"They weep as they go to plant their seed, but they sing as they return with the harvest." (Psalm 126:6 NLT)
Pushing Through the Setbacks
For many, 2024 was a time of intensity. This was a year of new challenges on all levels, with heightened prayers, uncharted waters, world events, weather events, navigating old and new relationships, financial stresses, relocations; and all of this amidst a somewhat unusual election year! Truly, the trials and heartaches for some even progressed to the end of the year.
If this is you, take heart! The enemy only attacks what is highly valuable and what he is threatened by! Therefore, he tried to knock the breath out of you and attempted to get you feeling heartbroken and in despair before the new year had even begun!
I hear the Lord saying, "The arrows that the enemy launched against you will indeed boomerang and backfire on the enemy himself! The missile of derailment and immobilization he launched against you is actually producing an oil and an anointing that is stronger than anything you have previously known or experienced!
"My child, you have leaned into Me in the crushing! Now receive the precious oil that is being released out of you! I am turning your valley of weeping and heartache into fertile ground!"
"I tell you the truth, unless a kernel of wheat is planted in the soil and dies, it remains alone. But its death will produce many new kernels—a plentiful harvest of new lives." (John 12:24 NLT)
"Precious one, I am now lifting you up and out of the very ashes and crowning you with My goodness and My glory! Indeed, 'You will be a crown of splendor in the Lord's hand, a royal diadem in the hand of your God' (Isaiah 62:3 NIV)." (Photo via Wallpaper Delight)
Enter Into the Double in 2025!
"Hear Me proclaim over you," says the Lord, "DOUBLE, DOUBLE, DOUBLE! Double restoration! Double vindication! Double recompense! Even your year, 2025, shall be a sign to you of the double!
"Do you not see that the double of 45 is 2025? Do you not see what is taking place in the leadership of your land? Did I not do this very thing for Joseph when his own brothers threw him into a pit and then sold him into slavery? Yet even so, I raised him up with a powerful position and testimony! What was intended against him as evil, I was able to use for good and the saving of many lives (Genesis 50:20 NLT).
"Lift your eyes and lift your head, for I am breathing new life into you by My Holy Spirit! What has looked and felt like tremendous loss, I will turn it to gain and use it for your good! I am making right the very wrongs that have been done against you! I am clearing your name!"
"Never again will you be called 'The Forsaken City' or 'The Desolate Land.' Your new name will be 'The City of God's Delight' and 'The Bride of God,' for the LORD delights in you and will claim you as His Bride." (Isaiah 62:4 NLT)
The Court Is Seated and the Books Are Now Open!
"Where others have partnered with the enemy and put their mouths against you, I will now rise up in your defense! Ask of Me, for I say unto you, the books are now open! My Bride, what is in your heart? Be bold and ask of Me in faith that I will now do it! Am I not the Righteous Judge who will now judge rightly? Contend with Me now the case set before you! Together, the right verdict will be granted and delivered swiftly!
"I now say to My Bride who had heightened prayers in 2024: I will now answer those prayers in even greater measure than you could have possibly expected!
"I now say to My Bride who was thrust into uncharted waters in 2024: I will light your way and you shall experience many new discoveries! You will find your new support group and network!
"I now say to My Bride who experienced unprecedented world events in 2024: Watch as I will perform world-changing events in and now through you for the advancement of My Kingdom!
"I now say to My Bride who experienced unprecedented weather events in 2024: You will now be changers of the atmosphere over homes, towns, cities, and regions! Darkness will flee and light will now prevail! (Photo via PickPik)
"I now say to My Bride who experienced hardness in old and new relationships in 2024: My healing balm will be poured out! There will be a completion of the season of pain! Joy will be your portion!
"I now say to My Bride who experienced financial stress in 2024: Watch as the rivers of refreshing will now flow to you in many directions! Unexpected debts will be forgiven and released! Blessings shall overtake you! Steward this well and do not forget the Lord your God.
"I now say to My Bride who experienced relocations in 2024: I will cause the very ground that you stand upon to be fruitful! You will stretch out your roots and you will stretch out your branches and be fruitful! You will be a shade tree for many.
The Table Is Set!
"My table is set before you in the very presence of your enemies! I am turning the tide! Again, I say unto you, I am making right the wrongs that have been done against you! Yes, I am bringing beauty from the midst of the ashes (Isaiah 61:3).
"Restoration, restoration, restoration is your portion and your inheritance in 2025! I tell you, look no longer to the past and embrace this new day and this new year ahead of you! I am even now doing a new thing in your life that is now springing forth! Do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the desert (Isaiah 43:19). I am crowning the year with My favor and goodness!"
"You crown the year with a bountiful harvest; even the hard pathways overflow with abundance." (Psalm 65:11 NLT)
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Jeff and Angie Stolba
Living With Confidence
Email:Â lwcministries@angiestolba.com
Website:Â www.angiestolba.com
Jeff and Angie Stolba have a heart to see people walking in compete freedom and restoration. She shares her testimony at conferences and women's events. Angie enjoys co-laboring with her husband, Jeff, in ministry, as well as pouring into their three daughters. Angie has a genuine passion for God's Word and intercessory prayer. She is the author of the book, Dealing With the Root of Rejection.
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