(Prophetic word and notes adapted from the ElijahFire podcast episode, When Dreams "Die." To watch the full episode, click here.)
If you know God's calling/destiny upon your life, but aren't seeing it come to fruition, feel like your dreams have "died," or are uncertain how the destiny God has for you will ever come to pass, the Lord wants to encourage you! Take heart, dear brothers and sisters in Christ! Your God-given destiny has not "died." And even if it feels like it has, our God is a God of resurrection life! Your destiny is a part of God's grand plan to unlock your family's destiny and regional destinies. God is unlocking many destinies in 2025.
Don't Be Discouraged in the "Delay"
I heard Jesus say to those who are discouraged, unsure of what's next, and who feel like God's destiny over their lives isn't coming to pass, "Don't be discouraged in the 'delay' of My divine seasons of unlocking the destiny over your lives. Take heart! Do not be dismayed. See, I've given into your hand everything you need to accomplish My purposes and My will for your life."
I had a vision of Jesus chuckling with laughter that was filled with inexpressible joy. He said, "It's not as complicated as you think. It's listening to the Father's heart, it's waiting in the stillness of His courts, and it's relying on His abilities and His sovereignty over all. You must step when He tells you, and you must go where He sends. He is the one who will purpose His plan. Your part is to listen and obey. Your part is to surrender your purposes to His."
I sensed that we are to have the heart posture of "I only do what He tells me, and where He sends me, I will go."
Tending Our Hearts as Destiny Unlocks
As the Lord unlocks many destinies in 2025, is your heart surrendered and ready for Him to unlock yours? Have you consecrated your heart and your destiny unto the Lord? If you aren't willing to dedicate your dream to the Lord, you're not ready to steward it.
It's time to tend our hearts and surrender to His consecration of our dreams.
As the Lord takes you through His divine season of unlocking His destiny over your life, here are some questions to provoke you to surrender your God-given dreams in a deeper consecration to Him:
1. Will You Trust God and Have Faith in His Promises?
"...Abraham believed God, and it was counted to him as righteousness." (Genesis 15:6 ESV)
God's Word declares that He is the God who revives dreams and destinies. Lives like Abraham's, Moses', Joseph's, Naomi's, Hannah's, David's, Job's, the Shunammite woman's, Peter's, and Paul's are testaments that He is sovereign over the destinies He has written over our lives. Will we have confidence that, as we follow Jesus, one day our God-given dream will be our reality? Will we trust His timing, His provision, and His plans, even when they don't make sense to our limited understanding? Let's resolve to trust Him.
2. Will You Seek First His Kingdom?
"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you." (Matthew 6:33 ESV)
Even God dreams and destinies can become idolatrous. Is your ultimate dream Him? God is taking us all to the point where Jesus is our dream; the Lord is taking us to where He is our literal hope—not, ultimately, what we do for Him, what we accomplish, or what gets fulfilled in our lives. (Photo via Pexels)
3. Will You Die to Self and to Other's Approval?
"Am I now trying to win the approval of human beings, or of God? Or am I trying to please people? If I were still trying to please people, I would not be a servant of Christ." (Galatians 1:10 NIV)
"After all, what gives us hope and joy, and what will be our proud reward and crown as we stand before our Lord Jesus when He returns? It is you! Yes, you are our pride and joy." (1 Thessalonians 2:19–20 NLT)
Your God dream must die to self. We have to die to motivations of self-promotion, self-satisfaction, and self-realization; it is about much more than that. Walking in our destinies is about giving God glory, and it's about the consideration of others even more than ourselves. It's not all about us, and it also isn't about pleasing others. It's about lovingly serving God and lovingly serving others.
Ask yourself, "How can/will my God dream bless others? How will it impact their lives and impact the Kingdom? Is my dream 'me focused' or 'others focused'?"
4. Will You Submit Your Hearts and Surrender to His Plan?
"Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails." (Proverbs 19:21 NIV)
His plans for our lives are far greater than anything we could contrive. He knows what is best for us, and His plans for us are good. In 2025 and beyond, may our heart posture be one of "God, I want to come to the storyline that You have written for my life. I want to come into the scroll of destiny that You have written over me."
5. Will You Embrace Refining?
"He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and He will purify the sons of Levi and refine them like gold and silver..." (Malachi 3:3 ESV)
Are we willing to go through the refining of the Lord? Are we welcoming the refining of the Lord, like the psalmist who declared, "Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me" (Psalm 51:10 NIV)? We can trust His Spirit to refine and remove the dross of our lives as we surrender to His purifying fire and the cleansing of Jesus' blood.
6. Will You Persevere in His Strength?
"Consider it pure joy, my brothers and sisters, whenever you face trials of many kinds, because you know that the testing of your faith produces perseverance. Let perseverance finish its work so that you may be mature and complete, not lacking anything." (James 1:2–4 NIV)
Too many dreams die in the desert. Too many dreams are abandoned before the season of breaking through into the promised land. In the times of waiting, testing, and refining, may we refuse to allow our God-given dream to succumb to despair and death. Instead, may we cling to the Lord and His Holy Spirit to strengthen us, sustain us, and mature us.
7. Will You Steward the "Now" and the "Little"?
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant! You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness!'" (Matthew 25:23 NIV)
"For where envying and strife is, there is confusion and every evil work. But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." (James 3:16–17 KJV)
Will we steward the "now" season that we are in? Waiting seasons are not seasons of doing nothing; they are seasons to steward the now.
Ask yourself, "Is what the Lord has given me to steward now enough? Can I be content in this? Can I steward this well and be trusted with it?"
As we await God's destiny to come forth in our lives, may our hearts be content in the now. Let's not grumble or complain about the process. We can't walk into God's destiny or "promised land" for us until the complaining stops. Paul urges us to not have the heart posture of grumbling like the Israelites did in the desert in 1 Corinthians 10:10: "And do not grumble, as some of them did..." (NIV). In a similar way, let's not envy others who are living out similar dreams and callings. Let's support one another as we follow Jesus and fulfill God's destiny over our lives.
Take Heart and Walk in His Destiny for Your Life
May this be the year that you seek His Kingdom above all else. May this be the year that you seek His face and His presence. May this be the year that obedience to Jesus prevails over your every decision. May this be the year that you trust wholeheartedly in what He has promised over your life. May this be the year that you walk boldly towards the destiny He has for your life. (Photo via Freerange Stock)
I bless your year, brother and sister in Christ, and I bless the work that the Holy Spirit is doing in your life as the Lord unlocks His promises over you and your family. Take heart, and walk in His destiny for your life in 2025!
Your Destiny Unlocks Regional Destinies in 2025
God is unlocking regional destinies and dismantling demonic agendas as the destinies of individuals and families are unlocked. As individuals come into their God-given destiny, ablaze with passion for Jesus and for His Kingdom advancement, their sparks will ignite Kingdom families.
I recently heard the Lord say, "It takes just one spark to ignite a family."
I watched, merely an hour later, as an unchurched teenage boy was set aflame with the presence of the Holy Spirit. As he surrendered his life to Jesus, I saw in the spirit a family's destiny begin to unlock.
I next heard the Lord say, "Individuals' destinies realized releases regional destinies." There is a movement in the spiritual building when we trust the Lord as He unlocks His destiny over our lives, our families, and our regions.
"Come up higher and align with My plans for the earth," the Lord declares. His call for us to gaze upwards towards His Son beckons us to listen. Do you hear it? The Lord declares, "Revelation of the ascendancy of Christ unlocks regional destinies."
In 2024, we have witnessed that the Lord is preparing His Ecclesia for greater fulfillment of His dreams—His Kingdom's plans and purposes. We have witnessed refinement, purification, and removal of idolatry and sin from within His Church.
I heard Father God say on October 26th, 2024, "Destinies declared dominate the defeat of the demonic agenda upon regions." Demonic agendas upon regions are in direct opposition to the destiny of the Lord. It's time to declare, defend, and demonstrate God's divine destiny over regions! There will be a strategic release of destinies gushing forth like a spring of water collecting underground and streams bursting upon dry land.
I heard Father God continue, "Army, ARISE. Who will declare My regional destinies? Blow the trumpet and RUN in to declare My destiny over regions you inhabit. There's divine protection in this hour, as the enemy is currently confounded. Unity! March in unity! One, two, step! Amass the victory!
"Decree and declare My Word and speak forth life! The soil is ripe for LIFE; the land is thirsting for water, thirsting for My latter-day rain. Oh, how the heavens await My rain! Oh, how the heavens declare My REIGN!
"They (the enemy) are confounded, weakened, and lacking strategy as My Church awakens. They are confounded, perturbed, and upset at My winnowing of sin from My Church... They thought it was better within [for sin to be in the Church] and better for them [demonic agendas] there. Oh! Does the enemy have a wounding in store when My Church is refined! It's refining season. It's reaping season. For My reign is here and My rain is coming!"
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Rachel Lynn Lawrence
Charismatic Theologian
Email:Â rachellynnlawrence@gmail.com
Website:Â www.charismatictheologian.org
Rachel Lynn Lawrence is a writer, speaker, and emerging prophetic voice who has served as a theology judge for Christianity Today and has been featured on the 700 Club. She is passionate for people to experience intimacy with Jesus, grow in prayer, and steward the gifts of the Spirit. Rachel equips passionate followers of Jesus to advance His Kingdom in Spirit, truth, and power. Find equipping and resources at charismatictheologian.org and connect with Rachel on Instagram @charismatictheologian.
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