[Editor's note: Below are some of the dreams and encounters that Andrew Whalen shared during his recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage our readers to pray through them and watch Andrew's interview to hear more.]
Liberation Day
Word released on January 20, 2025:
January 20 (Liberation Day) reminded me that—beginning in 2024, for the first thirty days—tens of thousands across America and even the nations prayed in agreement with my book, Dreams to Save a Nation: 30 Days of Prophetic Revelation to Fuel Intercession for America.
On January 20, and each subsequent month on the 20th day, we stood faithfully in prayer and decree, aligning with day twenty in Dreams to Save a Nation. Though we haven't seen the full measure of final justice for these deep state enemies, January 20—with Trump seated in the presence of all His enemies—felt so connected to this word, and it made me think that this was a sign that what is ahead is exactly the dream of Trump "capturing" them all!
Enjoy the following "Day 20" from my book, 30 Days of Prophetic Revelation to Fuel Intercession for America, and thanks to all of you who have been praying for America and God's will to be done! To Jesus' name belongs all glory!
(P.S., There are still very real and present prophecies in the book that we must pray into!)
Day 20: The Capture of the Deep State
(From Andrew Whalen's book, Dreams to Save a Nation: 30 Days of Prophetic Revelation to Fuel Intercession for America.)
Dream received on June 9, 2021:
In my dream, I was walking by a tall skyscraper. I sensed it was Trump Tower. I suddenly had the revelation that—contrary to what everyone has assumed about President Donald Trump's loss of the election—he had been publicly justified as the winner of the election. Not only that, but I knew that the Trump allies and military patriots had rounded up all of the bad actors and evil conspirators who, for decades, have worked against America.
I looked up at the skyscraper and saw that a whole section (multiple floors) of the building had been turned into an impenetrable prison with military-grade security and reinforcements.
As I looked at the prison, I saw hundreds of people jammed up against the windows—so many people crammed into one place. Looking down at me and cursing me for praying against them were Hillary and Bill Clinton, the Obamas, Henry Kissinger, George Soros, the British Royal family, and thousands of others who I knew represented state governments, Hollywood, rogue military intelligence agents, and many more.
As I walked by the skyscraper, I saw Bill Clinton pull out a gun to shoot at me. He fired but missed every time. I wondered how on earth he was able to find a gun, but then I said, "The Clintons have weapons everywhere." However, I knew these last few shots were the death cries of the deep state. They had nothing left!
I continued to walk by the skyscraper, and I suddenly became aware that what I was seeing was now becoming public knowledge. The truth was no longer being contained. Everyone was starting to understand the depths of evil and corruption in all sectors of American society and world governments.
Suddenly, people began walking up to me in person, apologizing to me for doubting. Some sent me letters, saying, "We thought Q and the Anon movement was phony, but now we see it is real."
Multiple letters showed up in my hands, letters of people telling me they were sorry for how they had persecuted my dreams and what they thought was false.
I knew instinctively in the dream that this new information would bring great healing to America and the division within.
In reality, I don't need an apology from anyone who doubted or didn't believe. However, I am confident that many who did will awaken to reality and change their position and view on many things. (Photo via Pexels)
This dream is a powerful picture of justice. God is going to use the Trump Tower (his position and his Cyrus anointing) to destroy the deep state agenda against America and freedom.
I believe the Trump Tower also represents Trump being insulated in the tower of the Lord. The name of the Lord is a strong tower. Like God did with King Cyrus, He is doing with Trump and securing him in His name. As a result, God is removing His and our enemies.
Biblical Support:
"The name of the LORD is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe..." (Proverbs 18:10, BSB)
"He will yet fill your mouth with laughter, and your lips with a shout of joy. Your enemies will be clothed in shame, and the tent of the wicked will be no more." (Job 8:21–22, BSB)
"What He tears down cannot be rebuilt; those He imprisons cannot be released." (Job 12:14, NIV)
We decree that Donald Trump is in the refuge of the name of the Lord. God is the strong tower that has secured our safety. We decree that the enemies of freedom, liberty, and the people of America are being clothed in shame. Their tents and hiding places are being exposed, removed, and will be no more!
We decree that God is tearing down the deep state systems, structures, families, and generational control. They are being imprisoned and shall not be released! We decree that no weapon fashioned against us shall prosper. The Clinton assets and weapons are being cut off, in Jesus' name!
The American Golden Era
Dream received on January 17, 2025:
In a dream, I saw that one of the benefits of Trump's presidency and an American golden era was a better quality of life. I saw the use of healing light/frequencies in beds and rooms (though I didn't understand the exact technology), helping to extend life. I knew it could renew youth and remove cellular damage in the body, etc.
Then in the dream I saw people living way past what they would have ever expected. Seventy and eighty were considered very young again.
I then had a vision of the past era that we had lived through. It seemed dark, gray, and deeply oppressed, like a shroud/veil was upon it. Then in a vision I saw the golden era, and it was literally so bright and light in comparison. I said, "We had no idea just how oppressed and controlled our world and lives were before."
China: A Great Door Is Opening in Your Land
Dream and prophecy received on January 19, 2025:
In a recent dream, I saw a great door open in the nation of China. It was reminiscent of the image that 1 Corinthians 16:9 inspires: "For a great and effective door has opened to me, and there are many adversaries."
The door opened and rainbow colors of Heaven's glory began to flood into the land. The message being preached was "Come to life." Suddenly, the Word of the Lord was being ushered before kings and leaders of provinces, cities, and the entire nation. In the dream, I couldn't see the spiritual powers of darkness, but I could feel their absolute terror and hatred for what God was doing; however, they couldn't stop it!
Let me prophesy: China, a great door is opening in your land! The Lord says, "The Word of the Lord—Jesus Christ Himself—shall walk in your midst, and My name will no longer be suppressed! My glory will resound over the land, and the covenantal promise given to Abraham shall now be received by the saints of God in China... They will possess the gates of their enemies!
"Ancient strongholds in China are even now being demolished. Floods of MY glory will move the boundary lines, the laws, and the restraints placed upon you from former days!" (Photo via Wikimedia Commons)
The Lord says, "TRUMP will do My bidding even for your nation—for the sake of My children in the land, for the sake of My name in the land, for the sake of what I have destined for China! Families of ancient dragon power are suddenly going to fall! Herods will fall, and the saints will bring judgment to the powers of Hell!
"To My people, watch and pray.
"China, come to life," in Jesus' name!
Battle Hymn of the Republic
Dream received on January 6, 2025:
I had a dream that I found myself putting on a bright blue multi-striped sweater. As I put the sweater on, I felt the Spirit of the Lord clothe me, and I began to lift my voice and sing, "Glory, glory, hallelujah!" (which, at the time, I didn't even know the lyrics I was singing were from a song called the "Battle Hymn of the Republic"). As the song continued to flow out of my mouth, I created a hybrid of the song with the lyrics from "When the Saints Go Marching In." I actually woke myself up singing out loud!
I ended up falling back asleep and had another dream. In this dream, I was at a large conference. I knew I was preparing to preach. The seating arrangements were different than in a typical conference room, with the audience facing the stage up front. This room had no stage, but it had a large open space in the middle with two huge sections of people lined up, facing inward toward each other, creating something like a river in the middle between the two sections. I knew I had to cross over through the middle/"river" to get something from one side and bring it back over to the side where I would be preaching.
I crossed over to the other side and saw a man whom I didn't recognize with a bag. He reached into his large duffel bag and pulled out books. They were old, and I knew they were not currently available anywhere in print. He handed me a stack, and the only book in the stack that I was able to fully view was the one on the top. It simply had flames all over the cover; I couldn't tell if they were painted on or if they were actual flames of fire.
Then, through the flames on that book, I saw one word: "FINNEY."
I took the books in my hand and crossed back over through the middle "river" to the other side. I then shared these books with my good friend and apostolic pastor, Landon Huie.
It's interesting that I gave him the books too. He and I, a few years ago, made covenant together—to run together for God's Kingdom purposes!
There are a couple things I took from this dream:
"The Battle Hymn of the Republic" became a song that defined a nation.
"The song's message has resonated throughout history with soldiers and evangelists, patriots and presidents. It has formed a significant part of the United State's cultural history and its civil religion, harnessing people's awe for God for political purposes." (A Short History Of "Battle Hymn Of The Republic," The Federalist)
Charles Finney was a revivalist in the 1800s whose ministry and preaching saw the conversion of millions to Christ, and the Second Great Awakening in America that brought social and cultural reform.
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Andrew Whalen
Vanquish – Prophetic Warriors
Email:Â wordonfire11@gmail.com
Website:Â www.vanquishpw.com
Andrew Whalen is an emerging leader and prophetic voice to a generation. He functions as a prophetic warrior to advance the Kingdom of God in all spheres of society. Andrew is uniquely called to raise up spiritual special forces, equipped to achieve spiritual breakthroughs against regional and national level, demonic resistance. Andrew and his wife Kelly have pioneered and led various ministry initiatives, while also engaging in the marketplace, for over fifteen years. In the last four years, they have served as core prophetic leaders with Lou Engle ministries. Today, Andrew and Kelly, along with their three children, reside in Peoria, Illinois, where they lead VANQUISH – PROPHETIC WARRIORS, and are also working to establish an apostolic training center, The Unapologetic Dreamers. Andrew's heart burns to see a generation take hold of everything that Christ has provided for us through His victory.
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