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ACPE Word for 2025: Opportunities for Harvest & Personal/Nation-Changing Movements

Cindy Jacobs, ACPE, and GPC
Jan 6, 2025


Intro from Cindy Jacobs:

This was the twenty-fifth meeting of the Apostolic Council of Prophetic Elders (ACPE). As far as we know, the ACPE is the first of its kind in the world, and certainly the longest lasting. We are unique in that we see our role as not only to hear the word of the Lord for the season but to intercede together for the will of God to be accomplished during that time.

Members of the Global Prophetic Consultation (GPC), who have met together for the last seven years here in the Dallas area—which include many international prophets—have also contributed. We are watching and praying for God's will to be done on Earth as it is in Heaven, and for His Kingdom purposes to be established. The words given are not just for a chronological year, but for the next season that God is releasing in the earth.

It is always wise for prophets to examine what they have issued. Critics of the prophetic movement say that the prophets tend to say the same kind of things every year. While that may be true of some, we find that, for the most part, those whom we are associated with are very accurate in their prophetic words, and words of knowledge and wisdom. Words of knowledge are for today, but it is important for us to have a word of wisdom on how to deal with the coming year.

Our theme for 2024 was "The Year of Shakings and Open Doors." This proved to be very accurate, as it was a year of tumult and great open doors for the gospel.

Cindy Jacobs
Generals International/Reformation Prayer Network

Psalm 25

In these unsettled times of the great reset, this is an important passage. Just like Psalm 23 comforted us in 2023 and Psalm 24 spoke to us in 2024, now we see the admonition of Psalm 25, that "those who deal treacherously without cause will be ashamed" (Psalm 25:3). God will release His mercies to us in the middle of trials. Psalms 25:14 promises, "The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him, and He will show them His covenant."

The Reset of Nations

This year, more countries are holding, or have held, national elections. Many nations are in the midst of a reset that will either take them away from their destinies, at least for a season, or see a massive reformation.

A Wartime President

In the word of the Lord from last year, we prophesied that if we did not elect a wartime president in 2024, the enemies of the United States, as well as those of other nations, would not fear going to war on a global scale in 2025. Essentially, we prophesied that we needed wartime intercessors and a wartime Body of Christ in 2024.

We are receiving word from many nations that the US election this year was considered a "global election." Lou Engle and his team who worked on A Million Women led a worldwide prayer movement of at least ten million praying and fasting for the US election, as well as fifty countries participating in a global communion at sunset on Yom Kippur.

In the prophetic meetings we held, it was prophesied that the US election results would shake Europe and cause liberal governments to fall, and Germany would be first. This proved to be true, as the German government collapsed in the next few days, followed by a shake-up in the French government. With President Trump's election, we are seeing a potential worldwide, global reset toward conservative governments. The winds of change are blowing across America as anti-biblical ideologies fall.

War Intensifies

It is not God's will for WWIII to break out, because this will diminish the end-time harvest that we are experiencing around the world. We heard the word "Raise up an army!" The older generation, who knows how to wage spiritual warfare, must train the next generation on how to do spiritual battles in their nations. God is going to manifest Himself as a "Man of war" (Exodus 15:3), and the "Captain of the Lord's hosts" (Joshua 5:15). In 2024, we warned from Matthew 24:7, "Nation will rise up against nation."

This new army of the Lord will be known for its worship movement, as there is an understanding of restoring the 24/7 tabernacle of David (Amos 9:11). God will release blueprints for battle so we know what to do. Worship is a major key! The biblical understanding of the shout of the King as protection against evil will be used as a tool of intercessory warfare of new levels. We will see the calming down of various battlefronts, while others will arise.

The Ukraine-Russia war must come to an end, as a potential nuclear war is on the horizon. We prophesied about a potential limited nuclear strike in the making. God wants to use both Russia and Ukraine to see massive harvest not only in their own countries, but to the ends of the earth. Other conflicts will stop, but new ones will try to arise. Europe and Taiwan are in grave danger. Wartime spiritual armies must not grow weary; they must stay on the wall (Psalm 18:34).

Years ago, before Brexit, we prophesied that the EU would fragment, and it is not over. God wants to shake the EU structure to release a move of God among all its nations.

Enforcing Victory

The word of the Lord is clear: We must not stop engaging in prayer in a spiritual battle for President Trump and other nations. We are aware he is not a god, and he is a fallible leader. Intercession for him, especially for those around him, is critical. This goes, of course, for all our nations. We have received severe warnings of potential economic collapse in the US and other nations, and much intercession needs to be done for an economic reset. Only God can make this happen. Why the focus on the US? This is not because of an empire spirit; but if the US economy collapses, the nations of the world will go into economic turmoil. (Photo via Flickr)

The story of Esther is a good example of a nation being saved from the plans of an enemy to destroy it. In that case, not only was Haman removed, but his ten sons had to be dealt with as well (Esther 9:10–20). Each of the sons' names stands for a strongman that must be defeated. Although the election was won, there are powers of darkness that have established themselves in the structure of the US that will fight against the reformation of the nation. Here are Hamon's sons' names:

Parshandatha, meaning spiritual apathy, complacency, and slumber

Dalphon, representing a religious spirit that has a form of godliness but denies the power

Aspatha, the spirit of greed, robbery, and mammon

Poratha, the Jezebel spirit

Adalia, the spirit of Leviathan, rooted in pride, arrogance, and rebellion

Aridatha, the spirit of accusation, oppression, and false narratives, especially in media

Parmashta, the spirit of division

Arisai, the spirit of witchcraft and the occult

Aridai, the spirit of fear, intimidation, and terrorism

Vaizatha, the spirit of racism, prejudice, and antisemitism

These spirits will try to invade cultures, nations, and individual lives. Old structures in nations that are no longer workable and need reforming will be broken, and those who are hiding their corruption behind these structures are going to be massively exposed.


This is the year of global transition, as well as personal transitions. In these transitions, it will be key that we are aligned properly on every level. Family, church, geographic, and relational alignments are key to our success. Some transitions will be painful, but we are to trust God with our lives.

Pruning and Purifying

For the last several years, we have warned about a coming time of severe judgment and exposure in the Church in preparation for the end-time harvest. We knew it would be severe and warned that it was going to continue as God cleaned house. The Lord is going to expose more things that people thought they did in secret. Judgment must begin at the house of the Lord (1 Peter 4:17)! How can we change a nation when there is sin in our own camp?

Leaders will teach on the judgment seat of Christ, and the fear of the Lord must return to the Church (2 Corinthians 5:10). We must learn how to deal in a godly way with these exposures and not shame the victims.

Times of intercession and repentance have taken place for our lack of handling the wounded in a godly manner. We also realize that the leadership of the Church has been very broken, and we must put structures in place to heal, as well as vet, those whom we entrust the pulpits of our churches and God's sheep to.

God is preparing us, and learning from the parable of the ten virgins in Scripture is critical (Matthew 25:1–13). We must never forget that the Lord is going to return one day, and we must be ready!

There is good news on the other side of the pruning and purifying! God is getting ready to release new levels of power and glory onto the Church that will heal and restore His people, and bring great honor to His name. So, this shaking is unto something that will restore the Church's reputation in the eyes of the world as He pours out His power. His reputation cannot be tarnished, and the Church will be restored with new and renewed leadership to steward the next move of God.

The Church as a Force for Good

Churches will come out of their four walls as a force for good. Unity is the key, although not ecumenism. Cohesive networks will form whose voices will be heard for justice issues. There will be real change in fighting poverty and racism. But these reformations will work within political systems to put biblical systems in place, while not limiting the freedoms of others.

The Church will be standard-bearers for good. There will be a renaissance of the arts, music, media, and entertainment, with new entrepreneurial groups being established that will become engaged at university levels. The Church will see they have a place in education and the discipling of nations. Both personal and national discipleship will be recognized. Italy will play a big part in the renaissance. Australia, although it appears to have major challenges, will shake off antisemitism and have a conservative reformation.

The Supernatural Church

The Lord has spoken to many of our prophets that it is time to "Come up higher!" We must gain new levels of revelation that are essential to find our way forward in troubled times. We will have knowledge that others will clamor for. Supernatural encounters will increase with angelic visitations and dreams. The Lord will release more and more moves of God with greater manifestations of His power that will result in regions being touched by God. What will result will outshine any former moves of God such as Azusa, etc. There will be new Pentecostal power flowing across the planet.

Grace Released

In the midst of all the turmoil, God will release a redemptive grace upon His people. His Word says, "My grace is enough (sufficient) for you" (2 Corinthians 12:9). The Lord knows of the great amount of stress that His people are under and is releasing new measures of grace upon us! Times have been uncertain and very, very hard, and the Lord knows! (Photo via Pixabay)

The Hebrew meaning of the year 5785 represents double grace! (Beginning with a five and ending with a five, we see the number of grace!) His grace is there for us to access, no matter what we are currently going through! God never leaves or forsakes His people, no matter what is swirling around us in these present world crises. God will overwhelm us with His grace and goodness, instead of us being overwhelmed with what satan is doing. The Bride of Christ will find a season of blessing through consecration to our Bridegroom King Jesus.

We are to release our faith that God will give us grace in our current situations. There will be a new emphasis on Believers manifesting the fruit of the Holy Spirit in our lives during great testing—love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22–23). It is time for us to grow deep roots in God and develop new levels of maturity.

Kingdom Solutions

This is a season to watch and listen, as there will be opportunities to make investments that will cause large amounts of funds to be released for Kingdom purposes. A special love of the poor and justice for the voiceless will accompany these wealth releases—prosperity with a purpose. There are those who will steward wealth wisely and who will form strategic wealth alliances to boost Kingdom strategies.

The new wine is in the cluster (Isaiah 65:8). God is bringing reformers together who will financially begin to change cities and regions through their giving. Daniels, Josephs, and Esthers will arise for Kingdom purposes and be "solutionists" for their generation. New solutions will be revealed, as this is the time to build and acquire property, go back to school, and even grow our families. This is the time to go forward and not maintain the status quo.

The Power of Words

5785 is in the decade of "pey" for the year of 80. The Hebrew letter pey means the mouth. The Hebrew letter for five is hey, which represents the breath of God. What does that mean for us? There will be new levels of Kingdom authority released upon our decrees and words. There are new levels of intercession that the Body of Christ will step into to know the mind and will of God for the season.

It is also very important that we watch our words, especially what we say prophetically in the "name of God." There are many prophetic words that are dire because we are in a very troubled season. We must work together to guard our words and find our "cluster" as we prophesy. While we need to be careful not to block real and true words that are given, we must also understand that there are some levels of prophecy that need to be judged as to the timing and way it is released.


Proverbs 25:2 states, "It is the glory of God to conceal a matter, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter." During great turmoil and shaking, intimacy with God will be crucial in the year 2025 to maintain your spiritual equilibrium.

The Nations

Israel (The Season to Contend with Unusual Surprises):

Before the October 7, 2023 attacks, our prophets had given warnings about terrorism in Israel with a clarion, "call 911" warning. This was not ignored in Israel. While the attack was not completely averted, we did find out that a simultaneous attack had been planned from the north with Hezbollah, but Hamas jumped the gun. We do not rejoice and are deeply grieved at what took place, but rejoice that lives were spared.

Another third wave that was to be called "Operation Al-Aqsa Flood Galilee" was planned in which terrorists wanted to kill 6,000 in the Galilee. It was also averted when the IDF went into Lebanon.

There is a connection between Israel and the revivals in America, as Israel is God's "time clock." It was born in 1948 during the Voice of Healing revival. The 1967 Six-Day War and the reunification of Jerusalem were birthed at the same time as the Charismatic Revival and Jesus People Movement. The Yom Kippur War, with a quick victory and the taking of territory, happened at the peak of the Jesus People Movement.

Now, there is a season of increased persecution and antisemitism, and God is watching which way the nations will go—either standing for or against the Jewish people. We must not deter Israel from persevering against their enemies, because they are fighting for their existence.

The Middle East:

The Middle Eastern structures that stop the moves of God are unraveling, and the Lord is moving to set whole regions free. Look for a regime change in Iran as the tentacles it has had in nations are cut. Intercession must be made in a special way for the nations around Israel. Egypt and Jordan must beware of the targeting of terrorists who want to destabilize these important nations.

God wants to establish freedom throughout the Middle East. Fasting and prayer on a regional basis are required for the freedom pendulum to swing away from oppressive regimes. God wants to free Lebanon, Yemen, Iraq, and other nations. Neither has He forgotten Afghanistan and the Believers there. (Photo via Pexels)

The Isaiah 19 Highway from Scripture has been prophesied and will be built! Laborers are being trained to connect and evangelize all these nations. Saudi Arabia and the U.A.E. are going to open wide for the power of God to move. Economic development will be a key to this happening.


While Islam seems to be overtaking many nations in Africa, God has a plan, if the Church will cry out for deliverance. Alliances to Israel will be critical. Old structures built in colonial times that caused poverty will be broken down, and God will raise up reformers for nationwide changes.

Dictators who are evil will find the rug pulled out from under them and will lose their rulership. Coups will take place. Some can still be avoided. New leadership among the youth is rising for wealth creation for a new "continental economic regeneration."

Kenya is called to be an economic powerhouse for the continent. An army of women will arise from Africa, and Kenya is key to this. Nigeria will find a new generation who will demolish the systemic corruption.


Asia, God's eyes are upon you! India, the Philippines, China, Malaysia, Indonesia, Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, the Pacific Rim, and other Asian nations are going to experience sweeping moves of God as nations open to Him. God will shake some of these nations so that corruption and evil rulers will come down, and God's power will not be inhibited in some of these nations. There will be pushback, and some will experience a difficult season, but God will not allow it to last too long.

South Korea:

The revival will go through severe testing, and the Church in Korea must unify in prayer. There are ancient strongholds of witchcraft that are ruling in that nation and want to control the future of South Korea. China has promised North Korea the whole Korean peninsula so that it can be a staging place for war. This can still be stopped with fervent fasting and prayer. Sin will be uncovered in major areas of the Church. Kim Jong Un, your time is coming to an end.


Australia is called of God to be a major missions-sending nation. Even though there are great challenges facing the nation, a remnant will arise of reformers who will advance in the nation to release reformation.

Revival Alliances and New Wine Structures

Alliances of evangelists for the harvest will be formed across the globe. "New wine" means of evangelism, using social media and AI, will be formed, with massive harvests taking place. New structures with church-planting strategies will be formed so the harvest will not be lost.

Preparations for the harvest must be made now. We must be holistically and spiritually ready: spirit, soul, and body. Whole regions will see sweeping moves of God, and the numbers of unreached people groups will shrink with the fervency of new, passionate revivalists. This is the time of the greatest harvest the world has ever known.

Governmental structures that oppose the gospel will fall, and new favor will come upon leaders to buy property and obtain visas and permits. Nations once considered "third world" will surprise other nations as they become powerful missions-sending agencies for the gospel. Megacities that have seemingly been unreached, such as New York City, will experience great visitations.

Campus Revivals will Increase

2023: US campus revivals can be likened to the Ezekiel 47 model. In the year 2023, there was a trickle level of outpouring, as evidenced by what took place on the campuses of Asbury, Lee, Liberty Universities, and other Christian schools. This expanded to places like Free Chapel with Jentezen Franklin, under Perry Stone.

2024: In 2024, the revival was ankle-deep, as we see in the same Ezekiel 47 analogy, with the revivals hitting secular universities such as Florida State, Mississippi State, the University of Arkansas, and Alabama. Baylor University and Oral Roberts University, and other Christian universities, were touched by God as well. Hallmarks of these meetings were powerful prayer, repentance, and an atmosphere like Heaven. Revivals that are now breaking out on university campuses will spread like fire even among the most liberal states.

Baptize America: A major hallmark of these moves of God was water baptism. 12,000 were baptized off the coast of California on Pentecost Sunday. A movement called "Baptize America" has seen thousands baptized in fountains, the backs of trucks, and all kinds of objects filled with water. The passion and fervency for this outward manifestation of an inward change is remarkable. An admonition is to not give up on California, as we see the beginnings of a new Jesus People Movement with the movement California Will Be Saved. God has a plan for Stanford, Berkeley, UCLA, and the USA for great moves of the Holy Spirit. We must not give up on California because God has not!

2025: What is to come? We will continue to see these John 3:16 movements, but 2025 will see a shift to Luke 3:16, with the baptism of the Holy Spirit and fire. This will multiply the revival as thousands are touched by an encounter of being corporately marked by the fire of God and mobilized to preach the gospel with demonstrations of power. (Photo via Rawpixel)

Revivals in Other Nations

Taiwan will see campuses touched by the Spirit of God. New campus ministries and missionaries will feel God is giving them specific assignments for schools and athletes. There will be mobilization in the Four Asian Tiger nations of Taiwan, Singapore, Hong Kong, and South Korea. During shakings, the young people will arise not only as revivalists but as Josiah reformers.

Restoring the Altars

God is calling for a return to prayer on new levels and to "restore the altars" in places where there have been past moves of God.

There have been deep blows to the prayer movement that happened because of the uncovering of sin in places of prayer, but God does not want us to let the fires of prayer go out around the world.

The Office of the Teacher

It is critical that there be a renewed emphasis on the gift of the teacher. Satan will try to establish great apostasy alongside the moves of God, and there must be sound, biblical teaching to keep it out of the new converts and the Church.

Mordecais and Esthers

God moved powerfully in A Million Women on October 12, 2024, when 250,000 people descended on the mall in Washington, DC, and (as mentioned previously) ten million prayed around the world. This has produced a movement of Esthers, but also of Esthers and Mordecais working together for Kingdom purposes. This is only the beginning of a great move of women, with men acting as Mordecais on their behalf. This will be an "outside of the walls" movement that will promote change and fight for both righteousness and justice (Psalm 89:14).

God will release a plan in the United Kingdom that will speed throughout the UK, France, the Netherlands, Spain, and other EU nations to evangelize the Arabs in their midst. Young, firebrand evangelists are being touched by God even now to speak the truth. While this will come at times with great sacrifice, God will release a move of God among these people.

Victory over Chaos and Corruption

Across the globe, God is going to expose corrupt leaders. This will cause some levels of turmoil but, in the end, will result in reformation and transformation. Acts 27–28 tells of Paul's shipwreck. There was chaos before Paul arrived at his assignment. Do not let the chaos of the moment stop you from your God-given assignment. Stay the course! The shakings are taking both you and your nation to a new level, if the proper intercession takes place.

There will be contrary winds that try to blow you off course in this season of the "hey," which means the breath of God, as we mentioned earlier. In this passage (Acts 27–28) there were many obstacles. Those who operate in the occult will rise up on new levels to try and oppose the direction God is taking you; but do not be deterred, as you will win against their strategies.

Disruptive Glory

God is going to release new technological advances for this season. He will raise up a new generation who knows how to use their power for the Kingdom of God. Innovators are going to innovate in outstanding ways that will disrupt old ways of doing business. Silicon Valley in the United States will see a major move of God, as Kingdom innovators who love God will be forerunners in these innovations.

The Call to Pray for the Prophets

Bishop Bill Hamon, who we consider to be the father of the modern-day prophetic movement, prophesied in the 80's that God would raise up 10,000 prophets from the United States and 100,000 from around the world.

When we began our meetings twenty-five years ago, there were not many prophets operating on a visible scale. However, today there are many. We also have the influence of social media, which in a way is like the "Wild West" of the prophetic. There are many excellent prophets giving words, but there are also some who are outlandish and not speaking from the Spirit of God.

Rather than criticize the current prophetic movement, would you pray for it? James Goll has established an International Day of Prayer for the prophets with the theme Scripture of Amos 3:7. It is held on the third Friday in July every year. To access the ten-day prayer guide associated with it, go to GEM Ministries.

I pray that these words will be a roadmap for your next season!

Many rich blessings in 2025!


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Cindy Jacobs, ACPE
Generals International/Reformation Prayer Network


Mike and Cindy Jacobs co-founded Generals International in 1985. Mike and Cindy co-host a weekly television program called God Knows that airs in more than 200 nations. Mike and Cindy also provide leadership for the Reformation Prayer Network (RPN), an organization with representatives in each of the fifty United States, working to support and uphold Biblical values through prayer and local action. Cindy is a respected prophet who travels the world, ministering not only to crowds of people but to heads of nations. Mike and Cindy love to travel and speak, but perhaps their favorite past time is spending time with their children, along with their six adorable grandchildren. The Jacobs make their home just outside of Dallas.


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