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Craig Cooney: A Year to Pioneer Again

Craig Cooney, Portadown, Northern Ireland
Jan 28, 2025


Hi friend,

This word below will resonate deeply with some more than others. It's describing how you've increasingly been feeling.

You have sensed the stirring of the Spirit. You're longing for more. You know God is calling you to launch out into something new—to build, create, initiate, innovate.

Don't rush or push too hard. Wait before Him. Remain open and expectant, and be obedient to whatever He tells you. As the weeks and months progress in 2025, you will hear His voice clearly and doors will begin to open. You might not get much more than the first step, but as you move forward in faith, the Lord will make a way.

Begin to prepare quietly, hold onto things lightly, and avoid distractions. Choose your alignments carefully and declutter your life.

This is the year where everything begins to shift, when you come out of the holding pattern, when the fire begins to burn again.

A Year to Pioneer Again 

You boldly risked it all—burned the boats, stepped out onto the waves, and pursued Him wherever He led you. It was exciting, full of adventure and thrills. There were many low moments, pain and loss and hurt and heartache, but it was worth it all for the joy and fulfillment of walking in His will, of living a life of radical obedience.

You saw Him move miraculously, provide supernaturally, and touch others powerfully. You were so hungry for more. You would do anything, go anywhere, as long as He was in it with you. (Photo via Pixabay)

Then that season came to an end, the assignment was completed, and you stepped aside to rest and heal and be restored. It was good, just what you needed, a time to reconnect and catch your breath. But then you began to put down roots. There's nothing wrong with that; we all need stability and security.

You started to settle and get comfortable, avoiding uncertainty and inconvenience, taking less risks, and living more predictably.

You still love Jesus, but it's a different kind of love than before—more tame, less passionate.

A "mature" kind of Christian... that's been fine for a while. You show up, you serve, you give, but inside you know something is missing. It feels as if your life is on pause. You're starting to flatline. You're a little numb. You're longing for more. All your best stories are now old stories: what God did "back then," how He moved, the signs and miracles... You begin to wonder if all your best days are behind you.

Increasingly, you're struggling to suppress the boredom and emptiness in your soul. There is a sense of containment, stagnation. Your fire is fading, the light inside is dimming.

This can't be how things are going to be from now on. Life might be safe and predictable, but you're not domesticated like that.

The Spirit has been gently stirring you, creating dissatisfaction, disruption, discontent; a holy frustration with maintenance mode, a longing to once again leave the safety of the shore and venture into the deep.

You know the cost will be great, but you're willing to pay it because there's a greater cost to staying where you are.

You may appear reckless to some and immature to others, but you can endure the sting of their criticism because a Greater Voice is calling you forward.

Popularity never mattered that much anyway, nor the opinions of others. You're not wired like them. You never really fit in, even when you tried. You were made to explore uncharted territory, forge new paths, lead the way—to innovate and initiate. You were made for a life less ordinary.

You've been struggling with clarity. Your vision has been blurry. You can't see any way forward. There's been a fogginess, a listlessness, a heaviness hanging over you. It's been difficult to hear from Heaven.

All of that is going to shift as you journey through this year.

A Change Is Coming! Begin to Raise Your Expectations

Begin to raise your expectations. Prepare for some kind of a move. A change is coming, and you're ready. Fresh assignments are going out to the pioneers—a call to launch out, plant, initiate, begin to build from scratch. (Photo via Freerange Stock)

This is not merely another chapter. This is the beginning of a brand new book. It's not just a new season but the start of a new era.

You will hear His voice again with sharpness and frequency. Visions and dreams will become the norm. He will order your steps. He will direct your path. Your part is to move quickly in obedience, to do what He says, even when it makes no sense; to fix your focus and not be distracted or deterred, to follow the wild wind of the Spirit wherever He leads.

It will also be different this time. You've now got a wisdom and maturity that was lacking before. You've been through enough to develop wisdom and discernment. You can identify the wolves and guard your heart. You are stronger and more resilient than before.

This is a year to pioneer again, to do what hasn't been done, to go where others aren't willing to go, to step outside of the comfortable and familiar, to expand your boundaries and enlarge your borders, to take territory and tear down principalities, to enter and establish, and to shift and stir things up.

His favor rests upon you; His goodness goes before you. Key relationships are waiting for you. All of Heaven's resources are available to you.

Listen for the call; it will come. 2025 is a year to pioneer again.

Hebrews 12:1–2: "...And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith..."

Genesis 12:1: "The Lord had said to Abram, 'Go from your country, your people and your father's household to the land I will show you.'"

John 3:8: "The wind blows wherever it pleases. You hear its sound, but you cannot tell where it comes from or where it is going. So it is with everyone born of the Spirit."


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Craig Cooney
HOPE Church | Daily Prophetic


Craig Cooney has been in ordained ministry for over fifteen years, leading churches in the north and south of Ireland. He is married to Becky, and they have a son named Elijah, as well as a labradoodle puppy named Henry. Craig is the author of four books: "The Tension of Transition," "SPIRIT SPEAK," "I Hear Yahweh," and "When the Lamb Roars." His passion is to help Believers to hear God's voice for themselves and apply God's wisdom as they navigate through the transitions of life.


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