Intro from Patricia King:

Pierre and his wife have been involved with our ministry for a number of years. They are faithful, humble, passionates Believers, and stellar in character. They serve alongside frontline leaders in Canada on strategic events and assignments (i.e. Faytene Grasseschi), and it is my pleasure to endorse Pierre Goulart as an accurate prophetic voice.
Patricia King
Founder of Patricia King Ministries
Restoring the Earth to Its Original Purpose
As we reflect on how God uses significant events as Jubilee calls, inviting us to participate in the restoration of the earth to its original purpose, we must seek the courage and prophetic insight to confidently respond to His invitation.
Jubilee Cycles
In Leviticus 25:8–13, God commands the Israelites to count seven cycles of seven years (totaling forty-nine years), followed by the fiftieth year, known as the "Jubilee." The Jubilee year is a reset, where the land is returned to its original owner.
The Bible passage reads: "Count off seven sabbath years—seven times seven years—so that the seven sabbath years amount to a period of forty-nine years... The fiftieth year shall be a jubilee for you... In this Year of Jubilee everyone is to return to their own property" (Leviticus 25:8, 11, 13).
Three Significant Jubilee Years in the Jewish Calendar
There are three specific Jubilee years in modern history that align with key moments in God's plan for restoration:
1. 5678 (September 16, 1917 to September 5, 1918)
2. 5727 (September 14, 1966 to October 3, 1967)
3. 5776 (September 13, 2015 to October 2, 2016)
Each of these years, based on the Jewish calendar, is marked by a divine event that signifies a call to restoration and alignment with God's purposes for the earth.
The 5678 Jubilee and the Restoration of Israel
Miraculous Event:
On November 2, 1917, the signing of the Balfour Declaration marked a pivotal moment in God's plan for Israel's restoration. The British government's formal support for the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people in Palestine was a miraculous sign of God's faithfulness to His covenant with Israel—a Jubilee call for Israel to return to their land. (Photo via Pexels)
The 5727 Jubilee and the Restoration of Jerusalem
Miraculous Event:
On June 7, 1967, during the Six-Day War, Israeli forces captured East Jerusalem and the Old City with remarkable ease. This event marked a divine intervention, signaling God's restoration of Jerusalem to Israel, reclaiming its historical and spiritual significance.
The 5776 Jubilee and the Restoration of the Earth
In October 2014, God revealed to me that the upcoming Jewish year, 5776, would be a Jubilee year of great significance. I heard Him say, "I am restoring the earth to its original purpose." I then had a vision of the earth being crowned, followed by a map of the United States, with all the states colored in red. I sensed that what God is doing in the U.S. is pivotal to the global restoration of the earth.
Miraculous Event:
I believe the God-ordained event that marked 5776 as a Jubilee year occurred on July 19, 2016, when Speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, Paul Ryan, declared that the nominee for president of the United States, as chosen by the delegates, was Donald J. Trump.
Trump's unexpected rise to secure the Republican nomination was prophetic. His campaign, focused on "Making America Great Again," was a divine mandate not only to restore the greatness of the U.S., but to inspire other nations to return to godly values like hard work, honesty, discipline, and individual freedom. Just as the land of Israel was restored to its rightful owners, the earth is being called back to its original design. The U.S., with its global influence, plays a key role in this restoration.
Resistance and the Miracle of Election
The victory of Donald Trump in the 2024 U.S. presidential election was nothing short of miraculous. Despite fierce opposition (including media bias, legal battles, and assassination attempts), Trump remained steadfast. His supporters, through prayer and action, aligned themselves with God's will for the U.S. and the world.
About Clemency
As corruption is exposed, Christians may feel tempted to extend clemency too quickly, especially when called to forgive. However, we must be discerning in offering forgiveness and clemency, ensuring that these actions align with God's justice, and recognizing that forgiveness and clemency may not always be appropriate. (Photo via Pexels)
While Jesus taught us to forgive, He also made a distinction between those who acted in ignorance and those who knowingly committed evil. In Luke 23:34, Jesus prayed, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
This prayer was for those deceived by ignorance, not for the religious leaders who crucified Jesus, who were fully aware of His divine authority (John 3:2). Similarly, we must resist the urge to extend clemency to those who knowingly commit evil but allow God's justice to run its course through the judicial system.
The Invitation
The purpose of this article is to invite readers to consider viewing current events through the lens of these three significant, historical moments as divine Jubilee calls.
The 5678 Jubilee emphasizes that God's plan for Israel does not involve compromising its land for peace, as the land is to be restored as a divinely given inheritance. The move of the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem was a prophetic alignment with the 5727 Jubilee call to restore Jerusalem as the capital of Israel, in accordance with God's plan for the city.
God is inviting us to participate in the restoration of the earth to its original, God-intended purpose. This is a unique opportunity to live as agents of restoration in our families, communities, and nations. This restoration requires a commitment to justice, reconciliation, and freedom, guided by godly wisdom. Let us seek His wisdom and courage as we live out this calling and contribute to His divine plan of restoration.
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Pierre Goulart, Founder
Jubilee Sounds
Pierre Goulart is a worship leader who has been involved in various church leadership roles for the last thirty years. He wrote, recorded, and produced the Canadian Gospel Music Award nominee instrumental album Jubilee Sounds. On October 17, 2014, he had an encounter with the Lord that led him to seek how to align our lives with God's desire to see the earth being restored to its original purpose.
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