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Lana Vawser: Lean Into the Rearranging

Lana Vawser, Adelaide, South Australia
Jan 25, 2025

"Remain and Abide Deeper in 2025"

Recently I heard the Lord say, "Lean into the rearranging, for in the simplification there is unprecedented fruitfulness."

The Lord has been speaking this theme to me for a significant amount of time, and as I heard Him speak it to me recently, it was amplified. As I leaned in to listen to the Lord's heart, I could feel the invitation so deeply from His heart for us to go into a deeper revelation and manifestation of ABIDING and REMAINING in Him. I could feel the heart of the Lord extending an invitation in this season to enter into a greater understanding and outworking of what it looks like to live connected and grafted into the vine.

As I have sat with the Lord, John 15 has been thundering loudly in my spirit, along with His call to "remain and abide deeper in 2025."

There is a greater securing and establishing that He is doing within His people as He deepens the revelation of John 15 in their lives.

As I continued to seek the Lord's heart, I heard Him say, "COME ALIVE IN 2025."

He then continued to speak: "I am rearranging. I am shifting and changing. I am moving and shaking. I am GREATLY rearranging.

"My people, lean into the divine REARRANGING, because it is a new day. I am bringing you, My people, deeper into the revelation of living connected and abiding in Me—your source of life and all nourishment—in 2025, and I am going to teach you more about life in Me in 2025. For where I am rearranging and moving and (for some of you) suddenly closing things, I am drawing you to lean into the rearranging. For in the rearranging, you are going to FIND ME in a NEW WAY.

"I am inviting you into depths that you have never been in with Me. I am inviting you into depths of intimacy and communion with Me and My Spirit that you have not encountered. I am delivering many of you from distractions and dissonance that you have been bound in. I am drawing many of you into a place of a greater focused posture upon Me (Hebrews 12:2). I am bringing you deeper into the place of communion and union with Me, to know Me, follow Me, and hear and see where I am leading you in the days ahead. (Photo via PickPik)

"For I say unto you that I am continuing to deal with double mindedness, and I am bringing you, My people, into a greater place of the SINGULAR FOCUS upon Me. For I say unto you that I am bringing you deeper into the place of attentiveness and a deeper place of being attuned to what I am doing and where I am moving. For My hand is moving powerfully and swiftly in the rearranging. Lean into it. Run not from it, for I am bringing forth a powerful simplification, for I am pruning intensely in some ways right now. But I say unto you, lean not away from the pruning. The pruning is making room for greater fruitfulness and for all that I am going to do.

The Fruit Inspector

"I say unto you, I am coming as the FRUIT INSPECTOR in this hour. I am coming to examine fruit. I am coming to weigh fruit. I am raising up a people of FRUITFULNESS in this hour and looking for those who are deeply abiding and remaining in Me, those who are living with [a] singular focus upon Me... knowing Me and adoring Me. For I say unto you that I am calling you, My people, to look into My eyes and love Me and My presence above what you can build and do in My name. For many have traded the deep place of intimacy and abiding and remaining in Me for the place of manufacturing and building for Me.

"I say unto you that greater things are coming [for] building with Me and in Me like you have never seen before. But, My people, the focus is not upon the building; the focus is upon the abiding. I say unto you that there have been many in this hour who have been so parched and dehydrated in the Spirit, as they have been attempting to hydrate from what they have been building; but I say unto you, HYDRATE and THEN BUILD. For your hydration, your refreshment, your source of filling comes not from what you build but from your place of life union with Me in abiding. For I say unto you that where building FOR Me has been worshiped and idolized, I am bringing you, My people, deeper into a place of abiding and remaining in Me where life is found.

"'Come alive in 2025' will be found in greater simplicity: ABIDE. It will be found in the love of who I am and My presence [more] than [in] the love of programs and what can be built.

"I say unto you that in an hour where I am bringing forth a greater birthing of what I am building, it is coming from a deep place of communion and intimacy with Me. For in this hour, as I am simplifying, and as I am bringing My people into deeper simplicity and [a] singular focus of 'seeking first the Kingdom and all else will be added' (Matthew 6:33)—encamping around My presence—you will find Me and My glory in ways that you have not yet experienced. (Photo via Unsplash)

"Fret not as I prune, fret not as I change and rearrange, for in the simplicity and the simplifying I am bringing forth UNPRECEDENTED fruitfulness."

The Structure Is Being Rearranged

I then heard a loud thundering of the Lord, and He said, "THE STRUCTURE IS BEING REARRANGED."

When the Lord spoke those words, the word "structure" thundered loudly in the spirit. The Lord is rearranging structures in this hour and in this year. There is a significant shifting of structures that is taking place.

I could feel the Lord's heart to REST in the REARRANGING.

There are some structures that need to be let go of, some structures that need to come down, and some new structures that need to be brought forth by Him. He is bringing forth a greater security and establishment of the new things He is wanting to bring forth in this hour.

I felt the Lord's voice come forth as a whisper and as thunder all at the same time, and I heard Him say, "COME AWAY IN THE REARRANGING."

As the Lord is rearranging structures, as the Lord is changing and shifting much at once, as there is great closure taking place—with many great openings of new things—the Lord is wooing His people to come away deeper into the secret place, to hear His voice and what He is speaking, to sit at His feet in the rearrange, and to lean into the invitation of the wooing whisper.

As the Lord's voice THUNDERED, I knew the thundering of His voice was communicating the urgency and importance of coming away to be with Him and listen to Him in the rearranging.

Again He spoke: "Do not rush in the rearranging. As I rearrange, do not rush to fill or to build. Wait on Me, on My Word, and My direction. Be still and slow to listen to what I am doing and what I am speaking. The temptation will be to quickly fill and quickly put your hands to something new, but I say unto you, pause and be still and wait upon Me, and see what I am doing and what I will build! I am establishing you. DEEPLY REMAIN."


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Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries

Lana Vawser is an active member of the Australian Prophetic Council and releases prophetic words for the Body of Christ and nations, and is featured regularly on The Elijah List and in Charisma Magazine. She is also an itinerant preacher and revivalist who is traveling regularly with her family, seeing powerful moves of God. Lana has a strong, prophetic voice and has a heart to see the Body of Christ develop deep intimacy with Jesus and actively hear His voice each day. She also has a heart to see people set free and walk in all that Jesus has purchased for them as they carry Christ into their world each day, awakened to His nature and who they are in Him. Lana is married to Kevin, and they live in Adelaide, South Australia with their family.


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