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"As I Was With Moses"

by Paul Keith Davis
Dec 16, 2005

December 16, 2005

"As I Was With Moses"
-Paul Keith Davis

White Dove Ministries



The Welsh revival was a profound spiritual awakening. From late 1904 until early 1905, the Holy Spirit's outpouring in Wales directly impacted 100,000 souls for the Kingdom of Heaven and yielded inspiration for countless millions.

Few revivals have been so well documented and thoroughly considered as the Welsh Revival. Evan Roberts, a young ministry student, is principally credited with launching this wonderful expression of God's heart. An entire region came under the influence of God's Spirit, transforming it virtually overnight.

Even so, the wonderful fruit generated from this revival is only a token of what is to be demonstrated in the coming days. Something of great spiritual significance is imminently poised to be released in the earth. Nevertheless, significant preparation is essential to favorably steward the coming grace for revelation and power.

Frank Bartleman was one of the earliest influences in the 20th century Pentecostal outpouring. He knew something about discerning times and seasons and spiritual transition and wrote of it in "Azusa Street: The Roots of Modern-day Pentecostalism," saying,

"The present Pentecostal manifestation did not break out in a moment, like a huge prairie fire, and set the world on fire. In fact, no work of God ever appears that way. There is a necessary time for preparation. . . men may wonder where it came from, not being conscious of the preparation, but there is always such."

There have been incredible preparatory advances made in recent years. Many believers have devoted themselves to the lessons learned from the Welsh revival and others like it. These are transitional days and a heavenly door is about to be opened wide for those positioned to apprehend it.

Visiting Wales

The last week of August 2005, Wanda and I were conducting a conference in Bridgend, Wales. It was genuinely invigorating holding meetings in this historically significant region.

A big portion of our ministry has been devoted to understanding prior expressions of spiritual outpouring and its contemporary relevance. I had already shared in the meetings our message of modern church history and the seeds of revival that were sown for the present Pentecostal movement.

Part of the time-line that I shared is as follows:


Bethshan Conference on Holiness and Healing, in London England was under the leadership of William Boardman and A. B. Simpson.

Many historians acknowledge that the present Pentecostal movement was first initiated in this June, 1885 meeting. Alexander Dowie and others pointed to the London conference as the seed-bed for the healing movement they enjoyed. This conference laid the foundation for the corporate restoration of the Spirit's in-filling and the activation of spiritual gifts.

Some reports acknowledge that as many as 2,000 leaders converged on London to discover that divine healing is the "children's bread." A. B. Simpson first visited William Boardman's healing houses in London and brought the concept back to the United States. It was popularized by Alexander Dowie in Zion, IL.

1896 -

Dowie commissioned His Apostolic Church in 1896 and founded the city of Zion, Illinois, a few years later. His entire ministry was built upon great demonstrations of healing and deliverance. He was a prolific author and steward of spiritual truth that was circulated internationally through his publication, Leaves of Healing. It is unfortunate that his later years were obscured in controversy and deception. Even so, he was a great pioneer of the faith.

Gordon Lindsay honored Alexander Dowie in his periodical, Voice of Healing, acknowledging that Dowie was a "stalwart preacher who proclaimed Jesus Christ both Savior and Healer." Lindsay states that, "In a single-handed crusade in Chicago, and against great odds, Dr. Dowie established the right to pray for the sick without interference from civil authorities. Tens of thousands testified of healing under this man's ministry, and his work was without a parallel in his day."


A few years later, Evan Roberts launched the 1904/05 Welsh revival, setting the stage for the Azusa Street revival under the leadership of William J. Seymour.

Although the Welsh outpouring most likely did not accomplish the fullness of its mandate, it left an indelible mark on this generation's perception of community transformation.

Visiting Moriah Chapel

Naturally while in Wales, Wanda and I looked forward to visiting Moriah Chapel and the site of this landmark event. On Saturday, August 27, our friends in Bridgend arranged for a tour with the local custodian. The Saturday evening service was to be our last session because of an early return we had in order to arrive home before Hurricane Katrina made landfall.

The visit was inspiring. The elderly gentleman lived his entire life directly across the street from Moriah Chapel. He warmly and enthusiastically shared incredible testimonies and first-hand knowledge of friends and families influenced by this revival.

He related how taverns and pubs were shut down because there were no customers spending their hard-earned money on alcohol and promiscuity. He remembered how jails were no longer filled with criminals but transformed into community centers serving the revival. The entire region was transfigured under the spirit of conviction. Many of the local families continue to serve God as second and third generation legacies of this revival.

I stood behind the pulpit for an extended period of time and imagined how it appeared in 1904, as the building filled with the cloud of God's presence and the altar flooded with tears of repentance. My only thought was, "Lord, do it again, and more." With that, we returned to Bridgend for our last service.

Moses My Servant is Dead

That evening during worship, I was contemplating the message that I was going to share. This was now going to be the culmination of the conference, and I wanted to leave the people with a spiritual deposit for hope and restoration related to their heritage.

As my mind was focused on this objective, I heard the Lord's voice speak to me saying, "Moses, my servant, is dead." As soon as that statement was made, I was immediately reminded of Deuteronomy 31:2-3, declaring,

"And he [Moses] said to them, 'I am a hundred and twenty years old today; I am no longer able to come and go, and the LORD has said to me, "You shall not cross this Jordan." It is the LORD your God who will cross ahead of you; He will destroy these nations before you, and you shall dispossess them. Joshua is the one who will cross ahead of you, just as the LORD has spoken.'"

With that realization, I then heard the Lord ask the question, "How long it has been since the seeds for the modern Pentecostal movement were sown?" As often as I had preached the historical account of the last century's spiritual heritage, I had never actually done the math. As I calculated in my mind that this was the year 2005 and the beginning was 1885, I then realized it had been 120 years. I knew that the Moses Era was over. We have been called out, but we have not yet crossed over.

The Lord is saying to this generation,

"Moses My servant is dead. Now therefore, arise, go over this Jordan, you and all this people, to the land which I am giving to them-- the children of Israel. Every place that the sole of your foot will tread upon I have given you, as I said to Moses. . . No man shall be able to stand before you all the days of your life; as I was with Moses, so I will be with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you." -Joshua 1:2-5

The season of transition is upon us and a new commissioning is about to be announced in the order of Joshua.

The Moses Generation

This last 120 years of spiritual activity has functioned in the order of Moses. Clearly, Moses was one of the greatest men of God who ever lived. His intimate friendship with the Lord set a standard we aspire to today. Even so, the totality of his original mandate was not fully achieved in his lifetime.

Moses brought the people out of Egypt under God's mighty hand of power through miracles, signs, and wonders, but that generation did not cross over into their destiny. According to Deuteronomy 29:4, they did not possess the revelatory anointing essential to cooperate with God.

Their eyes and ears were not opened and their hearts were not devoted to the revelation of Heaven's plan. As a result, they were disqualified, and a season of discipline ensued.

Nevertheless, the next generation emerged with spiritual hunger and desperation that captured Heaven's attention and positioned them for their inheritance. That is the same model we have followed over the last century.

Naturally, that is not to point a condemning finger at the saints of the prior generation. Clearly, there was a remnant of very godly people who openly embraced the fullness of God's desire. Even so, a prudent analysis of history reveals that the corporate church as a whole did not embrace the open-door opportunities set before them to cross the spiritual Jordan.

According to John G. Lake's analysis in 1925, "The people were more captured by the phenomena of God than the Person." That mistake was made during the early 20th century and repeated in the 1950s. For the 21st century generation to cross over in a Joshua anointing, it will likewise require God's great grace for walking intimately with Him, along with a thorough understanding of the lessons learned from past achievements and failures.

Hebrews 13:7-8 declares,

"Remember those who led you, who spoke the word of God to you; and considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever."

This Biblical admonition requires that we remember and be constantly mindful of those who have gone before us. Furthermore, we are to consider well and observe accurately the end of their lives. This examination positions us to imitate their faith. In so doing, the Lord will do through us what He did through them by mighty expressions of His power and authority because He is the same yesterday, today, and forever.

The Lord promised Joshua that He would walk with him as He did with Moses. Our assurance is the same. As the Lord accompanied the mighty champions of the last century, so also will He be with us. Even so, what we do may appear totally different. Joshua's accomplishments were distinctly different from those of Moses.

In the Order of Moses

Following the Holy Spirit's outpouring at Azusa Street, our nation witnessed one of the greatest spiritual awakenings since the day of Pentecost. The 1946-56 "Latter Rain" revival was unprecedented on multiple levels. We have written on this subject in various articles and will not take the space here to enumerate the many wonderful things God did.

The important aspect for this text is the original commissioning that is credited with launching this revival. All historians agree that William Branham was the predominant figure responsible for initiating this national and international healing revival.

On May 7, 1946, after a night of agonizing prayer and travail, William Branham received a visitation from an angel who delivered a divine commissioning directly from God's throne. This account has been well documented, and the fruit of the revival itself testifies of its validity.

Gordon Lindsay, founder of Christ for the Nations, wrote of this spiritual experience saying, "The results of the angelic visitation to William Branham has been a steadily rising tide of revival that has sounded out throughout the world, and the end is not yet."

The Book of Acts plainly substantiates the labor of angels working closely with the early saints. God's ways have not changed.

The angel said to Branham, "Fear not. I am sent from the Presence of Almighty God to tell you that your peculiar life and your misunderstood ways have been to indicate that God has sent you to take a gift of divine healing to the peoples of the world. If you will be sincere and get the people to believe you, nothing shall stand before your prayer. . . not even cancer!"

The angel went on to tell William Branham that he would take the ministry of healing around the world and eventually pray for kings, princes, and monarchs. Brother Branham responded by saying, "How can this be since I am a poor man, and I live among poor people and have no education?" The angel then continued the commission saying, "As the prophet Moses was given two signs to prove that he was sent from God, so will you be given two signs."

For approximately 30 minutes, the angel stood before Bro. Branham explaining the commission and the way the ministry would operate in the supernatural arena. The important point of this teaching is Brahnam's role as the principal figure launching the "Latter Rain" revival; his commission came in the order of Moses.

His commission and healing ministry began in 1946, and by 1948, the world was aflame with revival fire. Millions of people were saved, healed, and delivered of severe oppression by God's sovereign touch in the years following the visitation.

This exceptional demonstration of God's power was launched in the order of Moses. This past generation has been a Moses Generation. We have now come to the end of this phase of God's plan and are about to shift into the Joshua commissioning.

In the Order of Joshua

Much has been spoken and written in recent years about the emerging Joshua Generation. Many people have prophetically foreseen this transition. The Church has now crossed a threshold in Heaven's time-line for the apprehension of this promise.

One of the difficult things for the modern church has been to adequately understand spiritual transitions and timeliness. It has been our observation that most shifts of this nature develop slowly, with one season overlapping into the next.

Although 2005 ended a 120-year cycle, it may take some time for this new manifestation of God's attributes to be fully revealed. Even so, it will transpire.

Joshua was promised the same manifestation of God's Spirit that rested upon Moses. Like Moses, Joshua had his "burning bush" experience. However, the Lord did not appear as a pillar of fire in a bush that was not consumed but as "Captain of the Lord's Host." He said,

"'No; rather I indeed come now as captain of the host of the LORD.' And Joshua fell on his face to the earth and bowed down and said to him, 'What has my lord to say to his servant?'" -Joshua 5:14

The Lord was with Joshua as He was with Moses but in a different manifestation of His nature. He came NOW as the mighty warrior God. So shall it be in this day.

A holy militancy is about to emerge in the Bride of Christ. Many leaders will begin to surface with a Joshua anointing. Joshua means "Jehovah Savior." This form of leadership will function in the Church with concise direction and profound anointing for salvation and deliverance.

These leaders will also do in the last days what Paul did in the beginning. Paul brought to the Church the message of God's Kingdom by a revelation of Jesus Christ. He wrote in Galatians 1:12,

"For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but I received it through a revelation of Jesus Christ."

Great and profound mysteries of the Kingdom are about to be unfolded that will begin to displace the giants that inhabit our inheritance. These will not be the precepts of man but the manifestation of Jesus Christ. This will be a wonderful and rewarding season of church history.

Paul Keith Davis
White Dove Ministries



Paul Keith's Upcoming Itinerary:

January 4-7, 2006
School of the Prophetic
with Bobby Conner and Keith Miller
Houston, TX
Must Register

January 19-21, 2006
"Speak to the Nations Prophetic Conference"
Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada
Contact: Lilly Van Loo
Ph (403) 380-3399 ex. 2225

January 25-28, 2006
Secret Place UK
With Todd Bentley, Keith Miller and Trevor Baker
Music By: Don Potter, Ryan Baker Barnes
Dudley, England
contact: Fresh Fire Ministries


"Shepherd's Rod 2006"
by Bob Jones and Paul Keith Davis




A Great Eagle...
In the initial visions Bob saw the United States of America symbolically depicted as a great eagle. However, her demeanor was not that of a majestic bird of courage and strength. Instead, she appeared battered and confused. Her feathers had been dipped in the filth of this world. Under these conditions, she could not soar in her normal manner. Something had to be done and quickly!


Bob Jones seems to walk with the Lord both day and night, and the supernatural is an everyday occurrence to Bob. As Bob begins to minister prophetically to an individual the Lord moves through Bob, touching on their past wounds, present circumstances, and future dreams that they may be made whole. "I just tell them what the Lord reveals to me, " says Bob. The greatest strengths of Bob's ministry today are in the areas of revelation, power and over the enemy and creative miracles.


Paul Keith Davis spent twenty years in the business arena before entering full-time ministry. He and his wife Wanda founded WhiteDove Ministries after the Lord sovereignly sent a beautiful white dove to them as a prophetic sign of their calling. They have traveled extensively speaking at conferences and churches imparting the end-time mandate of preparation for the Glory and Manifest Presence of Christ. Keith and Wanda, reside in Orange Beach, Alabama. Together they have five children and four grandchildren.


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"Secrets of the Prophetic"

Unveiling Your Future
by Kim Clement




In "Secrets of the Prophetic", author Kim Clement shares from his many years of experience in demonstrating prophetic ministry, in the church and the marketplace, to show you how to enter the future that God has prepared for you.

Kim answers questions such as: How can I really know if it is God's voice speaking to me? What can stop a prophecy from being fulfilled? How do I enter the promise God has given me? How can I become God's voice to others?


"Kim Clement has truly impacted both my life and business, as a dear friend and minister of the gospel. His ministry has been a great source of prophetic insight to our family for many years. I am honored to endorse his new book, "Secrets of the Prophetic". This book sheds light into both the life and message of a true prophetic voice. I believe when the principles found in this book are applied, it can help you find great success in your family, your business, and your ministry." - Peter Lowe, CEO and Creator of Get Motivated Seminars

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"The Reality of the Supernatural World"
Exploring Heavenly Realms and Prophetic Experiences
by Todd Bentley


"This book leaves me longing for more of the supernatural world now!"

- Dr. Heidi Baker

"While jealousy will no doubt provoke some to reject this message. It is a risk worth taking."

-Bill Johnson

"... will catapult you into hearing and seeing with much more clarity, resulting in an increase of effective ministry." - Carol Arnott

God wants to bring you into a heavenly experience with Him. He doesn't want to wait until you get to heaven to show you His supernatural realm where you can: experience the throne room, see the sea of glass like crystal, receive visitations by angels, or get caught in the liquid-honey, glory cloud of His awesome presence.

We serve a supernatural God who takes ordinary men and women and encounters them in extraordinary ways. You too can visit paradise like Paul, or see angels ascending and descending the heavenly ladder as Jacob did, or be taken by the Spirit into visions of God like Elisha. God says, "Come up here, and I will show you things which must take place . . . " (Rev. 4:1). How would you like to see the things the Father is doing; not just glimpse, but see into heaven just as Jesus and John did?

In The Reality of the Supernatural World, revivalist Todd Bentley inspires you to develop a "kingdom now mindset" by exploring the keys to tearing open the heavens in your life and ministry, and examining what those supernatural visits and experiences are all about. Learn how the seven Spirits of God can stir up wisdom and revelation in your life. Understand how to release breakthroughs with prophetic decrees and how to birth the prophetic destiny words you've received over your life. Activate your spiritual senses. Discover the moving throne of Revelation 4 and 5 and its relevance for today, not just in end times. Study the activity of angels and learn about their place in Scripture and in your life.

It is Todd's prayer and belief that as you read this book you'll come under a powerful anointing to walk daily in the reality of the supernatural and be a vessel for miracles, signs and wonders. God wants your life to be a prophetic message that carries supernatural substance. The Reality of the Supernatural World will inspire you to believe in a bigger God than you have ever known . . .


Fresh Fire Ministries is an international ministry called to global harvest. Todd Bentley and his team take God's saving, healing and delivering power to the nations. Todd travels throughout North America , sparking revival fire and equipping the body in power evangelism and healing Ministry. As well, Todd and his team conduct many healing crusades throughout Africa , India , South America, Europe and beyond. Thousands have been saved, healed and delivered.

Todd Bentley, his wife Shonnah and three children, Lauralee, Esther and Elijah live in Abbotsford, BC, Canada.

In his late teens, Todd had a dramatic encounter with the saving and delivering power of God. This experience brought Todd out of a lifestyle of drug and alcohol addiction without cravings or withdrawal symptoms. He was also delivered from a lifestyle involving criminal activity, youth prisons, drugs, sex, satanic music and bondage. Todd's miraculous conversion to Jesus was much like the Apostle Paul's on the Damascus road. Todd was instantly transformed into a radical disciple and soul winning evangelist for Jesus.

God has drawn Todd into deep and intimate places of prayer. These extended times in God's presence has released a fresh prophetic and miracle-healing anointing. Recently God has used Todd to spark many revivals where meetings have been extended to last from one to two months, continuing on even after he has left.

The passion of Todd's life and ministry: is to see others set free through the anointing of the Holy Spirit and to see others come into the reality of intimate relationship with Jesus. He also desires to see Christ's body healed, equipped and rising up in the power of the Holy Spirit to fulfill the great commission.

Todd believes the body of Christ needs to be strengthened and encouraged. He ministers prophetically, corporately and personally as well as brings forth the word of God with the power and demonstration of the Spirit -- God confirming His word with signs and wonders following. God has released an increase of the healing anointing into Todd's life to the point where the blind see, the deaf hear & growths dissolve as Jesus still heals every sickness and disease.

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