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Anita Alexander: The Oil of Favor in 2025

Anita Alexander, Gold Coast, Australia
Jan 23, 2025

Oil of Favor: The Past Is the Past

As each new day brings a reset for our lives in the wonder of the mercies of God, so can a new year. Since we have now entered 2025, no matter what 2024 held in the processes of God, we are always offered new mercies. Your times are in His hands and His mercies are new every morning.

"My times are in Your hand; deliver me from the hand of my enemies, and from those who persecute me." (Psalm 31:15)

"Through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed, because His compassions fail not. They are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness." (Lamentations 3:22–23)

The Hebrew definitions of the word "mercies" in the context of Lamentations 3:22 are "kindness," "goodness," "beauty," and "favor" (Strong's H2617).

Recently I had an encounter with the Lord regarding this new season we stand in. The Lord was anointing His beloved with fresh oil, and I heard the Lord say, "The oil of favor."

In the context of Lamentations 3, here and now, there is a new mercy for a new season.

Yesterday Ends Today

As I pressed into the Lord in this encounter, I clearly heard His voice say, "The past is the past, and yesterday ends today."

In this sentence I saw a vision of a door being shut on yesterday and all that was previous. In this vision, however, I knew the power was within the hands of God's people to close the door. It was a choice to let it drop once and for all, and not return to the past from yesterday previous.

In the vision I could hear and see regrets and failures being rehearsed on repeat. I could see moments lost and stolen. I could see grief and loss, years and relationships. So much was involved in what flashed before my eyes.

The Lord showed me these flash visions of scenarios of rehearsed losses, failures, regrets, wounds, and offenses. Unresolved issues needing recompense and justice were hindering people from walking into and embracing the oil of the new season. (Photo via Unsplash)

We see, after the Lord anoints our head with oil in Psalm 23:5, verse 6 says, "Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life..." This oil of favor is the goodness and mercy of the Lord!

Fresh Oil: A New Grace for This New Season

I heard the Lord say, "I am anointing My people with fresh oil, a new grace for this new season."

I had the understanding that since this past Rosh Hashanah, 5785, we have shifted into a new season. It even felt as if there was a new birthing that had come forth. The Lord revealed to me the scenario of the children of Israel crossing the Jordan into the Promised Land. I believe this past Rosh Hashanah there was a "crossing over" for many who are stepping into possessing promises.

However, in the recent encounter I had, God said, "Yesterday ends today." I believe that statement is connected to the story of the first encampment the children of Israel came to after they crossed the Jordan, before they went in to take Jericho. It was a place called "Gilgal," which means to roll away (see Joshua 5:9; Strong's H1537).

In Joshua 5 this story is outlined. The Lord told Joshua to circumcise all of the uncircumcised younger generation. Circumcision is a symbolic representation of covenant—a people who belong to Yahweh—whereby in belonging to Him, they are not led by the flesh but by the Spirit of God. In other words, a covenant people of faith.

This symbolizes for us the circumcision of the heart, so that we may walk by faith into the promises. We cut away, repenting of the eyes of the flesh and unbelief, and choose to live by the unseen realm and be pleasing to God. We enter in by faith!

Gilgal is where Joshua received the new instruction for the new season. Without the old removed, the new revelation can't be received or believed.

The Rolling Away of Reproach as God Deals with Leviathan

It was at this place of Gilgal that the Lord said, "Today I have rolled the reproach of Egypt from off you" (Joshua 5:9).

Wait, what? They had been out of Egypt forty-plus years. Wasn't that what roaming around in the wilderness was for? Clearly, the Lord is showing us that we can enter in and cross over but still have the reproach of the past in us or on us. (Photo via Flickr)

I believe we as a people have come to Gilgal, and the Lord is rolling off the reproach of Egypt. They hadn't lived in Egypt for forty-plus years, but the shame and reproach of Egypt remained. This speaks of a being in a "tail" position. The Word says, as God's people, we are called to be the head and not the tail (Deuteronomy 28:13). Reproach is a shame and dishonor that causes you to be below or beneath instead of favored and positioned above, as we are promised as children of God.

Dealing With Leviathan Through Exposure

Let's go a bit further. At the beginning of 2024 the Lord spoke to me and said, "This is an Isaiah 27:1 year. I am going to punish Leviathan." I knew what He meant was in regard to nations and His people.

We have to understand that when the Lord visits to deal with an enemy, He EXPOSES IT. This exposure is for the purpose of bringing about a spirit of repentance. God wants to make available an opportunity for us to untether ourselves from any influence, alignment, or agreement we've made with the lies and belief systems of those demonic enemies. God also wants to bring about and enable a deliverance from destructive fruit and cycles of death that those same demonic attachments impose on our lives.

"In that day the Lord with His severe sword, great and strong, will punish Leviathan the fleeing serpent, Leviathan that twisted serpent; and He will slay the reptile that is in the sea." (Isaiah 27:1)

"Yet I am glad now, not because you were pained, but because you were pained into repentance [and so turned back to God]; for you felt a grief such as God meant you to feel, so that in nothing you might suffer loss through us or harm for what we did.

"For godly grief and the pain God is permitted to direct, produce a repentance that leads and contributes to salvation and deliverance from evil, and it never brings regret; but worldly grief (the hopeless sorrow that is characteristic of the pagan world) is deadly [breeding and ending in death]." (2 Corinthians 7:9–10 AMPC)

I have also witnessed in this hour that in the bloodlines of those in the Lord's house there has been an untethering from Leviathan. Job 41:34 tells us that Leviathan is the monarch over the princes of pride. In Psalm 74:13–14 it says, "You divided the [Red] Sea by Your strength; You broke the heads of the sea monsters in the waters. You crushed the heads of Leviathan (Egypt); You gave him as food for the creatures of the wilderness" (AMP).

If the Lord is saying we are at Gilgal, and He is rolling the reproach of Egypt away, and He likens Egypt with Leviathan, and reproach (shame, dishonor, and being the tail) is the fruit of Leviathan's activity, then it would be fair to say that the Lord is punishing Leviathan by the very act of rolling the reproach of Egypt away.

But we see that circumcision came first. This is symbolic of repentance, symbolic of death to the flesh and becoming alive to God (Colossians 2:12–13). In this circumcision we have access to the victory spoken of in the following verses, Colossians 2:14–15, whereby Jesus disarmed the principalities that raged against us. Leviathan is one of those principalities. This is exciting stuff, folks! (Photo via Unsplash)

The "Instead Of" Season

God is bringing a reset to His people, the ones who have endured the humbling of the wilderness and learned surrender and have crossed over the Jordan. These people followed the Lord in a way they had never been before in the past season. Now, they are at the place called "Gilgal," where He is rolling away the reproach and anointing them with fresh oil. It's the "instead of" season at Gilgal.

Isaiah 61:7 says, "INSTEAD of your [former] shame you shall have a twofold recompense; INSTEAD of DISHONOR and REPROACH [your people] shall rejoice in their portion. Therefore in their land they shall possess double [what they had forfeited]; everlasting joy shall be theirs" (emphasis mine).

This is the rolling away of reproach. Reproach must go so favor can come. Favor is the esteem of the Lord; it is not favor or good standing with man; it is the favor of God which is what is needed in order to enter in.

The favor of God will give you favor with man that you could not get on your own merit. It is sovereign, undeserved, and unearned. It is for His purposes to be established in this earth, for His glory and the expansion of His Kingdom.

Purification and Beautification for the Purpose of Demonstration

Esther was purified, then beautified. She was then presented before the king to be positioned to demonstrate the rule of the "Kingdom of God" on this earth. Likewise, those who have surrendered through the purification process of this past season are now being beautified with the Lord's favor in order to be presented and positioned (promoted if you like) to demonstrate His Kingdom for such a time as this.

The Lord Is Making Everything Beautiful

There is a time for everything, and we must remember that our times are in His hands (Psalm 31:15; Ecclesiastes 3:11).

Recently, I had a dream about these very Scriptures. In the dream, there was a working together of the wisdom that brings favor, and the working of the hands of the Lord. The Lord was wrapping presents with the person of wisdom as His helper. Together they were making these presents beautiful with much care and joy.

I kept hearing in my dream, "I'm working to make everything beautiful." I had a sense that the preparation of these gifts was attached to TIME. It's the same concept as when we wait for Christmas Day to exchange and unwrap gifts. It is a "day" to unwrap, but the lead up is great preparation.

I felt that these gifts were linked to a time, a "Christmas Day" if you'd like, representing a season of fulfillment of time. Just as a gift or present is hidden (wrapped), it felt the same. The receiver was unaware of the effort and joy of this preparation that the Lord had been embarking on in wrapping these gifts. Wisdom, being His right-hand helper, was indicating that His timing was within His higher wisdom.

We can't always see what He is working on, and in the natural it may look like NOTHING is moving, but great preparation is happening in the unseen realm. With intent and precision, the Lord prepares and always takes great delight in the details.

His wisdom is higher. Our hearts can rest and take comfort in the timing of His wisdom. This is challenging for the heart, because, as mere humans, we want to know everything. However, to know there is movement on our behalf behind the scenes strengthens us in the waiting, and we can rest assured that we are NOT forgotten! His timing is perfect, and He is making everything BEAUTIFUL!

Take Esther for example; she was made beautiful for a purpose. The Lord's purposes in us are being made beautiful, so His Kingdom (His rule, authority, and dominion) can come in and through our lives, and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.

May 2025 see the fulfillment of long-awaited promises, and may the GOODNESS of the Lord be demonstrated in the land of the living (Psalm 27:13–14). Let His Kingdom come and His will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven.


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Anita Alexander
Revival Flame Ministries


Motivated by an intense love for the Body of Christ, Anita Alexander's passion and compassion is to see the Church forsake religion and tradition, awaken to the Father's love, and arise and walk in the overcoming identity as sons and daughters of the Kingdom. Anita and her husband Dr. Sasha Alexander travel nationally and internationally ministering in revival fire that brings resurrection life, healing and awakening to the Body of Christ. Together, their passion is to impart, raise up, and release a generation of sons and daughters who manifest the glorious victory of the finished work of the Cross. They are co-founders and senior ministers of Revival Flame Ministries, Golden City Church, and Kingdom Academy School of the Spirit Ministry Training School in Gold Coast, Australia.


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