Beloved, are you excited about 2025? I am personally so excited about this year. I love every new season, but I particularly love it when we get to pray over a whole new year.
The Lord has been speaking to me so much about 2025. For example, I believe He is saying that 2025 is going to be your "sunrise season."
He has also been telling me that we need to pray for His ABUNDANT LIFE to be manifest in every area of our own lives. Yes, He came that we might have abundant life, but have we ever thought to pray specifically for it? Now is the time!
I believe He is opening doors of opportunity and promotions for His children that didn't exist before. He is bringing His children out of obscurity in many areas, having refined them in the fire, and we will come out shining like gold!
If you believe that God is doing a new thing for you right now and in all of 2025, I wrote a prophetic prayer for 2025 for you to pray!
When I say "prophetic prayer," I simply mean that this prayer covers the areas above that the Lord has been speaking to me about. Also, the prayer covers many things that go along with these areas (including the things that are more important, such as greater intimacy with Jesus).
This prayer is not complicated, but it is filled with hope. And I do believe it can help you pray over what the Lord wants to do for you, in you, and through you in 2025.
Let's pray this prophetic prayer for 2025 together right now, and keep on praying it throughout the year.
A Prayer for 2025
Dear Heavenly Father,
I come before You in Jesus' name. Father God, You are good, and Your mercy endures forever. Thank You for being merciful to me every day of my life. Thank You for giving me an incredible year this last year, even if it was the hardest year of my life in some ways. And even if I felt like I wouldn't survive the hardship and difficulty at times, You were still so good to me. You really did show up and show out in amazing ways all year long, and I thank You and praise You for that.
Abba Father, I'm so grateful for all that You have already done in my life. I'm thankful for all You have done this year and in all the years before that put together! You have been so good and faithful to me.
Lord, You have given me a new level of faith and inspiration for 2025: You are raising me up to see hope again, and to be filled with hope. Your face is shining upon me and warming my soul. You are restoring the joy of my salvation. You are healing and restoring everything about my life. You are restoring my song. You are helping me to connect with You deeply in worship again. You are helping me believe again that You are looking to do good for me, and that Your eyes have settled on me to show Yourself strong on my behalf; for my heart has been loyal to You. Thank You for that, Abba Father.
So, Father, in Jesus' name I boldly pray the following over my life in 2025 right now:
I pray that 2025 would be my sunrise season, that Your light would dawn brightly in every area of my life. I pray that 2025 would be the best year of my life so far, in Jesus' name, and that each day and each month would continually get better and better.
I pray that You would fill me with more strength and grace in 2025 than I have ever experienced before, and that You would draw me closer to You than I have ever been before. (Photo via Pexels)
I pray also that You would help me to seek You with all my heart, more than I have ever sought You before, and that You would help me to be consistent in seeking You every day in 2025!
Father, You are the most important Person in my life. And I am asking that Your Kingdom would come and Your will would be done on Earth (and in my life) as it is in Heaven in 2025.
A Prayer for My Health
Over my health and mood, I pray:
Please fill me with abundant life in my body, soul, and spirit. Let me actually feel Your dunamis power roaring through me every day. Fill me with joy unspeakable and full of glory. Help me to feel Your love, Your presence, and Your affection with me in tangible ways, every moment of every day. Give me a keen awareness of Your presence each and every moment. Let Your abundant life roar through my relationships and finances, too, I pray, in Jesus' name.
Let 2025 be my healthiest year yet in every way. Help me make the choice to be healthy in every moment. Whether I'm deciding to get out of bed and go to the gym, or to eat something versus not eat something, or what to allow into my heart and spirit, PLEASE help me make good choices! Work in me both to will and to do Your good pleasure, Lord (Philippians 2:13)!
Help me to dwell in the secret place of the Most High and abide under Your shadow, Father (Psalm 91:1). And as I live in that place and confess My faith in You, please keep me stable in every way. Shelter me and my family from the world, Lord, so that nothing can by any means harm me or my family in any way.
A Prayer for My Spiritual Walk
Over my spiritual walk with You (which is the most important thing), I pray in Jesus' name:
Please help me to seek You early and late and long, more than I have ever sought You before in my life. Please help me to find You and encounter You in new ways every time I seek You, even when I am not expecting You. Please help me to be sensitive to Your presence with me, and to cherish and protect Your presence, and to not ever grieve Your Holy Spirit.
As I come to You every day, please give me rest. I've been so weary and heavy laden. Please, Lord Jesus, take my burdens and help me to take Your yoke upon myself so I can rest, for Your yoke is easy and Your burden is light.
Please continue to restore the joy of my salvation, and to uphold me with Your generous Spirit.
Please keep me from sinning against You, today and every day!
Please speak to me again in dreams, visions, and encounters in the night seasons more than You ever have before. Please send angels to minister to me and mine every single day. And please help me to recognize the ministry of angels when it comes! Open my eyes so I can actually see Your angels as they minister to me, Father, I pray, in Jesus' name! Help me to actually see You also, Jesus; for Your Word says that if I keep Your commandments, You will love me and will manifest Yourself to me (John 14:21).
Make me more hungry and thirsty for righteousness than I have ever been before, Lord. Help me to recognize Your still small voice in every environment, no matter when it comes. Help me to recognize and pay attention to all the ways that You speak, and help me to obey You in every moment, without hesitation. Help me to hide Your Word in my heart, that I might not sin against You.
A Prayer for My Calling and Destiny
For my calling and destiny in You, I pray:
Please bless me, Father! And as Jabez prayed, so I pray, "...Oh, that You would bless me indeed, and enlarge my territory, that Your hand would be with me, and that You would keep me from evil, that I may not cause pain!..." (1 Chronicles 4:10).
Please use me as Your hands and feet for Your glory! Everywhere I go, Jesus, let me be the donkey You ride in on!
Please give me the nations for my inheritance, for the sake of Christ, and the ends of the earth for my possession (Psalm 2:8), that I would be able to lay the nations at the feet of Jesus, as captive to Your glory!
Please use me to preach the gospel of Your Kingdom to the ends of the earth. Let me be a Kingdom financier for Your glory, and for the sake of Your great name. Help me to go and make disciples of all nations, teaching them to observe all things that You have commanded me! And be with me as I do it; show Yourself strong on my behalf, even to the end of the world! Help me to heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, cast out demons, and give as freely as I have received! I pray that of the increase of Your government and peace there would be no end in my life, and around the world! (Photo via Pexels)
Lord of the harvest, thrust me out into Your harvest field! Please use me for Your glory to accomplish all that You have written in Your book for me from the foundation of the world.
A Prayer for My Everyday Life
For my everyday life, in Jesus' name, I humbly pray:
Please open doors for me that no man can open and that no man can shut. And close doors for me that no man can close, nor can any man open (Isaiah 22:22). Give me favor everywhere I go in obedience to You. Give me opportunities that I could never have imagined, and help me to fully appropriate those opportunities according to Your will. Don't let me miss a thing, Father!
Please give me double and even a thousandfold recompense for all the trouble I have endured in past years. Restore the years the locusts have eaten (Joel 2:25), and let me have joy and double honor in my land that YOU have given me (Isaiah 61:7), I pray. Let everlasting joy be mine, in Jesus' name!
Give me eyes to see You, ears to hear You, and a nose to smell Your fragrance! Let me carry the sweet perfume of Jesus—the presence and anointing of Jesus and of Your Spirit—everywhere I go (2 Corinthians 2:15–17)!
Please send me into divine appointments with people that You have ordained for me to encounter. Help me to recognize each divine appointment as it comes, and help me to fulfill Your purpose for each one. Give me boldness to speak as I ought to speak. Let me speak as the oracles of God (1 Peter 4:11) in every moment of every day. Give me the tongue of the learned, that I may speak a word in due season to those who are weary (Isaiah 50:4), I pray, in Jesus' name!
Lord God of Heaven and Earth, I simply ask for abundant life in every way it is possible for You to give it. You are my Sunrise and my Light, Father God, Lord Jesus, and Holy Spirit. And I am desperate for You. I love You with all my heart, and I have tried to be faithful. And even though You have had to hold me up and sustain me, Your Word also says that he who comes to You must believe that You exist, and that You are the rewarder of those who diligently seek You (Hebrews 11:6).
Holy Father, I have sought You with all my heart. You have sustained me and have kept me alive. I would be dead without You, Lord, and You get all the credit! But for some reason Your Word says that You want to reward me... You are just that good.
So, Father, I humbly ask that You would reward me for seeking You. Reward me for going to be alone with You. Reward me for fasting in secret, for Your Word says You will reward me in the open (Matthew 6:4). Reward me for doing charitable deeds and trying my best to take care of the poor and those whom the world calls "the least of these" (Matthew 25:40); for Your Word says that You want to reward me for that (Proverbs 19:17), even though it was only You who allowed me to do these works!
Please, in Jesus' name, help me to overcome and persevere in all things, and reward me for it, Lord (Revelation 3:21).
Lord, I have nothing but You. You are everything to me, and all the world would not be good enough to keep me alive if it weren't for You. You are truly my everything and my Rock on whom I can depend. Therefore, Father, please glorify Your own name in me this year and forever. Use me to lift Jesus up and make Him famous. I ask that He would use me somehow in the process of drawing all men to Himself. Let everything be done to me according to Your Word, Your will, and Your way.
Thank You, Abba Father. Thank You, Lord Jesus. And thank You, precious Holy Spirit. It is in the mighty name of Jesus that I pray, and I thank You for hearing and answering my prayer. I give You all the glory. In Jesus' name, amen and amen!
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Jamie Rohrbaugh
From His Presence
Jamie Rohrbaugh equips people to walk in the manifest presence of God. She blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about prayer, the prophetic word, living supernaturally, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. Her podcast, Take Your Territory with Jamie Rohrbaugh, can be found on iTunes and Spotify. Jamie holds a Master's in Biblical Studies from Berea Seminary and is the grateful servant-in-chief of the From His Presence Prophetic Hub in Chattanooga, Tennessee. Check out her FREE ebook, "Praying the Names of God: 555 Biblical Names of God and How to Use Them In Prayer and Worship," on her website.
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