The God of All
During a worship service at our church, I was overwhelmed by a revelation I received—one that was not new to me but that God was taking me so much deeper into. And it was for you, his sons and daughters.
In this revelation, I first saw Him as the God of all creation—the God who reigns over nations and the God who holds together the heavens and the earth. It was holy and it was awesome. But then He showed Himself as the God who created me and created you—who reigns over us, holding us and all that pertains to us together.
It was holy and it was awesome... and it was healing, because who He is over all creation and who He desires to be in me and you is of equal importance to Him.
He wanted to remind me that one isn't greater to Him but that He is the God of the macro and the God of me! It is both/and, not either/or.
"I Want to Inhabit Every Part of My Sons and Daughters"
As I sat and pondered what I had just seen, God said, "I want to inhabit every part of My sons and daughters. I want to inhabit their entire lives—even the places that need to be overcome. For My habitation will bring all that they need to overcome strongholds.
"I want to inhabit their dreams, their burdens, their every breath, their faith, their time, their thoughts, and their fears. I have come to inhabit their longings and inhabit their prayers. Ask them to invite Me to dwell with them and inhabit every place within them."
As I continued to bask in this deeper revelation of His desire toward us, I began to realize that, in some way or another, everyone in the room was receiving a deep personal touch from the Lord. That night we had all come to give to Him, but it was His desire to pour out upon us.
If you struggle with feeling like God has better things to do than to personally inhabit and take upon Himself the intimate places of the longings, struggles, dreams, burdens, etc. that you carry, then know this: THAT IS NOT TRUE. He can hold together the heavens and the earth and reign over nations while still equally giving you the most personal attention you'll ever know or experience—and He wants to! (Photo via Pxhere)
Remember, He is the God who took the answer to every desire and need that will ever exist on Earth and put it in the form of a baby. He entrusted that baby to an unknown teenage girl from a small town of no reputation. He put God into the form of man—of a tiny baby—because only He can confound our understanding with such simplicity and innocence.
Open Your Heart and Believe Again
Do you not know that His Son has come to dwell in you and inhabit the womb of your life? You may feel unknown, unimportant, and of no reputation, but He sees you and wants to dwell in you.
Today He sits at the right hand of His Father, and has authority over all things, yet He bends low to pick you up and to see every detail of your life. He is not too busy or too big to dwell with you and engage in everything that pertains to you. He longs to do that. You capture His affections and His attention as if you were the only person ever created.
Open your heart and believe again. Believe that He not only cares but He carries you. He is not distant, but He intimately inhabits every place in you. If the Son of God can become a baby born in a stable, then the risen Son can surely dwell in you! He's not too big to inhabit you.
He's the God of the nations, and the God of me and you!
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Kathi Pelton
Inscribe Ministries
Jeffrey and Kathi Pelton live in Portland, Oregon. Jeffrey is a writer, teacher and book editor. Kathi is an author and prophetic voice to the Church. They walk with nations and individuals to see God's original intent fulfilled. Their ministry, Inscribe Ministries, was founded upon the verse from Habakkuk 2:2 that says, "Then the LORD answered me and said: 'Write the vision and make it plain on tablets, that he may run who reads it.'"
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