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Danielle Dixon: 2025 - A Year of Power, Maturity, Unity 

Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
Jan 7, 2025

I heard Jesus say loud and clear, "2025 will be a year of POWER."

This year will be a season of power that will be sustained through maturity, causing unity, which is a true picture of new-covenant wineskins.

I was taken into a vision relating to 2025. Jesus lifted me up above the earth with Him. I was acutely aware that the Body of Christ was designed to live from that governing atmosphere. The atmosphere was impregnated with the power and authority that was necessary to sustain the next move of God.

There was an obvious chasm between where we are currently living and the power, maturity, and unity available through this elevation.

As Jesus was standing next to me in this vision, there was a transfer of His strong desire to transform and elevate the Body of Christ.

Jesus is saying, "Come up higher in 2025." But in order to do so, we must go low. (Photo via Pexels)

No Space for Immaturity

I noticed that the fruit of the Spirit operating at an optimum level was clearly necessary. There will be no space for immaturity moving forward. Developing Christ's character is required to sustain God's power.

The fruit of the Spirit is a sign of God's presence, not a set of behavior modification rules. Fruit is the result of the inner, transformative power of God.

The gifts of the Spirit are a manifestation of God's power. We can't walk in lasting power without the fruit of the Spirit operating in the Body. This generation is looking for real power, which will take real fruit.

This season requires us to work as a family that is tightly woven together. We must be living out of the fruit of the Spirit in order to walk in the greater glory.

The Lord wants to show us what is possible together in unity, which is not possible when we operate individually. Many divisions will be healed, and countless connections restored. In 2025, we will witness the transformative power of Jesus at its finest.

Reminder from the Lord: Keep the Unity

Biblical unity is not only based on the relationships we have with people but the relationship we have with the Godhead. We don't create unity, for it is already in existence; our job is to keep it.

"Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace." (Ephesians 4:3 NIV)

"Beyond all these things put on and wrap yourselves in [unselfish] love, which is the perfect bond of unity [for everything is bound together in agreement when each one seeks the best for others]." (Colossians 3:14 AMP) (Photo via Unsplash)

We have heard prophetic words emphasizing purity and unity; this is preparation for the end-time move. We need purity of heart in order to have unity in the Body of Christ. We have seen a revival of purity from this generation, coupled with a desperation to see God.

"Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God." (Matthew 5:8 NKJV)

Purity is a heart posture. Only the Holy Spirit can circumcise our hearts. Both unity and purity need the fruits of the Spirit to be functioning in Believers' lives.

Here are some Scriptures for 2025:

• Psalm 25

• John 15:1–5

• Galatians 5:22–23.


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Danielle Dixon
Ark Ministries 


Danielle Dixon is an Australian prophet who presently resides in Cairns, Queensland with her husband Massey. They serve together as the senior pastors of Ark Ministries which they planted in 1997. Danielle's heart and passion is to see "captives set free" (Isaiah 61). Many lives have been changed by her Breaking Bondages series.


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