The Lord has been speaking of many things to come in this year and beyond. As I drew near to hear what the Spirit of the Lord was saying for 2025, I heard the Lord say these words: "Abide and thrive." This is one message that has resounded over and over again in my spirit, "Abide and thrive in 2025"! I immediately felt the Lord draw near to me, drawing me into Himself (James 4:8). I felt an all-consuming and glorious oneness in spirit with Him that is available to us all (1 Corinthians 6:17)!
He is inviting you to deep dive into His Word and His ways, to discover the deeper dimensions of what it is to live from a place of divine union with Him, to explore the depths and height of who He is (and who you are in Him), and to be awakened to the revelation of how to abide and remain in divine union with Him.
The Divine Invitation and Master Key
In the spirit I saw a golden key; it was a master key. On the shaft of the key was written the word "abide." The key to unlocking the greater realms of revelation in order to reign has the divine strategy etched in its name: Abide.
"Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine, so neither can you unless you abide in Me. I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me and I in him, he bears much fruit, for apart from Me you can do nothing." (John 15:4–5)
The Passion Translation says it like this: "So you must remain in life-union with Me, for I remain in life-union with you. For as a branch severed from the vine will not bear fruit, so your life will be fruitless unless you live your life intimately joined to Mine" (John 15:4). (Photo via Pexels)
Abide means "to remain," "to stay," and "to dwell" (Strong's G3306). In John 15, Jesus tells you to abide in Him. This means to remain in His word, remain in His love, and actively follow His commandments; to have a continuous, relational dependence on God. I like to think of it as to remain in communion, in fellowship with Him, in His presence, and to live in life-union.
Abiding reveals our posture and place in Him. Your posture should be lying prostrate in pure adoration, allowing His oil of revelation light to saturate every fiber of your being. You should prostate yourself in prayer and intercession to hear His whisper and be a representation of the heartbeat of the Father in the spheres of influence He has entrusted to you. Your place is your proximity to Jesus, intricately grafted into Him, remaining in His presence, and becoming awakened to the love phenomena that in Him you live and move and have your being.
The invitation is to be divinely joined and abide in intimate life-union with the Lord. The promise is abundant fruitfulness, a pathway to THRIVE. Thrive means "to grow vigorously: flourish," and "to gain in wealth or possessions: prosper" (Merriam-Webster).
Come Alive! You Are Revived to Thrive!
I heard the Lord say, "Come alive and thrive." There are many who have felt like it was all they could do to survive the last season, but I hear the Lord encouraging you to come up higher to access the lavish levels of the abundant life He has ordained for you before the foundations of the earth. It is here that He will transform your days of survival to revival!
He plans to revive you to thrive in the plans He has purposed for your future (Jeremiah 29:11). I can feel Him smiling on you, knowing full well that this future He has for you is so much more than you could ever think, ask, hope, or imagine (Ephesians 3:20). It is a promised land where you will come alive and thrive in the resurrection power of the ruach breath of God that breathes new life into your calling, your dreams, the promises of God, and the prophetic words over your life. The fresh wind of the Spirit blows, and in it I hear the Lord speaking over you: "Come alive and thrive, My revived Bride! You are revived to thrive!"
Deep Dive
"Deep dive into My Word; it's alive! It will hold your feet steadfast to the righteous path I have marked out for your life. Deep dive and discover the new life and fresh revelation ready to be revealed. Look with new eyes without compromise! Look for Me in every situation and every circumstance. Seek Me, and you will find Me in surprising and profound measure. I AM in the journey, and I AM in the destination. I AM in the process of the product. Fear not, for I AM with you. I AM in you every step of the way. (Photo via Pexels)
"Deep dive into My Word and thrive. It's alive and active. It will sharpen your perception to discern between flesh and Spirit, and keep truth as the compass to navigate the pathway to purity and not fall prey to the deep darkness that covers the people and tries to influence and turn away those marked for the Kingdom of light in Christ. The Word of God is your plumb line to equip and empower you to co-rule and reign with Christ, to take dominion as you partner with Him to advance the Kingdom of God in the earth in these days.
"It's time to turn away from the wicked and worldly ways. Do not be led astray. Turn to Me, run into Me; be led by My Spirit to navigate the righteous pathway. For this is the pathway to come alive in My Word. It's alive and it's active to sharpen your discernment of truth and lies. Turn from the turmoil, turn to Me. Enter into My presence and be present."
I sense this is a call to be intentional about taking the time to turn your affections to the One who is omnipresent. He is with you at every turn in your life.
As You Abide, You Thrive
Jesus said He came to give you life and life abundantly (John 10:10). You are grafted into Him, and it is Jesus who causes you to thrive. In 2025 and beyond, you are invited to cultivate covenant with Him, communing with Him more than ever.
As you set yourself apart to remain in His Word, in His presence, and in fellowship with Him, your life will be nourished by the sap of supping with Him in the chambers of consecration, and you can expect to see His Word and ways rooted deeply and established in and through you. You will be like a well-watered tree, laden with fruit that people will eat of, planted by the river of life, with Jesus the as source—the life-giver Himself.
Draw from the life-giving vine (Jesus) and watch Him branch out through your life to bring forth fruit and flourish you like the palm trees and cedars in the house of the Lord; to grow you vigorously in every grace, and in the knowledge of Christ; and to cause you to "thrive as you abide" in Him.
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Katie Dunstan
Breakfree Australia
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Katie Dunstan is a prophetic preacher and revivalist, a First Nation Christian Leader, author, and conference speaker. She serves as a founder of Breakfree Australia, an established apostolic and prophetic ministry that trains, equips, and empowers the Body of Christ for the work of ministry through prophetic training, activation, and inner healing and deliverance seminars. She's the author of Ancient Keys to a New Sound Rising from the Land, and co-author of Healing Wounded Hearts: Holy Spirit Directed Inner Healing, and Seated. Katie sits on the Australian Prophetic Council and is part of ARC Global, a community of apostles and prophets.
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