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Faith Marie Baczko: Running with Horses in 2025!

Faith Marie Baczko, Oakville, Ontario, Canada
Jan 1, 2025

Will You Run With the Horses?

God recently spoke to me from a prophetic word I wrote in my devotional book, Word to the Warrior: Devotional & Journal for the Army of God. The title of the chapter is "Will You Ride?"

"Will you run with the horses? Will you embrace the wind of the Spirit and run with My troops? Will you ride on the heights with Me over the heads of principalities and powers? Come away, and ride with Me over mountains and into valleys where you will bring My light!

"Throw fear and caution to the wind and follow My voice. I will never fail or abandon you! You have been created and chosen for this! You will feel My arms around you as We ride together releasing light and freedom to captive souls. They're waiting and groaning for your coming. Hear the sound of their cries."

Faith, Grit, Strength, and Fierce Determination

As I read this word, God landed on it, and then continued to add to it and speak further. At first, I asked Him what it meant to run with the horses, and He answered me:

"To run with the horses in 2025 means that a greater level of faith, grit, strength, and fierce determination will be required. I supply the supernatural strength you need to run—not you."

"For by You I can run against a troop, by my God I can leap over a wall. As for God, His way is perfect; the word of the LORD is proven; He is a shield to all who trust in Him." (Psalm 18:29–30) (Photo via Pexels)

Willing and Obedient Hearts

"I need willing hearts that believe I am able to take care of the things that try to stand in your way that are against you. In Me, you are more than a conqueror. Do you believe this? This is the test! This is the question you must come to terms with that determines your future.

"There is much work to do! You require My supernatural strength and energy to accomplish My will and all that I desire to become established. When I hear your 'Yes, Lord,' double doors will swing wide open for you. Divine appointments will be set in place and time. When this occurs, you must be ready and girded up to embrace the assignment and to run!

"Remember, I am your priority before everything else. I do not tolerate idols. Obedience is what I desire and will be greatly rewarded. As you run, do not fear for your families; they are in My perfect will, and I have them covered. All that concerns you concerns Me! You are greatly loved and precious to Me.

"You Will Marvel and Be Amazed"

"You will marvel and be amazed at what I am able to do through you and the wisdom that shall come forth from your mouths. Cry out to Me for wisdom! Wisdom shall be supplied in abundance for this notable season, where order comes into My house for a building work that has begun! Order is coming into your life, into your families, and into all spheres.

"There is a work to be done of dismantling and rebuilding that requires divine, supernatural wisdom. It will be given to those who have laid down their lives for My cause, and for the Kingdom—those who count not their lives as anything. If you choose to lose your life for My sake, you will find it! No one that does not pick up their cross daily can serve My purposes in this hour.

"This is a time of great challenges, and you must follow Me closely. There can be no air between you and Me. My thoughts must be yours! My ways your ways, My words your words. Do as I do, and say what I say!" (Photo via Pexels)

Armor Up!

"I am separating many in this time for a great work and for great exploits. Gird up your souls for the challenges of 2025. Put on the full armor of God to stand and to withstand the assaults. In Me, all arrows will be deflected."

"Don't let the burned-out embers of the naysayers, the revelers, the riotous [ones] of the past season concern you. Their day is past. As you stand, hold your ground, and resist, you will find them in retreat."

"Tell him to stop worrying. Tell him he doesn't need to fear the fierce anger of those two burned-out embers..." (Isaiah 7:4)

Use Your Voice and Go Forth!

"This is the day of the voice of My people—a voice that speaks and their words become established, a voice that speaks and the enemy must bow and obey. Draw close to Me now and receive the sustenance of the Holy Spirit [as He] watches over you, fills you, and empowers you. Follow Him!

"Those who are led by the Holy Spirit, these are My sons and daughters called forth to steward these times. I say to you, run with endurance the race set before you! You will receive strength to sustain you on your way! Now go forth in My great name!"

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Faith Marie Baczko, President
Faith Marie Baczko Ministries| 
Headstone Ministries International

Faith Marie Baczko is the president of Headstone Ministries and Faith Marie Baczko Ministries. Faith is a dynamic apostolic and prophetic teacher, renowned for her extensive body of work. With numerous authored books, invaluable resources, and tailored online courses, her contributions are finely tuned to address the unique demands of this significant season. Faith possesses a deep understanding of the pivotal role Israel plays in the divine plans of God. Her unwavering dedication is focused on advancing the Kingdom of God and nurturing Believers toward the realization of their full Kingdom destiny. She envisions a generation characterized by discernment and courage, firmly rooted in Christ, and poised to impact the world in this appointed era.


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