From the desk of Steve Shultz:
The "TEST OF PURIM." It's about Israel. And it's about the Church. It's about the ONE NEW MAN and it's about the KINGDOM.
On March 20, Purim begins again in Israel and around the globe. Sometimes things happen during Holy Times in Israel. Are you praying to stand? And praying for Israel to stand?
Will we all pass the test demonstrated by this epic story? Many think of the story of Esther, but it's really the story of TWO QUEENS. Reuven Doron shares, "Both queens had beauty and courage, and both defied the king's decree. Vashti, by not appearing without being summoned, (Esther 1:12), and Esther, by appearing when not summoned (Esther 4:16) before the same violent and volatile king."
The greatest SUPERPOWER in the known world--was Esther's test. No small test, would you agree? She had to trust God, rather than the most powerful man on earth! She had to trust God rather than a mere man. She had to bring herself, uninvited, before the greatest earthly principality in existence--and she had to do it with the attitude of: "If I perish, I perish!"?
Both Israel and the Church today are facing just such tests. Will we trust God for our physical protection? Will we stand and face the greatest power(s) on earth? (or in the downtown office). Will we stand up for the Messiah and all the people of God with this attitude, "If I perish, I perish!"?
Reuven Doron shares that the original Purim drama concerns a great victory and deliverance as the "formula" consisting of: humility + integrity + fasting + intercession. With this formula, like Esther, you can be undefeatable.
Also check out two great Israeli resources below the Purim articles: Reuven Doron's book, One New Man, and James W. Goll's teaching set, Understanding Praying for Israel's Destiny.
Steve Shultz, Founder and Publisher
The ElijahList & ElijahRain magazine

Reuven and Mary Lou Doron: Purim--A Season of Danger, Intercession and Deliverance
The Book of Esther documents the deliverance of the people of Israel from great danger and near annihilation,
and we are republishing this PURIM article to encourage fervent prayer and sustained travail. Still reeling
from the recent terror attack in the heart of Jerusalem which left 8 Bible students ages 15 to 18 dead
and 11 wounded, Israel's plight continues to be more desperate each day. The prayers of the saints are
powerful in obtaining God's favor, protection, and highest purpose for the entire region. Please also
remember Gilad Shalit, the young IDF lieutenant who was kidnapped by Hamas in the summer of 2006 and
has been held captive ever since. Let this Purim testimony fuel your prayers with holy zeal and
renewed faith in God this year.
Purim--the Glorious Church in Intercession
The Church and Israel have entered the final month of the Biblical year, the month of Adar. Soon we
will celebrate the Passover in April, commemorating our great exodus from slavery, but not before we
pass through the lessons of grave peril, bold intercession, unwavering faith, and great deliverance as
they are told in the Book of Esther. Before Passover's new beginning comes the great test of Purim.
The Feast of Purim is celebrated this year on the 20th-22th of the Hebrew month of Adar, the twelfth
month of the Biblical year. It is a celebration of the deliverance of the Jewish people from
sure annihilation during the reign of the Persian King Xerxes I, commemorating a season of danger, fasting,
confrontation, deliverance and eventual victory.
This year, Purim begins at sundown on March 20. With Iran's unchecked nuclear ambitions and threats
that Israel would be "wiped off the map," and with deteriorating security on all sides, this
Purim seems all too real with the increasing dangers and open threats against the world's only Jewish
Prophetic Shadows of Heavenly Realities
The story of Esther is a prophetic picture in types and shadows of the intercession of the Bride of
Messiah on behalf of the people of Israel. God's providence shines through this dramatic account, empowering
the reader with faith and courage to stand up and to believe even when all hope is gone. If
your life and circumstances bear the yoke of hopelessness and impending calamity, then Purim's message
is for you too.
This story is rich with powerful prophetic types: AHASUERUS is the sovereign king reigning over a
vast kingdom of many peoples, among them a remnant of the people of Israel. VASHTI, his queen, represents
the "ransom principle," having lost her royal position (and probably her head) to make a way
for ESTHER who will risk her life to save God's people. Both queens had beauty and courage, and both
defied the king's decree. Vashti, by not appearing when summoned, (Esther 1:12),
and Esther, by appearing without being summoned (Esther 4:16) before the same
violent and volatile king.
ESTHER, the beautiful and humble maiden of Hebrew origin, is a type of the Bride of Messiah, the glorious
Church in intercession. MORDECAI is seen in the role of the godly, older, Jewish presence that does not
bow down to any god but God, and can still mentor, train and exhort the intercessors. His character reminds
us that "...all that will live godly in Christ Jesus shall suffer persecution" (2
Timothy 3:12), and that there is a price to pay for serving God in this age.
HAMAN, with his brutal plan to annihilate the Jewish people (and by that to destroy the Messianic
lineage of the promised Savior of the world), demonstrates the ever-present anti-Christ and anti-Jewish
diabolic drive that is the ruling dark principality of this age. This same spirit is active again today
in the same land of Persia, modern day Iran.
The Setting of the Stage
Ahasuerus the Persian King had been defeated badly by the Greeks at Salamis at 479 BC. Known for his
emotional extremes, the king sought solace in his harem and threw a grand royal party in his palace of
Susa. Queen Vashti, whose renowned beauty was part of the program, defied her husband's summons to show
herself in public (some commentaries say in the nude) and was consequently deposed and probably executed.
Esther, raised from obscurity like a Biblical "Cinderella," won the royal "beauty pageant" and,
under Mordecai's wise counsel, negotiated the treacherous and dangerous politics of this wicked pagan
court. Facing impending genocide by Haman's vindictive scheme, and empowered by an extensive prayer and
fasting campaign, Esther gained the king's favor and made powerful intercession on behalf of her people
What's In It For You?
Purim is a tale of danger, treachery, humility, courage, faith and great victory. Like other godly
women, Esther affected great influence by her beauty of character, her faith and her humble spirit.
Many women today can drink deeply from her character as it is described in I
Peter 3:1-4, saying, "In the same way, you wives, be submissive to
your own husbands so that even if any of them are disobedient to the word, they may be won without a
word by the behavior of their wives, as they observe your chaste and respectful behavior. And let not
your adornment be merely external--braiding the hair, and wearing gold jewelry, or putting on dresses;
but let it be the hidden person of the heart, with the imperishable quality of a gentle and quiet spirit,
which is precious in the sight of God."
Esther was a woman of valor and action who didn't shrink back from standing against evil and
for the truth, yet she did so in the right spirit and was empowered by fasting and prayer.
Purim is a tale of integrity and faithfulness as Mordecai took his quiet position protecting the king
from an assassination plot without taking any recognition for himself. The unchanging principle of sowing
and reaping is proven in his life as his righteous acts and godly choices produced in time the fruit
of honor, favor, and high position in the royal court. For some of you who serve unnoticed and unrecognized
in obscure places and difficult circumstance, remember the apostolic encouragement, saying, "...let
us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we shall reap if we do not grow weary" (Galatians
Purim is a tale of divine providence, justice and vindication. Through fasting and
bold intercession, Haman, the archenemy of God's people, was exposed and defeated. Not only have the
gallows he prepared for Mordecai become the instrument of his own execution, but the entire spiritual
atmosphere in the kingdom changed and the fear of God was restored because of Haman's demise and the
Jewish people's victory.
According to the king's second (corrective) decree "...the Jews struck
all their enemies with the sword, killing and destroying; and they did what they pleased to those who
hated them" (Esther 9:5). In addition, "...in
each and every province, and in each and every city, wherever the king's commandment and his decree arrived...many
among the peoples of the land became Jews, for the dread of the Jews had fallen on them" (Esther
The War is Generational
According to Scripture, Haman was of the bloodline of the Agagite (Esther
3:1), whose ancestor was none other than Agag, king of Amalek, Israel's ancient and ruthless foe.
Mordecai, on the other hand, was a descendant of Kish (Esther 2:5), a Benjamite,
out of whose loins was born King Saul.
Concerning the Amalekites who had been hostile to Israel ever since the Exodus from Egypt, God commanded
Saul, saying, "I will punish Amalek for what he did to Israel...Now go and
strike Amalek and utterly destroy all that he has, and do not spare him; but put to death both man and
woman, child and infant, ox and sheep, camel and donkey" (1 Samuel
15:2-3). In other words, Amalek's depravity and corruption were so severe that even our merciful
Father commanded their utter annihilation lest they contaminate the region.
Saul, however, compromised and did not destroy his enemy. In disobedience to God's word, he spared
the spoils of war and the life of King Agag in a bout of unsanctified mercy and greed. As a result, not
only did Saul lose the throne (I Samuel 15:22-23), but Amalek was allowed
posterity (though Agag himself was soon slain by Samuel). All too often such politically correct, humanistic
and apathetic attitudes toward God's commands render His people incapable of fulfilling His purposes,
forcing the hand of the prophetic to do the king's job.
Though King Agag was slain, surviving future Agagite generations continued to be fueled by the same
diabolic hatred, and the campaign against the people of God continued on and on. Nearly five hundred
years later, we find Mordecai and Haman, both of the bloodlines of Saul and Agag, again locked in this
mortal battle of the ages. In other words, the war will go on and on, from generation to generation,
until the enemy is finally destroyed.
Our failure to execute God's judgment over sin and evil, especially in our own lives, will only perpetuate
its destructive impact and invite graver visitations upon our descendants. Unchecked and unrepentant,
sin only escalates and increases over time, and the prophetic admonition is alarming saying, "They
sow the wind, and they reap the whirlwind" (Hosea 8:7). If
we don't repent of our sins, our children and our children's children will bear the brunt of the ongoing
warfare as did Mordecai.
The Intercession of the Bride
It was the 13th day of the month of Adar which Haman had selected for the annihilation of the Jewish
population of the Persian Empire. Authorizing his request, the king issued a royal decree sealing the
fate of his Jewish subjects. Queen Esther, however, who was already providentially positioned in the
palace, interceded before the king and saved her people. Her weapons were humility, beauty, fasting,
faith and great courage (Esther 4:14-17).
Esther's Hebrew name was Hadassah, meaning a Myrtle tree--a low tree (humility) with shining green
leaves adorned with snow white flowers (purity) and bordered with purple (royalty), emitting an exquisite
perfume. Yet her Jewish identity was kept hidden. She is pointing prophetically to the true Church who
also is of Hebraic roots though called to a heavenly position. Regardless of her royal office, Esther
would not have escaped the fate of her Jewish brethren should Haman's plot have succeeded, just as today
the true Church is intimately linked to the people of Israel, their fate and their destiny.
Other than the intercessory ministry of the Lord Jesus Himself, we cannot find in the Word of God
a more dramatic, dangerous, or powerful intercession than that of Esther. Among the great intercessors
of the Bible, none other portrays so clearly and vividly the position and ministry of the Bride of Messiah
toward God on behalf of His people Israel. (A fuller teaching of this prophetic Feast is found in my
book One New Man,
which is available at the ElijahList.)
The Right to Suffer and to Fight
Responding to the beauty, courage and passionate appeal of his bride, and seeing the treacherous nature
of Haman, the king issued a second royal decree overriding the first one which sanctioned the annihilation
of the Jewish people. This second decree now authorized and deputized these very victims to rise up,
assemble together, pursue and destroy their enemies. In it "...the king
granted the Jews who were in each and every city the right to assemble and to defend their lives, to
destroy, to kill, and to annihilate the entire army of any people or province which might attack them...and
to plunder their spoil" (Esther 8:11).
In fact, the king's first decree, though seemingly fatal, served to expose and flush out the enemies
of God's people so that they might be destroyed at the second decree. The end of the story is
in the hand of the Lord, and those of you who have suffered under the enemy's oppression will also be
given authority to pursue and conquer your foes as you do it God's way.
As the Word exhorts us, "Therefore humble yourselves under the mighty
hand of God, that He may exalt you at the proper time, casting all your anxiety on Him, because He cares
for you. Be of sober (spirit), be on the alert. Your adversary, the devil, prowls around like a roaring
lion, seeking someone to devour. But resist him, firm in (your) faith, knowing that the same experiences
of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. After you have suffered for
a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect,
confirm, strengthen (and) establish you" (I Peter 5:6-10).
Your Vindication is in Him
Prophetically, the month of Adar is a season of great danger, fierce battle and eventual victory;
a season of fasting, fighting and rejoicing. Those who call upon the name of the Lord today and
are led by the wise counsel of His Spirit are in a position to enter into bold intercession before the
King of kings. The enemy has pronounced murderous plots against Israel as well as against many
of you. But God, who is sovereign over all, has promised to pass judgment in favor of the saints.
So great was the victory and deliverance of God's people that "...Mordecai
recorded these events, and he sent letters to all the Jews who were in all the provinces of King Ahasuerus...obliging
them to celebrate the fourteenth day of the month Adar, and the fifteenth day...because on those days
the Jews rid themselves of their enemies, and it was a month which was turned for them from sorrow into
gladness and from mourning into a holiday..." (Esther 9:20-22).
The original Purim drama came to a happy end with a great victory and deliverance as the "formula" of
humility + integrity + fasting + intercession was proven undefeatable. The sovereign king granted
the bride's powerful intercession; the enemy's plans were turned upon himself; and all things worked
together for good for those who loved God and remained true to His purposes. And yet, this great intercession
still stands to be fulfilled one last time at the end of this age.
The Final Battle
A Bride of Hebraic roots, most excellent of maidens, prepared and perfected for royalty, will yet
enter the presence of the King of kings and make powerful intercession on behalf of His people Israel.
The fate of the people will once again rest in the hands of the Bride. Are you willing to join with those
who pray and plead with God during the coming prophetic Feast of Purim? Haman's spirit is alive and active
today, and Israel is still on the devil's cross-hairs. Will you be that Bride?
We are grateful and honored to be a part of Heaven's army of intercessors spread all over the world.
In the Spirit we are one, and through that same Spirit and by God's grace we shall accomplish this crucial
Reuven and Mary Lou Doron
One New Man Call
Email: OneNewManMail@aol.com

James Goll: Understanding
Understanding Purim centers around an aspect of praying for Israel by looking at one of the
historic times of Crisis Intervention through Intercession as recorded in the Book
of Esther. This is not only a "prayer assignment," but is intended as a tool of preparation
for us to enter into a time of prayer with fasting (I call this The
Cry) during Purim each year. In this critical hour, it is imperative that we learn to be effective
intercessors aligned with God's word, will, and ways for the days in which we live. It is all the more
important that we pray for Israel in this hour.
The Origin and Description of Purim
The celebration of Purim originated out of the decrees of Mordecai and Queen Esther (Esther
9:29-32). It was a time when intervention arose through desperate acts of prayer and fasting,
led by Queen Esther, to overturn the decree for the annihilation of the Jewish people inspired by Haman.
Haman's evil plot was revealed, the tables were turned, and he was hung on his own gallows. The events
took place historically roughly between 483 to 471 B.C.
According to the Jewish calendar, Purim is held in the month of Adar, which usually
falls in February or March. Moses was born in Adar. It is also the month when the Jewish leader of the
Maccabees defeated the Syrians, and the month when the orders were given to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem
preceding the reconstruction of the Temple and first return of the Jewish people to Israel. Redemptively,
the period of time known as Adar has been a time when intervention comes out of crisis.
Although Purim was founded in Biblical times, its observation is not commanded by God as are the holy
convocations mentioned in Leviticus 23. But the Holy Spirit is prophetically
calling believers today to participate in this special time of sacrifice in this generation.
Haman's Lineage Exposed
King Ahasuerus unfortunately promoted a man who eventually became one of Israel's all-time worst enemies.
His name was Haman, and he is described as the "son of Hammedatha, the Agagite" (Esther
Haman's lineage is significant to the history of Purim. He was a descendant of Agag,
who was a king of the Amalekites in the days of Saul and Samuel. Saul defeated Agag but disobeyed the
Lord by allowing him to live. The prophet Samuel rebuked King Saul for his disobedience then "hewed
Agag in pieces before the Lord" (1 Samuel 15:33).
Being an Amalekite, Agag was part of the group of people who were long-term enemies of Israel. Because
of their treatment of the children of Israel in the days of Moses, God declared war on Amalek "from
generation to generation" (Exodus 17:16). In Jewish teaching,
Amalek is seen as the epitome of anti-Semitism.
Haman therefore had a heritage of enmity toward the Jewish people. As the book of Esther unfolds,
we see how Haman was used to exhibit this generational hatred toward God's Chosen People.
The problem is that this ancient, malevolent spirit has plagued our planet throughout the generations.
It has no regard for human reason, logic, good intentions or mere religious pursuits. This dark
spirit of anti-Semitism--or what may be called "the spirit of Haman"--is on the loose once
The Mordecai Anointing
The Holy Spirit wants to inject the burden of the Lord for purposes of God among the Jewish
people into the global prayer movement, like a nurse with a fully loaded needle. We need a potent
injection of God's heart into our heart! That is why God wants to raise up a Mordecai anointing to prepare
Esther for a time of intervention. We need to know what Esther accomplished, but what was Mordecai's
task? What was his divine assignment?
Mordecai's job was to raise up and prepare Esther for her hour of influence before the king. Mordecai
raised Esther as his own daughter. He did not bow down or pay homage to Haman, who sought the destruction
of the Jews, but only worshipped the one true God. He intercepted Haman's scheme of the enemy and revealed
it with wisdom to those in authority. He walked in prophetic counsel and instilled courage into Esther.
Esther, properly tutored and mentored by the counsel of Mordecai, seized the moment through prayer
and fasting. Esther was anointed to intervene and stand in the gap, yet she had to walk in cooperation
with the preparation of Mordecai, the spiritual authority God had placed in her life.
God chose to work through Mordecai to alert Esther to her destiny and timing of her intercessory acts
on behalf of the Jews. God is looking for modern-day Mordecais to prepare His people for such
a time as this!
The Esther Mandate--12 Scriptural Points
The following 12 points are taken from chapters 2?5 of
the book of Esther:
? Esther: 2:7--Esther was adopted and raised by Mordecai.
? Esther 2:10--Esther received instruction from Mordecai's oversight.
? Esther 2:11--Mordecai watched over Esther's progress.
? Esther 2:19--Mordecai sat at the King's Gate.
? Esther 2:20--Esther remained under Mordecai's authority.
? Esther 2:22--The plot was revealed as Mordecai and Esther walked
? Esther 3:2--Mordecai would not bow down to Haman.
? Esther 4:1--Mordecai fasted, wept and mourned before all.
? Esther 4:4,5--Mordecai refused false comfort and remained resolute.
? Esther 4:14--Mordecai's admonishment to Esther to accept the appointment.
? Esther 4:15,16--Esther's reply, "If
I perish, I perish!"
? Esther 5:2--Esther thus obtained favor with the king.
The Cry Continues to Arise!
Every year I am calling on Christians to sacrifice our time, our comfort, and our agendas to undertake
an Esther Mandate Fast at Purim. This spiritual investment of the Worldwide Prayer Movement in the global
Body of Christ will not fail. It will bring about nothing less than "God's will on earth
as it is in Heaven" for the Jewish people and the nation of Israel. Join me and thousands
of others as we seek the face of God once again as a bride prepared for her king.
A Prayer for Purim
Lord, I pray that the Holy Spirit will release revelation to the leadership of the Body of Christ
to be modern-day Mordecais who help prepare Esther--the Bride of Christ--for her task of standing in
the gap for Israel and the Jewish people worldwide. Holy Spirit, I ask You to anoint the reading of the
book of Esther this week and that "watchmen would be awakened worldwide" to their task of standing
with Israel. ?
Join me on the walls of intercession! ?
James W. Goll
Encounters Network
Email: info@encountersnetwork.com