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Veronika West: The Rise of the Marked Ones

Veronika West, Ireland
Jan 20, 2025

The Marked Ones

I heard the Spirit say, "2025 WILL MARK THE BEGINNING OF THE RISE OF THE MARKED ONES! Yes! 2025 will be the beginning of a true and divine definition of the office of the prophet. There shall be a supernatural manifestation of the purity of the prophetic ministry like never seen before. There will be a rise of the broken and the contrite. The pure in heart will not only see Me, but they will carry and demonstrate My power and authority as My servant kings in the earth."

These rising, shining, glory-carrying servant kings will arise from obscurity, from the hidden places, to take up the mantle of a new breed of prophetic voices that will speak forth words that will resonate and reverberate with the heart of the Father in the nations of the earth.

The words in their mouths will not merely be the echoes of the past seasons, or a regurgitation of the old wineskin, but their words will carry the weight of His glory upon them. Their words will come forth as powerful declarations that will shift atmospheres and transform lives.

The broken will find healing, the lost will discover their true God-breathed identity, and the captives will be set free through the bold proclamations of these YEILDED, holy, and chosen vessels.

What Is the True Mark?

In this next season, the distinguishing, true mark of this new breed of fire-filled prophets will be their unwavering humility, their uncompromising convictions for truth, and a deep love and compassion.

Ha! They will not seek the limelight or recognition. Instead, they will seek the audience of the one true God. They will be content to serve in the shadows, lifting and raising up others rather than seeking to elevate and promote themselves. (Photo via Unsplash)

The purity of their hearts will attract the manifest power of the seven spirits of God like a magnet, allowing for unprecedented encounters with the glory. Signs, wonders, and miracles will mark and define them, bringing a holy distinction to their ministry. The supernatural manifestations that come forth from this new breed of mighty reformers will be rooted in love and mercy.

Reflecting Where the True Power and Authority Lies

Watch, for God is now raising up a new Kingdom generation that will move in the Spirit of wisdom and understanding that will reflect where true power and authority lie—not in the display of human ability and might, but in the gentle touch of His grace that brings to birth restoration and reconciliation within the nations.

And as the world teeters on the brink of chaos and destruction, these pure prophetic voices will serve as beacons of light and radical hope, shining brightly in the ever-increasing darkness.

They will call forth the true identity and destiny of nations, and will wear the mantle of priesthood, interceding with divine revelation and discernment, even as Daniel did.

Many will come to know the King of kings through their holy, transparent, and passionate lives, for the true authenticity and integrity of their walk will draw others to the heart of the Father.

Thirsting for a Deeper Understanding

The heavens will open at the sound of their voices, and a fresh wave of divine revelation will pour forth to unveil and reveal the hidden mysteries and secrets of untouched dimensions of His glory for such a time as this.

The true remnant will no longer be satisfied with surface-level knowledge, but they will thirst for a deeper understanding and a demonstration of the ways of God. In this pursuit, they will find themselves standing in awe of His majesty and grace.

Setting the Foundations for a Great Awakening

Let's get ready. Prepare your hearts. I hear the sound of rattling in the earth and the roll of thunder in the heavens. His resurrection breath, the winds of revival, is now beginning to blow. The ground and the foundations of nations are now being set for a great awakening.

Listen! The sound of new life, new beginnings, is rising. Those who rightly align and position themselves in prayer and humility will stand to see and witness the unfolding plans and purposes of Heaven in the earth realm. (Photo via Unsplash)

LOOK! The birthing of a new Kingdom era, a new wineskin of the prophetic, is upon us. Those who have been faithful in obscurity will SUDDENLY find themselves elevated and accelerated in God's Kingdom agenda in the earth.

Watch! For this is a KAIROS time, a time of greater preparation and acceleration. The birthing of a new Kingdom age of divine manifestation of revival and miracles is at hand.

ARISE, SHINE, AND STEP IN WITH BOLDNESS, COURAGE, AND GREAT FAITH. This is the moment where the new and ancient come together, where the kairos and chronos collide.

Faith and expectation are rising for what is about to come forth. I hear the Lord saying, "Though the vision has tarried, BEHOLD, I DO A NEW THING. IT SHALL NOW SPRING FORTH." The hour of divine restoration and Kingdom reformation is now being birthed, and the nations of the earth shall see the glory of the Lord revealed!


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Veronika West
Ignite Ireland Ministry

Facebook page: click here

Veronika West has been anointed and appointed by God as a prophetic voice to the nations. Veronika has a heart to see everyone in the Body of Christ fully activated and released in their Kingdom identity, purpose and destiny. Being born and raised in Africa, she also has a passion for deliverance ministry and seeing the hand of God set free the captives that are bound. She enjoys teaching the Word of God through practical application and supernatural impartation. Veronika heads up Ignite Ireland Ministries, and currently teaches a broad range of prophetic truths to those who are actively seeking to walk in deeper realms and dimensions of the prophetic ministry and office. Veronika is married to Andrew West, and together they have two children.


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