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Kim Potter: Simplify Christmas, Celebrate Christ!

Kim Potter, Dayton, Tennessee
Dec 24, 2024

God Loved, So He Gave

I love this time of year. I love Christmas, and I love giving—not just at Christmas, but throughout the year.

While I know Christmas is not solely about giving, in many ways it is. God loved each one of us so much that He gave everything He had—His only begotten Son and all that comes with Him. What a privileged people we are! Jesus is and will always be the greatest gift of all.

Celebrating Through Giving

I have a picture hanging above my fireplace that says, "Simplify Christmas, Celebrate Christ." These words are what I choose to remember each year, and this year, they resonate even more.

Although I love the lights and decorations of Christmas, I felt compelled to decorate early and begin celebrating the wonderful birth of our Lord Jesus Christ sooner than usual this year. I finished my shopping early to allow myself to truly enjoy the season and honor Christ, our glorious King, or so I thought.

At one point, I believed I was done, but then God began to speak to me about giving this year. He instructed me to select gifts for a list of people whom I don't typically give gifts to, wanting them to know how special they are. So, I went shopping again and found gifts for each person on His list.

Proverbs 11:24–25 says, "One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want. Whoever brings blessing will be enriched, and one who waters will himself be watered." (Photo via Pexels)

1 Peter 4:10 says, "Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God's grace in its various forms."

One freely gives and yet grows richer in doing so. This is what I experienced while searching for the perfect gift for each person on His list. I felt enriched and nourished by the pure joy of giving and blessing others.

Once that task was completed, He continued to speak to me about the importance of giving. It seemed that everywhere I turned, there were needs to be addressed. But God is faithful; He always provides a way for those needs to be met, as long as we are willing to be His vessel.

Giving Comes from the Heart of God

It is God who instills the desire to give in our hearts. The impulse to give comes from the same place as love and kindness. I have learned that the more I seek God and grow closer to Him, the more I feel compelled to help others. This is the essence of Jesus Christ's message. God loves us so deeply that He gave.

Similarly, we should love others so much that it drives us to give. We ought to love God and His people to the extent that when He prompts us to bless others, we don't hesitate; we simply obey. We should carry out this obedience with joy and excitement, anticipating the impact our gift will have on the recipient.

I don't know what Christmas means to you. For some people it only brings stress, but it shouldn't be that way. We should give from our hearts. Gifts don't have to cost money; we can share a smile, provide a hot meal, or simply sit and visit with one another. Loving each other is the best gift we can give. (Photo via Pexels)

I love surprises, don't you? Can you imagine the joy when someone receives an unexpected gift that comes straight from the heart of God? I can, and it brings me great happiness! I believe it also brings joy to God.

Moving with His Heart

This year, as you celebrate Christmas, take a moment to make your list and check it twice. However, you should also remember to ask God what He would like you to do. Inquire about who He wants you to bless. Perhaps there is someone to whom you should give a gift in His honor; if so, go ahead and do it. I assure you that you will be enriched through this act of giving.

Honoring others through your generosity is a powerful principle. The Christmas season is an excellent opportunity to acknowledge those who have positively impacted your life throughout the year. It's a wonderful time to show them that you care and appreciate the gifts they have freely given to you.

Have a Merry and Blessed Christmas

May you each have a merry and blessed Christmas! May Christ pour out His goodness on you as you celebrate Him. Keep Him as the center of your home this holiday season, and the center of your heart.

We are believing God that you will finish strong this year and begin the new year with joy unspeakable and full of His glory in your home, in your body, in your family, and in your finances. To God be all the glory!

Simplify Christmas, celebrate Christ. Bring Him glory this month, and let all you do be done in love! For after all, He IS love.

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Kim Potter
A New Thing Ministries


Kim Potter is the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to over 10,000 people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and Kim's message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged and disappointed by the circumstances of life and imparts the desire and ability to stand against all odds; to stand for victory. She encourages people to press into God and discover that He is who He says He is.


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