[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Andrew Whalen shared from during his recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage our readers to pray through them and watch Andrew's interview here for full context.]
The Fly in the Gym Encounter
While working out at the gym in early December (2024), a random fly appeared and landed on my nose. I thought it was odd, as we don't ever see flies in the winter, yet this fly seemed very interested in me. I waved it off and then it chased me around and landed on my shoulder. No exaggeration, in the moment when the fly landed on my shoulder, pain shot through it and it went weak. I waved it off and tried to keep working out, but moments later it again landed on my shoulder, and the same physical sensation took place.
It was in that moment that I discerned that the Lord was trying to "touch my discernment/nose" with something, and I heard, "The lord of the flies is the lord of all lies. The authority I have given My Body has been taken and hindered in every area [where] they have believed lies."
John 8:44: "You are of your father the devil, and the desires of your father you want to do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own resources, for he is a liar and the father of it."
Isaiah 9:6: "For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the GOVERNMENT WILL BE ON HIS SHOULDERS. And He will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace" (emphasis mine).
Our call to govern, and to utilize our authority in Christ, is weakened, diminished, abdicated, yielded, and stolen at whatever level and in every realm where we have been deceived. In every place where we don't live in truth, we lose authority.
John 18:37: "'You are a king, then!' said Pilate. Jesus answered, 'You say that I am a king. In fact, the reason I was born and came into the world is to testify to the truth. Everyone on the side of truth listens to Me.'"
Truth (in the Greek) is aléthia, meaning "REALITY."
We are living in a time where God is showing us reality. Occult veils are tearing!
The Alien Phenomena Is Not What It Seems
Dream received on December 14, 2024:
In the dream, I was walking down a city street and people were walking in the same direction nearby. I was talking with someone... I'm not sure who... and said, "The alien phenomena is not what it seems. There are not actual extra-terrestrial aliens from other planets. There are, however, beings called Nephilim."
At that moment people all around gathered near me and said, "What are the Nephilim?"
I said, "Well, we know there were giants in the earth. Think David and Goliath and all the skeletal evidence of giant beings... where did these come from?"
Then, I began to read from memory Scriptures from Genesis 6. I then said that this led to God saving Noah for having uncorrupted genetics, but somehow, through someone, in some way, the genetics were defiled again after the flood; and if there are any suspicions or even evidence of modern-day, non-human beings in our world, it is directly related to the Nephilim. (Photo via Creative Commons)
Then I said, "The enemy wants us programmed to think there are other physical places beyond Earth where beings exist. That is just not so... it's deception."
God Is Tearing Occult Veils Now
Dream received in 2013:
In my dream, I found myself in a room with Lou Engle. He and I were digging a hole through a stone wall. Once we dug through, I reached in and grabbed a book. It was a blue book that looked like a Bible that said "1954 Holman," and it had the Freemasonry symbol on it. In real life, unknown to me, there is an actual Holman 1954 Freemasonry Bible version.
In the dream, I laid the book on the table. Suddenly, I saw a couple men from the Vatican. I knew two of them were popes, and a couple were Jesuits. They opened up the book and said, "Aliens are real."
At which point, I spoke up and said, "You are deceived... These aliens are the fallen ones. They are Nephilim, the offspring of angels and humans, and we are contending with many of their disembodied spirits (demons)."
Luciferian societies are under his (Lucifer's) deception and erect occult veils of deception for humanity.
2 Corinthians 4:4: "The god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers, so they cannot see the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God."
God is now tearing occult veils to bring into focus the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ, to reveal that we do indeed live in a biblical reality—reality as He has created it, not as satan has twisted it.
It Doesn't Matter Until It Does
Dream/encounter received on November 22, 2024:
In the dream, I knew that, specifically, "Christians" didn't see the benefit or purpose of arguing/discussing certain controversies and (in their minds) "peripheral" subjects, such as the biblical cosmology (true history of our world, etc.) In the dream, I could hear their thoughts, and they dismissed these subjects as having no importance because they weren't directly salvific (relating to salvation) issues. In other words, they believed that these realities didn't relate to the salvation of our souls.
End of dream.
I woke up from the dream and instantly heard the Holy Spirit say, "It doesn't matter until it does." In that moment I had revelation that many areas that the Church has deemed unimportant are going to become increasingly more important for how we advance the Kingdom in the times ahead. For even if these areas aren't directly salvific, it still remains that at whatever level and in whatever realm there is deception, we will not operate in the authority we are meant to for Kingdom purposes in those areas.
(As I side note, I don't believe that God would have us be argumentative, disrespectful, or unloving in our pursuit of seeking His Word on matters concerning areas that are more controversial. In terms of walking in unity with the family of God, I like to approach it with the following framework: In essentials, unity; in non-essentials, liberty; and in all things, love. But we must become a people who love the truth! We must continue in His Word!)
John 8:31–32: "...If you continue in My word, you are truly My disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free."
An Adjustment of Humility
Dream received on January 1, 2025:
In a dream, I saw a group of prophets who were well known and were vocal about their disapproval of Trump (or their timidity from recognizing God's "Cyrus," and also their disagreement that he didn't win 2020). However, in this dream I saw them coming towards me in a black Jeep Rubicon. I said, "Wow, these prophets are really beginning to make an adjustment of humility."
Next, one of the prophets walked up to me and someone who was also next to me, whom I didn't see. The prophet representing that whole group of prophets said, "Andrew, whatever word you two receive from the Lord for this time, we will now heed."
I didn't know what word I was going to receive from the Lord, but then I realized that the man next to me and I suddenly had an envelope in our hands. We both opened them, and they both said the exact same thing: "Trump can be trusted." At that, we handed those letters (knowing they were given to us by the Lord) to the prophet in front of us. He looked at them and said, "Okay, Trump can be trusted."
End of dream.
Why a black Rubicon? I believe black represents the color of ash/repentance. And the Rubicon was made famous from events related to the crossing of the river Rubicon by Julius Caesar. "The phrase 'crossing the Rubicon' has survived to refer to any individual or group committing itself to a risky or revolutionary course of action" (see Henman Performance Group, Are You Tough Enough to Cross the Rubicon? article by Linda Henman). It is similar to the modern phrase "passing the point of no return." (Photo via Pexels)
I believe the prophets who didn't fully recognize all that God had said about Trump being His Cyrus and removing the swamp are going to "cross the Rubicon" and stand in full faith that Trump can be trusted, because God is sovereignly directing him!
This also means to me that in times ahead there may be some things which Trump does that we won't have understanding for, but God is asking us to trust the plan that is Trump.
Mount Up on Wings like Eagles
Dream received on December 25, 2024:
In my dream, I loudly began to announce, "The glories of God's creation have been suppressed!" I then said, "But the suppression is now being removed!" When I said that, I suddenly saw that I had grown a pair of wings. I took flight in the air with my wings. It didn't seem abnormal to me. In fact, in the dream, I said, "Wow, we didn't know how suppressed we have been. Humanity was created to soar."
I looked around and somehow knew that the suppression on creation was being removed, and I watched as people everywhere began to grow wings. Some wings I saw were golden wings. People everywhere were shocked to realize that by design they were always meant to fly, but the enemy and his world control had suppressed so much of God's glory in creation.
There was an uprising happening in the dream, and people now saw that the creation needed liberation. I knew in my heart we were going to witness the unlocking of God's glory in His creation in times ahead!
End of dream.
Malachi 4:1–3: "'For behold, the day is coming, burning like a furnace, when all the arrogant and every evildoer will be stubble; the day is coming when I will set them ablaze,' says the LORD of Hosts. 'Not a root or branch will be left to them. But for you who fear My name, the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings, and you will go out and leap like calves from the stall. Then you will trample the wicked, for they will be ashes under the soles of your feet on the day I am preparing,' says the LORD of Hosts."
Romans 8:18–21: "I consider that our present sufferings are not comparable to the glory that will be revealed in us. The creation waits in eager expectation for the revealing of the sons of God. For the creation was subjected to futility, not by its own will, but because of the One who subjected it, in hope that the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and brought into the glorious freedom of the children of God."
I believe we are going to see the saints of God mount up with wings as eagles! We are going to walk in the reality (truth) of who God has created us to be in Christ Jesus. As He is, so are we in this world!
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Andrew Whalen
Vanquish – Prophetic Warriors
Email:Â wordonfire11@gmail.com
Website:Â www.vanquishpw.com
Andrew Whalen is an emerging leader and prophetic voice to a generation. He functions as a prophetic warrior to advance the Kingdom of God in all spheres of society. Andrew is uniquely called to raise up spiritual special forces, equipped to achieve spiritual breakthroughs against regional and national level, demonic resistance. Andrew and his wife Kelly have pioneered and led various ministry initiatives, while also engaging in the marketplace, for over fifteen years. In the last four years, they have served as core prophetic leaders with Lou Engle ministries. Today, Andrew and Kelly, along with their three children, reside in Peoria, Illinois, where they lead VANQUISH – PROPHETIC WARRIORS, and are also working to establish an apostolic training center, The Unapologetic Dreamers. Andrew's heart burns to see a generation take hold of everything that Christ has provided for us through His victory.
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