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Dutch Sheets with Gina Gholston: Lift Up a Shout!

Dutch Sheets with Gina Gholston
Jan 17, 2025


Introduction from Dutch Sheets: Holy Spirit gave Gina Gholston a dream recently that included a prayer strategy. I believe the strategies given to Gina in her "Paint the Borders" (Part 1, Part 2, and Part 3) and "Prayer Over Our Water Structures" dreams have and will continue to bear great fruit. We must continue to cover our land in prayer... This dream is another encouragement to pray together.

Lift Up a Shout!

Gina shares:

"On January 3, 2025, the Lord gave me a dream in which I was with a large group of people who joined hands and formed a circle around a huge map of the United States. The map was moving about, as if being shaken by a very strong wind, and it seemed as though it would be ripped apart. Then there was a sudden surge of the anointing of Holy Spirit that came over us, and I heard the Lord say, 'Release a shout that shatters, dismantles, and causes evil agendas to fall and crumble!' (Photo of Gina Gholston)

"Instantly, we lifted our clasped hands toward Heaven and released a loud, long shout of praise unto the Lord! As we did this, the map settled down, then began to rise.

"The Lord then instructed us: 'Take hold of My covenantal promises, release the shout of triumph, and walls of opposition will fall, giving you access to this land. I am giving you a window of time in which to advance with My purposes. The time is now.'

"When I awoke from the dream, I was immediately led by the Lord to read the sixth chapter of Joshua. I felt a sense of urgency. It was a sense that we have been allotted time, and we must follow Holy Spirit very intently and precisely within that time frame!

Calling All Intercessors

"The day after having the dream, the Lord led me to post it on my social media pages. Almost immediately after posting the dream, I began receiving comments from many who had been sensing similar alerts. I also began receiving messages about compiling decrees and prayer directives for intercessors who are currently in a time of praying and fasting for the nation. With the help of fellow intercessors, I compiled a list of prayers and decrees, and released those on my social media pages and website. The Lord also directed me (Gina) to issue a call for intercessors from all across America and other parts of the world to release those prayers and decrees in unison on Sunday, January 19th [2025] at 12:00 PM (noon) CST. The response has been tremendous!

An Emphasis on Unity

"As I have been praying about this dream and prayer assignment, one of the things that has been highlighted to me is an emphasis on unity. The people in the dream were united in faith, obedience, focus, and their shout.

"As I have been thinking about this, I've thought of how, over the past few years, we have seen intercessors uniting and the impact of this. There is now an alert company standing on the wall of intercession throughout this nation and the world, ready to respond in a moment to the alerts and instructions from the Lord. (Photo via Creative Commons)

"I feel this is the company of people represented in the dream. There was a unity among us, and in that moment, the anointing came as we joined hands and united our shout. When the anointing was released, it set into motion a necessary shift and the rising up of the map/the nation.

"Power and anointing are released when we come into agreement with the Lord and align our movements and words with Him. As we take hold of what He has promised in unity and faith, we will see the effects. God's power will be released through us to accomplish His purposes.

"God is showing us that this type of unity is something we are going to see more and more from this time forward. As we hear and focus on Him, take hold of His Word and promises, unite and align with His will, He will release the anointing through us that shakes, shifts, and destroys yokes—all for His glory!

It's Time!

"As I read the sixth chapter of Joshua, one thing that really stood out to me is the importance of timing. Those in Joshua's day had stepped into the timing of the Lord to move forward into the next phase of His plan. He had given them the land, but they had to hear His instructions, trust Him, and obey in that appointed time in order to possess the fullness of what had been promised.

"The Lord is impressing on me strongly that we have a window of time, and in that allotted time we must be attentive and responsive to Holy Spirit's leading. The timing of God is critically important, and the Lord said in the dream, 'The time is now.'

"Our obedience to the assignments of the Lord will open the way for the wind of Holy Spirit to blow, bringing the prophesied awakening, revival, and reformation... because it's time!" (Photo via Pexels)

A Prayer and Decree for Our Nation

Pray and decree with me: Father, we respond to Your call. You hold our gaze; our eyes are on You. We are attentive to Your voice and will follow Your Spirit as He leads us. We will not hesitate in our response. We will not fear! We will release the shout of triumph, lifting our collective voices in a unified sound, declaring that You alone are God. We have no King but Jesus!

The anointing that destroys yokes is in us and will be released through us. It will shift that which needs to be shifted and move things that need to be moved. Our shout will shatter strongholds over cities, states, and this nation. It will shatter strongholds over the Church and over Your people. Walls will fall. Eyes will open to see truth. Ears will open to hear truth. And Your truth will cause us to triumph in every purpose and intention You have for this hour.

We lay hold of Your covenantal promises, set our faces like flint toward You, and will advance with Your purposes. We will not grow weary in our assignments and will see Your salvation manifested in our time and land! In Jesus' name, amen!

We decree that walls standing in opposition to the will and purposes of God will crumble and fall! America shall be saved!

(For more information about Gina's The Shout That Shatters Prayer Assignment, please visit her website: To watch this full video, click here.)

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Dutch Sheets
Dutch Sheets Ministries

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Dutch Sheets is an internationally recognized author, gifted teacher, and conference speaker. He travels extensively, challenging believers for passionate prayer and societal reformation. Seeing America experience a sweeping revival and return to its Godly heritage is Dutch's greatest passion. Dutch has written over 23 books, many of which have been translated into over 30 languages. His international bestseller, Intercessory Prayer, has sold over 1 million copies worldwide. Dutch has pastored, taught in several colleges and seminaries, and served on the board of directors of numerous organizations. He is fondly known to many as Papa Dutch. Treasuring time spent with their family and grandchildren. Dutch and Ceci, his wife of 40 plus years, enjoy quiet walks in the woods, reading, and playing a little golf. They make their home in beautiful South Carolina.


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