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Helen Calder: How to Make the Most of Your Prophetic Signs

Helen Calder, Melbourne, Australia
Jan 19, 2025

Something New Is on Its Way

Have you experienced any dreams, prophetic signs, or words from God recently? When God is about to do something new, signs increase. They're like signals of His Kingdom breaking through—a glimpse of His work manifesting in our lives. I believe now is such a time.

Yes, something new is on the way! It will not delay. It's time to pray!

God promises in Isaiah, "Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it?..." (Isaiah 43:19 NKJV)

The Hebrew word for "spring forth" is rich with imagery, meaning "to sprout," "spring up," and "grow up" (Strong's H6779). It's like watching a spring bulb emerge through the soil; what was once hidden is now breaking into view.

How Can You Know When Prophetic Signs Are of God?

Someone asked me recently, "How can you know a sign is of God?"

This is what I've discovered:

• God speaks in our relationship with Him, so we become familiar with His voice (John 10:3).

• We also become accustomed to the Spirit's presence (anointing). It resonates with us as something genuine and from Him (1 John 2:20).

• A sign from God often carries symbolic meaning, and the Holy Spirit communicates in ways that remain a mystery for a time.

• True signs from God stir us to a sense of Heaven's involvement in our lives.

• It's not some mysterious or unsettling "strange fire"; rather, it's the comforting presence of our Father. This is true, even when He brings conviction or a warning.

• Such a sign brings anticipation and faith for what God is unfolding. And finally, it will always align with the truth of the Bible.

Five Rainbows

Sometimes, God speaks to us in unusual coincidences or patterns. He also communicates through our physical environment, using things such as numbers. In those moments when the Holy Spirit catches your attention, His divine orchestration is at work.

A few years ago, at a loved family member's funeral, we shared afternoon tea. Suddenly, there was a double rainbow in the sky. And at that moment three rainbows appeared in the room on chairs as the light struck them at a certain angle. As I glanced toward the window, I saw five rainbows! (Photo via Unsplash)

It brought me great comfort. I immediately related the number five to grace, and the rainbow to God's promise, mercy, and hope.

Maybe you haven't experienced this much yet, but you'd like to. God is stirring a hunger in you as His invitation to journey more closely with Him.

Hear Him say, "Beloved child, I have more for you! I delight in giving you My Kingdom" (see Luke 12:32).

Five Ways to Make the Most of Prophetic Signs from God

1. Turn to God's Word. Always see a sign as a pivot point that turns you to God's Word.

When I dreamed about looking over a harvest field, I woke up and turned to Jesus' words about the harvest in John 4:35. This is the dream I referred to in a recent post, "Six Prophetic Insights About the Harvest."

The Bible is full of rich symbolism, demonstrating that God speaks in mystery. These signs cause us to seek Him and to study the Bible for more insights.

2. Pray about prophetic signs.

Moses had the shepherd's rod (a symbol of God's authority), but he had to pick it up and declare God's works. We have something infinitely more powerful: the name of Jesus!

The Lord is teaching us to walk in His authority, and we do this primarily through prayer: "Let Your Kingdom come, let Your will be done..." (Matthew 6:10). We're learning to respond whenever we sense the Spirit speaking to us.

Here are a couple of ways to do this:

• Let wonder lead you to a moment of worship.

• Take the opportunity for a brief moment of praise and thanksgiving.

If the sign or symbol is significant, you can also ask the Lord for wisdom related to the signs and the bigger picture of what He is saying. Be intentional about stepping into your authority. Pray about it, petition the Father, and agree with Him. Have a "let there be" moment in Jesus' name. Make a declaration or prophetic decree.

3. Keep a journal or record.

Remember, dreams and other prophetic encounters are part of an ongoing conversation God is inviting you into. But you can't continue that conversation if you have forgotten the details! So, keep a record to look back on (Habakkuk 2:2).

This can also be helpful when making decisions or sharing with others, especially if you believe a sign confirms something.

Remember, prophecy (including signs and interpretations) should always be tested (1 Thessalonians 5:19–21). Stay open to a bigger picture as it unfolds. It may look different than you first thought. This way, you are stewarding God's messages and are open for the next installment. (Photo via Unsplash)

4. Stay alert for what God does next.

We live in a time when God is bringing dreams into reality.

Recently, I came across a dream from nearly seven years ago. In it, my husband and I stood looking over a fence in our neighborhood. A golden harvest field was in front of us!

When I dreamed of it in January 2018, such a thing didn't exist. So I wrote "figurative, not literal" in my notes. After having found the dream again, I was walking one day when I noticed our suburb had changed. Now it was exactly as I had dreamed!

Malcolm and I walked up the road the following morning and stood by the fence. We looked over the bright, golden canola fields in full bloom, reflecting on the dream and the amazing sign in front of us.

5. Participate with God as the Holy Spirit leads you.

In my dream from seven years ago, I said, "I need to take a snapshot of this because it will be built out soon." Then I turned to look for my camera. It felt as though there was only a short space of time left.

Now, standing at the fence, we were living that dream. And we knew in that moment its literal fulfillment was a sign.

When the Lord speaks to you through a significant sign, respond as the Spirit leads you. It may be prayer, a small step, or a symbolic action.

As we stood at that busy intersection with cars passing behind us—the scene and noise exactly as it was in the dream—we took photos and prayed. Then and there, we committed ourselves to Jesus and His harvest.

Something new is on the way! It will not delay. It's time to pray!


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Helen Calder
Enliven Ministries

Helen Calder is a prophetic minister and writer, and founder of Enliven Ministries, in the David McCracken Ministries family. Helen has a unique gift of equipping in the areas of prophetic ministry, discernment and prayer. She is known for Enliven Blog, an online prophetic training and mentoring resource that reaches thousands of people globally. Helen and Malcolm have been married for thirty-seven years and are at home in Planetshakers Church, Melbourne, Australia.


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