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Theresa Phillips: "The Scrolls Are Being Opened to the Ready Writer"

by Theresa Phillips
May 25, 2009

Steve ShultzFrom the desk of Steve Shultz:

Theresa Phillips is the real deal and a friend of this ministry. I've spoken in her church and I've watched her "walk" with the Lord. I heartily endorse her and this word.

Here is also a brief intro by our editor Julie Smith:

Reeni MederosI love this word by Theresa Phillips! The visions and words she shares resonate deep within. You see, God has spoken in depth to me about the upcoming "Scroll Writers" who are being released; the very words they write will change the atmosphere. In the darkest environment, they will "smite with what they write."

And being Asian, the Lord has specifically spoken to me about the "Ancient Asian Scrolls" being revealed. There are two God-given gifts the Lord has given to the Tribe of Asia?wisdom and honor. Both go hand in hand. Wisdom and honor are Asia's inheritance and God is opening up Ancient Asian Scrolls that will be a legacy to Asia and an inheritance for its children's children.

Lord, we say YES to the scroll writers being released!

Julie A. Smith, editor
The ElijahList & ElijahRain magazine


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Steve Shultz

Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The ElijahList & ElijahRain magazine


Theresa Phillips:
"The Scrolls Are Being Opened to the Ready Writer"

"My heart is inditing a good matter: I speak of the things which I have made touching the king: my tongue is the pen of a ready writer."?Psalm 45:1


Theresa PhillipsWhile driving, I saw a flash in the sky. I looked up and saw a huge cloud shaped like a quill?I saw a perfect feather and tip...I was stunned. I was in awe. I began to think, I wonder, what the angels are writing? I wonder what is being written? Is a record being taken? What have I done? So much went through my mind at that moment. That is what happens when Holy Spirit is react.

The WORD was on my mind. Just words. I felt a slight panic. What is it, Lord?! Lots of thoughts flooded my mind with great anticipation, so I pressed in to that moment with great fervor.

"Let us acknowledge the LORD; let us press on to acknowledge Him..."?Hosea 6:3

Then I saw in the spirit, a high mountain. On the top of that mountain was a man dressed in clothes of long ago. I gasped..he is from the Ancient of Days! I just knew it. Who was he? He was writing on parchment paper; he had a scroll. My heart leapt inside, and I knew something was being released.

He, the Lord, was speaking to me, "It IS time. Time, time, time, time...The scrolls of the ancient ones are being opened to the ready reader...scrolls of Law, Righteousness, and His total will and essence. Write, write, write, write!"

"When he takes the throne of his kingdom, he is to write for himself on a scroll a copy of this law, taken from that of the priests," (was he a priest I saw?) "who are Levites. It is to be with him, and he is to read it all the days of his life so that he may learn to revere the LORD his God and follow carefully all the words of this law and these decrees."?Deuteronomy 17:18-19

The Pens of Ready Writers are Going to Write as Never Before!

They will write:

? The words of plenty during famine.
? The words of hope during despair.
? The words of healing during mass illness.
? The words of grace during unease.
? The words of peace during battles.
? The words of love during times of hate.

Then I knew: the writer is being released. The prophetic writer, who will prophesy from the realms of Heaven, the word of Heaven?looking for that great and beautiful day. Even memories of the evangelist, speaking of that day of the coming of the Lord, will emerge...but they will be different. They will speak of glorious encounters with GOD.

Heaven to Earth, Heaven to Earth, Heaven to Earth, I saw the quill writing across the sky.

The Quill Turned Into a Paintbrush

"And He carried me away in the Spirit to a mountain great and high, and showed me the Holy City, Jerusalem, coming down out of Heaven from God."?Revelation 21:10

As I continued to pray and press in to know HIM, to seek what He is doing, I saw the quill turn into a paintbrush (the sky was ablaze with magnificent color) and paint glorious star-studded skies and plush green grass and trees filled with all the seasons of the earth, all blooming at once. The scene was approachable and filled with light and the light became life?it was abundant!

"The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth His handywork."?Psalm 19:1

Then I heard again, "It's time?TIME, TIME, TIME of the creative writer; TIME, TIME, TIME of painters of mighty words. Even in song, WRITE, WRITE, WRITE. Be a ready writer of the GOOD NEWS! The paintbrush will write across the heavens and declare the beauty of the Lord. Look up, O Church! Look Up, O lost! I will call upon the gifts of the artist in the days of darkness."

" tongue is the pen of a ready writer."?Psalm 45:1

Theresa Phillips
Praise Ministries International


Theresa Phillips' Itinerary:

June 14-28, 2009
Campmeeting '09 Coldwater Michigan
Fire and Faith Miracle Revival Center
398 D North WillowBrook Road; Coldwater, MI
Contact: 517-518-6797

July 24-26, 2009
In The Realms of Glory!
with Matt Sorger, Kaye Beyer, Theresa Phillips,
Richard Hanson
St. Charles, IL

August 20-23, 2009
Tampa Florida Conference
Clarion Hotel & Conference Center Busch Gardens
2701 East Fowler Avenue; Tampa, FL
Contact: 813-398-6830 or


What's All This About Angels, Portals and Suddenlies?
by Bob Jones and Wesley Campbell
2 Audio Teachings
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Wow, what a time we are all living in! This 2-disc set is full of prophetic insight and gives you a glimpse into the next 50 years. It is packed with keys and wisdom for how to move with the supernatural wind of God that is blowing right now! Now's the time! Get informed, get revelation, get wisdom and insight, and get equipped!

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Are you wondering if you are going to miss out on being a part of this move of God? Regardless of your age or background, get ready for a huge dose of faith that will give you the strength to KNOW that God is not done with you and that you are deeply needed for this present time! You'll also hear amazing and inspiring prophetic insight that God has given to Bob through the year 2060!

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Have you ever had one of those days that goes like this:

You lose something, go out looking for it, run into a prophet and the next thing you know your whole destiny is changed?

This is exactly what happened to Saul when he "lost" his donkeys and went in search of them. The surprising thing is this:

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