis. I pray that it will call you into a great life of intimacy, service, kindness, and friendship with God."
- John Paul Jackson, Streams Ministries

Feel free to order online OR by phone (1-8.6.6-881-0477)

Shepherd's Rod 2004
by Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis
$5.00 Book
The term "Shepherd's Rod" comes from Ezekiel 20:37 stating, "and I shall make you pass under the rod, and I shall bring you into the bond of the covenant." This Scripture symbolically portrays a shepherd extending his rod as the sheep pass under his staff for evaluation. In this same way we, as the Lord's sheep, pass under His staff during this season as further described in Jeremiah 33:13 and Leviticus 27:32.

The purpose of this booklet is to simply outline the revelations that were received on that date in order to Biblically convey the revelation to the believer. It is not the intent of this outline to completely cover all the truth associated with these revelations. It would take a large book to adequately elaborate on and communicate all of the Biblical truth realized through these revelations.

It is our prayer that the believer will study these revelations during the course of this year to extract all the understanding the Spirit of Truth will reveal. Much of the truth given in the Shepherd's Rod is like seed that, once planted, requires time to develop and mature. These revelations apply to the year that it is given and the years that follow as each revelation provides greater clarity and focus for the Lord's heart for this generation.

Feel free to order online OR by phone (1-8.6.6-881-0477)

"The Thrones of
Our Souls

by Paul Keith Davis
$12.00 Book
"We are also pleased to announce that the book the Lord commissioned us to write is now complete and available. We sincerely pray the Lord will use it to open fresh dimensions of His Presence and power to the hungry and desperate believer. He promised to satisfy those who hunger and thirst for righteousness and intimacy with Him. As important as winning the lost and healing the sick clearly is, there is an even greater mandate being imparted to this generation. That is to know Him as intimately and personally as He may be known and live in that place of fellowship. How can we fully be His representation on the earth if we are not intimately acquainted with Him and His heart for our generation."
-Paul Keith Davis

"The contents of this book contain open revelations from God Himself. It is much more than a glimpse into the secret places, it is also a full view on how to become an 'overcomer.' You will find within the pages of this book why Paul Keith walks in 'Christ likeness'. I have been stirred by his life and now I am stirred by his book." -Joseph Schuchert

Feel free to order online OR by phone (1-8.6.6-881-0477))

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Elijah List Ministries (Now a Non-Profit Ministry)
528 Ellsworth St SW
Albany, OR 97321

or call: 1-8.6.6-881-0477 or 1-541-917-0484

If you donate $15 or more to Elijah List Ministries, we will send you our current tape of the Month NO_CHARGE, as a token of our appreciation. Any amount over $15 will be tax deductible.

Permission is granted (and you are also encouraged) to reprint these articles in hard copy form, as well as sending them to your own email lists and posting them on your own websites. We ask only that you keep Elijah List website, email contact info, and author contact information intact.

Thank you and blessings, Steve Shultz, Publisher, The Elijah List

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