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By Stacey Campbell
Jan 27, 2007

January 27, 2007

"The daily prophetic words that are sent to our 130,000+ subscribers are made possible by the purchase of products like those featured in this email. You may purchase them directly from this email, or visit our online store at"


"And the forms and the structures--they're coming down from the old wineskin, and a new wineskin is being built."

January 2, 2007--Maricopa, Arizona

wes and stacy campbellBelow is a transcribed prophecy which was given by Stacey Campbell on January 2nd, 2007 in Maricopa, Arizona, at a gathering hosted by Patricia King from Extreme Prophetic. Patricia invited a group of prophetic people/ministers to gather and to celebrate, and to seek the Lord for the new year.

Changing Times. Changing Seasons

And when John the Baptist said, "Behold the Lamb of God," all the structures--they broke down. They came down...falling literally fell down. First in his body, then in the natural in 70 AD.

Living Stones

Everything they knew came down. Because we're living stones. Living stones! Living stones! The life is not in the form. The life is in the stone. The DNA is in the brick.

A City Made of Stones

jerusalemGod is building His Church and the final revelation of the Church in Heaven is not even the bride, it's a city--a city made of stones. And a light comes out of the stones to all the nations.

And all the stones come around the temple, and God is the temple in the middle of the stones. The Lamb is the temple, and the Lamb is the light. There's no light, but the temple in the middle of the stones. The living stones!

Great Transformation

There's a great transformation going on in the Body of Christ in the globe. And the forms and the structures--they're coming down from the old wineskin, and a new wineskin is being built, but it's very hard to discern.

The people are looking for it and they say, "Is this it? Is that it? Is this the Christ? Is this the One? Is this the form? Is this the structure?" And all over the earth they're looking for the form that can contain the presence of God.

A Harvest that is So Big...

But what is coming? The harvest that is coming is so big, it cannot be contained in one structure. Even as the first structure was completely destroyed so that one stone was not left upon the other. The Church as you now know--it will never be the same! And this is the key--the life is in the bricks.

The Stones Are Alive!

Living stones. They're alive! They're alive! They're alive! They're ALIVE they contain His Spirit! So the key is not to discern the form, but the key is to discern the brick.

Who are you? Who are you? Who are you? Who are you in God? It comes from God and to God it shall return and it shall surround His presence forever and ever and ever and ever and ever in Heaven!

Who Are You?

Whenever you discern the "form" without discerning the "stone", you will have a temporary structure that will not last. But whenever you discern the stone, uh huh, uh huh, I see that stone! I know that stone--that's an Apostolic stone. That's a Prophet stone. That's a healing stone! And you begin to let the old stones go with the young stones. The male stones go side-by-side with the female stones.

Joel 2 and Acts 2. It's coming again, it's coming again! And when you discern the stone correctly, you can build a multiplicity of containers that contain less. That are less. That hold life. That hold the living, flowing presence of God.

It's too Small if it is Only a Structure

There will be a multiplicity of containers, but the stones, they're eternal! Eternal stones coming down from Heaven like a bride adorned. A city that is a bride. Revelation 21, the New Jerusalem, the holy city is like the bride.

When you discern the stones, you will put those living stones that contain life together with other living stones that contain life, and they will build a container for the times to house the presence of God. But if you only have a form, it's too small, it's too small, it's TOO SMALL if it's merely a structure.

It's too small! It will NEVER be able to contain what God is about to do on the earth in terms of harvest!

A Harvest of Billions

crusadeThere is a harvest coming that is so big, millions and millions and millions. Yea, a billion souls harvest that will need stone joined with stone, joined with stone united, and not divided!

Discerning the life in the brick! The jagged bricks; the old, old, smooth bricks; the grainy bricks all fitting together to form a container for HIM. For HIM! For HIM! For HIM! And for Him, let it be on earth like it will be eternally in Heaven!"

Build a Church that the Gates of Hell will Never Prevail Against

Build your Church Lord Jesus. Build a Church that the gates of hell will never, ever, ever prevail against. Build it, build it, build it out of the little ones! Build it out of the teens. Build it out of the old bricks. Build it out of all the bricks.

The apostles, YES, the apostles. The prophet, the teachers, the evangelist, and the pastors all coming together as living stones to form a container for His holy presence.

Let it be on the earth just like it is in Heaven!

Stacey Campbell


To view this transcribed video with Stacey Campbell prophesying, click here (video requires Windows Media Player).

Stacey and Wesley Campbell's Upcoming Itinerary:

February 21-24, 2007
Eyes and Wings Prophetic Conference
Kelowna Christian Centre
905 Badke Road
Kelowna, BC
Contact: 888-738-4832 or


"The daily prophetic words that are sent to our 130,000+ subscribers are made possible by the purchase of products like those featured in this email. You may purchase them directly from this email, or visit our online store at"


light belongs in the darkness

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The Book of Prayers
by Wesley and Stacey Campbell

If you want to focus your prayers to get results, use the method that's as tried and true as the Bible itself: Pray the Bible out loud, before moving into silent communion with God. By Jesus' example, we know that praying the Scriptures aloud brings powerful results.

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light belongs in the darkness

wes and stacy campbell"Be A Hero"
The Battle for Mercy and Social Justice
by Wesley Campbell and Stephen Court

God is challenging you to enlist in the noblest of all battles--the battle for our children.

This is the cry resonating throughout the earth.

1.2 billion "children at risk" cannot be ignored.

This book is a compelling case for you to be a hero in the life of "children at risk," beginning with Scriptural understanding of mercy and justice to the poor.

Then, setting the stage historically, the authors unveil the great exploits of those awesome warriors who have gone before us, outlining their struggles to serve the masses of broken humanity.

Finally, Be a Hero time warps into the third millennium, introducing the seven deadly sins uniquely facing children: extreme poverty, orphans of the street, children in chains, sex in the city, AIDS and plagues, the oppression of war, and religious persecution. But it doesn't leave you hanging in despair.

Be a Hero is a revolutionary document that prepares you to change your world.

Steve Shultz"Bless yourself. Position yourself downstream in the River of God's grace. It is flowing to the starving children, the AIDS orphans, and the persecuted refugees. And as you bless yourself, you can potentially bless untold numbers of these dear people for whom the Savior died." --Dutch Sheets, Dutch Sheets Ministries

Steve Shultz"Wesley Campbell and Stephen Court are heroes for showing that mercy and social justice are not optional for the Body of Christ, or for renewal and revival. They are proof of the quality of God's Kingdom on earth, and the measure of our qualification for eternal life in accordance with Matthew 25. In the hands of the Holy Spirit, Be a Hero will stir the Church to love and good works through intimate obedience to Jesus, and will fan the flames of revival around the world." --Rolland and Heidi Baker, Authors, There Is Always Enough

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"What is God Saying For 2007? Conference Set"

"What is God Saying For 2007?"
Conference Set
by Steve Shultz, Denny Cline, Stacey Campbell, Dutch Sheets,
& Chuck Pierce


CD Set


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Steve ShultzThe Annual Elijah List Conference, "What is God Saying for 2007?" not only met all expectations--it was over the top!

Whether you attended or were not able to join us, this conference set (available in CDs, DVDs or .mp3 downloads) carries the same power-packed anointing that was so evident in these fantastic meetings.

You'll hear Steve Shultz, Chuck Pierce, Dutch Sheets, Stacey Campbell, and Denny Cline bring amazing revelation about 2007. Stunning and powerful prophetic words were released, as well as dynamic spiritual warfare strategies.

Many attendees are saying, "This was not just another conference--this was an divine appointment with God!"
Here are some recent testimonies from those who attended the conference:
"It was such a blessing...the speakers did not try to outshine the Holy Spirit...they just let God do His thing! There was no hesitation; we were so blessed! The worship had such sweetness about it that it made a comfortable atmosphere for angels and the Holy Spirit to hang out with us--and they did!"
--D. McCown, Springfield, OR

"This conference was incredible from beginning to end. Actually, it ended on Sunday morning, when the Holy Spirit just fell on us as we went through the "tunnel of pomegranate anointing." We began with kneeling and repenting (led by Steve Shultz), to my awareness of dead flesh, to being made alive again by the anointed words being brought forth. I was especially grateful for Dutch Sheets pressing through to attend as he had some extensive dental work, but felt the Lord had called him. What an example to the body!!" --N. Lookabaugh, Carson City, NV
"There was so much, I am still processing everything. What was confirmed to me is "be prepared." Boot camp is over. There is a harvest in the fields; we are the generation(s) God has ordained for this season. 2007 will be exciting!" --J. Perkins

"I have never seen the prophetic anointing released with such authority, extensive confirmation, and care to speak forth only what was heard from the Lord. As the revelations and prophecies from the Lord literally flowed out of the speakers on the platform, I began to realize the magnitude and the urgency on the Word of the Lord for this hour. And, none of that even compares with the significant weight of the importance on the message itself--it MUST be heard throughout the land, NOW. It is time. The Lion is roaring!" --L. Teakle

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