[Editor's note: Below are the prophetic words that Donna Rigney shared during her recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to pray as you read through them and watch the episode right here.]
Four Prophetic Revelations
On December 11, 2024 I heard, "Media! Media! Media!" God showed me that He is going to have the media submit to Him, and they will help promote Trump, like a puppet in His hands. Right after our meeting, so many things happened with the media endorsing Trump: Kari Lake, Time Magazine, late night shows... Many switched sides.
Father showed me during our service on Sunday night, December 15, 2024, that He's going to use Elon Musk as a pattern for other billionaires. Just as He is using Elon Musk to help Donald Trump make America great again—removing corruption from the government and restoring America back to Christian values—He's going to use other billionaires to come alongside Donald Trump to help advance the Kingdom of God and get the United States of America back to its original intent.
The following day (Monday, December 16), Masayoshi Son, the owner and CEO of SoftBank, invested $100 billion in the United States of America, which will create 100,000 jobs in the future. This will be the first of many people who will be inspired by the Holy Spirit to come alongside Donald Trump and to help him help the United States of America fulfill its destiny.
On December 18, 2024, during worship, I saw palm branches waving in the air before Jesus. I knew Father was saying that Jesus is coming, riding on the colt of a donkey. Worship is drawing Him to us. Both generations are needed for Him to be displayed and for us to carry Him to this world. He will overturn the tables of the money changers in the temple. The Church will be cleansed and miracles will break out.
Confirming Scripture: Matthew 21:1–17.
On Thursday, December 19, 2024, Father declared to me that His Kingdom was going to expand: "Many people will allow Me to be their King and God and trust Me to rule over their lives and their land. A king can only be a king over a region, if his subjects will embrace him as their king and are willing to let him lead them.
"For many seasons, My people haven't allowed Me to rule over their lives or their lands. They have put satan on My throne without realizing it. Sick of what their 'king' did to them, and how he didn't provide for them and theirs, they now want a new King—one they can trust, who is good and only wants to bless them. They want a King they can trust.
"Now I will chase satan off My throne—over lives and lands—and I will reign. Much joy, prosperity, health, and peace will come forth during My reign. You are already feeling this change, because the 'changing of the guard' has begun.
As I looked into the spirit, I saw the world covered in a thick cloud. This cloud was the presence of Holy Spirit blanketing us. The world was being protected and provided for by a God who loves His creation!
The United States of America Will Not Be Destroyed!
About four or five years ago, during worship, I saw an ocean liner sailing down a large body of water. All the people on the ocean liner were having a wonderful time. Unbeknownst to everyone, including the captain of the ship, the ocean liner was heading for a very steep waterfall. Certain destruction was inevitable if this ship didn't turn back to where it came from. (Photo via Freerange Stock)
From my position high in the sky, looking down in the spirit at this serious situation, I knew the ocean liner represented the United States of America. We were heading for certain destruction and no one on this ship was aware of it.
On December 8, 2024, during our Sunday night prayer time, the Lord reminded me of this vision. I shared it with the congregation, and we began to declare that a new captain was coming on the ship. A new president, Donald J. Trump, was going to be steering the ship. We prayed that he would turn the ship away from all that this waterfall represented: legalized abortion; sexual trafficking of women, children, and men; corruption in government; the department of justice being used to persecute political enemies; the imprisonment of innocent peaceful protesters; the excessive taxation of the citizens; the poisoning of our food and our medication; all diabolical schemes to reduce the population, etc.
As we prayed, Eric, one of the prophets in our house, read James 3:4–5: "Or take ships as an example. Although they are so large and are driven by strong winds, they are steered by a very small rudder wherever the pilot wants to go. Likewise, the tongue is a small part of the body, but it makes great boasts..."
As he read this Scripture, I knew that the enemy had tried to silence us with the woke ideology, wearing masks, and many other schemes, because he didn't want the Bride of Christ to speak the truth and cause this rudder to steer the ship away from destruction and back to its original purpose.
Boldly, the entire church followed my instruction and began to declare the truth that our nation was going to turn around.
We will not be destroyed. Donald J. Trump will not be kept from assuming his position as president, and he will perform his duties, being led by the Holy Spirit, to turn us from wickedness to righteousness. Our nation will turn and return to its godly roots and its original intent.
ElijahStreams and other ministries have been faithfully speaking the truth and being used by the Holy Spirit to turn this ocean liner back to where it came from and away from certain destruction. Our nation is going to turn back to God, and the army of God will not be silenced or stopped from declaring the truth.
A Huge Tsunami Is Coming!
On November 29, 2024, Jesus brought me in the spirit to the ocean. While my Lord and I were standing on the shore watching the tide go far out—just like when a tsunami is getting ready to hit, and all the good things in our lives were being pulled far away out to sea—Jesus said, "Though the tide feels like it is going out and taking all you love and enjoy with it, know this: The tide is turning and bringing an avalanche of good, loving, and enjoyable things with it to My faithful children."
Jesus explained that the tide went out for Him while He was here on the earth, too. When His dear friend Lazarus died, his sisters, Martha and Mary, turned from Him because He didn't heal their brother and do what they wanted their way.
He was rejected by many, abandoned by His friends and family, and crucified. He lost everything, and then the tide turned, and He rose from the dead. He got back everything—His friends' and family's love—and the Holy Spirit was poured out. He birthed a great revival! When the tide turned, miracles happened through His disciples, a great harvest of souls came into the Kingdom, and His Father got many sons and daughters.
Jesus said, "This will happen again, because the tide is turning again! What was lost and taken from you will be given back and [be] even better than what you had before. A great harvest of souls, along with a great revival, will happen just as it did when the tide turned for Me, and Father will get many sons and daughters. Great miracles will happen and joy will abound."
Confirming Scripture: Jeremiah 33.
The following day, on November 30, 2024, Father spoke to me about the turning of the tide: "Those who remained faithful during this season, when so much was taken from them during low tide, or when the waters receded, will be blessed by My hand. Extravagantly will We bless each one, while those who let the enemy use them to steal from and attack My children will experience the wrath of an angry God! (Photo via Pxhere)
"Yes, if they repent, they will be forgiven, but they will not receive the same blessings as the 'faithful and true' do. I am just! It would not be just to give them the same rewards.
"The 'faithful and true' will be promoted and will be used as vessels of honor in My Kingdom. I only chose twelve to be very close to My Son when He walked the earth. They were those who were 'faithful and true,' except for the 'son of perdition' (John 17:12). I look at the heart and choose accordingly, and I bless accordingly too.
"I will defend My children against the attacks of injustice launched against them now! In the days ahead, you will see Me defend and restore them and demote those who maliciously mistreated them. I am just! No one will escape My justice, nor will the wicked, unrepentant ones escape My judgment. They will incur My wrath, and it will be a stern warning for others to avoid such wickedness and disloyalty. The fear of God will be restored to the land, and My children will walk in righteousness more easily!"
As Father spoke to Me, I saw myself standing on the shore beside Jesus, just as I had the day before. As I looked to my left and to my right, I saw a vast number of people all standing at the shore, looking out at the ocean with Jesus. The sea was filled with tons of things: cars, homes, churches, buildings, keys, children, etc.
Then, to my amazement, I saw little children come out of the water and run to the open arms of their parents. Families were being restored. Prodigals were coming home.
I wondered what the keys represented. Then the Lord showed me prison doors being opened. They were for those who had been imprisoned unjustly, but also for those who had been held captive by the enemy in the spirit, too. Freedom from addictions, sickness, poverty; freedom from all fears and all strongholds; freedom from wicked governments and injustice... People would be receiving their freedom and would be given their rights back, as well as their authority in the natural and the spiritual.
As I looked out at the enormous tsunami wave, I saw eyeballs riding on the waves and coming ashore. Jesus explained that blind eyes were going to be opened, both in the natural and in the spirit. Scales of deception and blindness will be falling off eyes, just like the scales fell off Saul's eyes after he was blinded on the road to Damascus.
Saul, who was later called Paul, became blind in the natural when a blinding light from Heaven hit him. Soon after, God removed the scales from his eyes, and he saw clearly both in the natural and in the spirit. He was no longer deceived by the religious spirit and by the hatred that controlled him (see Acts 9:1–19).
The Lord explained that the eyes that I saw in the ocean waves weren't just for those on the shore to keep, but they were also being given to them to pass out to those they knew, or would encounter, who had been deceived and tricked by those whom they esteemed and believed.
Jesus explained, "This is what is coming now that the tide is turning. Great days are going to overtake My children. Like a tsunami wave that comes crashing forth, there will be no stopping what we are sending, because Father has decreed it for the 'sake of the children.' All that is needed to rescue them is being sent in this 'tsunami of righteousness.' Not only will the children be rescued, but they will be totally restored, blessed, and set on fire for Us. They will arise, like the bones lying on the ground in the Valley of the Dry Bones, and become a mighty army" (see Ezekiel 37:1–14).
Jesus firmly declared, "This is what is coming, and no one and nothing will or can stop what Father has decreed."
Then Father said, "All that My children lost will come tumbling down on them, just like it did for Job when he got back double [of] all that he'd lost. They will get back twice as much as they lost during this demonic assault. But this great outpouring of blessings is only for the faithful and true.
Father continued, "Heaven and Earth must submit to Me and do what I say. My words are power filled! When I command a blessing, that blessing must come forth. When I speak life, then death must release its victims and life must replace it. I have spoken My very best to be released, and it will come to pass!"
Confirming Scriptures:
• "Blessed are the poor in spirit..." (Matthew 5:3–16, The Beatitudes)
• Job 42:11–17.
(God's blessings will be poured out on his 'faithful and true' children in this time of the turning of the tide.)
On December 1, 2024, Jesus continued to speak to me about the turning of the tide and the great tsunami that is coming. Once again, He brought me to the ocean, and I saw the huge tsunami wave coming towards the shore, and Jesus was enormous and standing on it. I wondered why I could see Him standing beside me and all the faithful and true people on the shore, and, at the same time, also see Him so enormous standing on the incoming wave. (Photo via Pxhere)
He explained, "Today I am showing you My omnipresence, and I will be showing My children and this world My omnipotence. No one is too hard for Me to reach, and nothing is too hard for Me to do. A new understanding of who I am is coming to this world. I will show Myself mighty for all to see. Faith will be ignited in the hearts of the masses and that faith will grow and overtake the land.
"Wickedness has grown and appears to be overtaking this world, but I will demolish it with an outpouring of My goodness. I will thwart the schemes of the enemy by destroying His plans and by releasing My Father's will to the earth. His will is to bless His people, and He will not be stopped; He will never be stopped! He is God Almighty!"
Leaning on the Holy Spirit
On December 7, 2024, the Lord brought me in the spirit back to the ocean. While we walked along the shore, I noticed that the ocean was calm, and a gentle breeze was blowing over the land and the sea. Jesus explained, "Calm seas will return. After the tsunami delivers all the blessings to My faithful and true children, then the waters will return back to normal. A gentle breeze, the breath of My Spirit, will blow all over the land and restore peace and tranquility. The sun will shine and order will be restored as the people of your land rejoice in My goodness."
Confirming Scriptures:
• Psalm 23
• "... surely the rising of the mighty waters will not reach them... Many are the woes of the wicked, but the Lord's unfailing love surrounds the one who trust in Him." (Psalm 32:6, 10)
The following day, December 8, 2024, Father spoke a very impacting word to me: "The time after My Son's resurrection was just the beginning for the Believers. Yes, their work was just beginning to advance My Kingdom on Earth and to spread the gospel worldwide. It was not a time to rest and relax, but it was a time for them to roll up their sleeves and be about their Father's business. My Son taught them well, and My Spirit equipped them to be overcomers and to be very victorious. They did not lean on their own understanding, but they leaned completely on My Spirit. Though they suffered much persecution, they succeeded and are enjoying their great reward.
"This is a parallel hour for the remnant. A great victory occurred, but this is just the beginning of their assignment to take this world back for Me. Much work needs to be done and will be accomplished as each one leans on My Spirit. In spite of persecution and demonic resistance, they will succeed, because My Spirit rests on them and abides in them.
"Yes, it is a time to celebrate, but it is also a time to worship, pray, fast, and be led by My Spirit to advance My Kingdom My way. A great harvest came in 2,000 years ago after Pentecost, and a great harvest is coming in now, because My Spirit is being poured forth on My faithful ones who will be used by us to gather in the lost.
"At Pentecost, the 120 faithful and true Believers were filled with My Spirit, and from them it spread to all those gathered outside. The same will happen in this hour. My glory will spread and cover this world, and the masses will come running into My arms."
On December 11, 2024, Father explained, "The world will be changed by My breath. When I breathed in Adam's nostrils, when Elijah and Elisha breathed into the nostrils of the two dead boys, and when I breathed upon the 120 in the upper room, all were transformed. Life came and chased death away, weakness was overcome by My strength, and lives were transformed. The powerless became powerful. The dead came alive. This will happen again as I breathe on this nation and the world.
"The powerless will become powerful and will do mighty deeds in My Son's name. The dead, in both the natural and in the spirit, will arise and live full, happy lives. They will be productive and on fire for Me. My breath will chase away wickedness and leave My goodness in a great exchange—from wickedness to righteousness.
"Justice, which is inherent in My breath, will chase injustice far from your land, and My people will rejoice that My goodness prevails.
"My breath is all you need, and once you receive it, this world will celebrate and dance in the streets, rejoicing in My goodness, power, and love." (Photo via PickPik)
Confirming Scripture: "... He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire. His winnowing fork is in His hand, and He will clear His threshing floor, gathering His wheat into the barn and burning up the chaff with unquenchable fire" (Matthew 3:11–12).
Truth Tellers Will Be Promoted and Liars Will Be Rejected
On November 22, 2024, I heard Father say, "When liars lie it brings My heart grief, but when My children speak the truth, it brings Me great joy and promise! Yes, I say promise because I align with the truth and endorse it with My presence.
"Promotions are coming to the truth tellers and demotions to the liars. Those who aligned with the evil one will be exposed and soundly rejected by the masses. Only truth tellers will be honored and accepted. After many years of being deceived and tricked, the people hate those who deceived them and will have nothing to do with them. This will happen in all sectors of society and in all seven mountains of influence.
"The plumb line of truth is being set in place, and what is being spoken will have to align with the truth or it (and those speaking the untruth) will be immediately rejected.
"Disgust for liars has been birthed in this world, and at the same time a great thirst for the truth floods the minds and the hearts of the masses. No matter how disgusting the truth is, people want to hear the truth. They are sick of being deceived! I have done this; I have put hunger for truth and hatred of lies in the hearts of My children in answer to the prayers of My people. This will be a long-lasting, permanent change."
Confirming Scripture: Psalm 94.
A Little Child Will Lead Them
On November 19, 2024, Father explained what He was going to be doing for the children of the world. "This is the time that I am going to draw the children to Us. You will see a mighty move of God amongst the little children. They will become giants in the land and will be used just like David to take down giants with simple actions that My Spirit directs them to do.
"It is time for the 'little ones' to arise and take their rightful place in My Kingdom. For far too long the religious spirits manifesting through My leaders have limited the children and kept them segregated. This was never My plans for them.
"Now an army of mighty children will arise and take this land back for Me. It is only the childlike that I will be using in this great revival. Age doesn't dictate what We do through Our people, but humble hearts do. Those with childlike faith and devotion will mount up on eagle's wings and soar to the heights. They will surmount impossibilities and bring the miraculous from Heaven to Earth.
"Children are dependent! They depend on those stronger and wiser than they are for all they need. Those with a childlike spirit do the same; they depend on their God for all they need. The more each one depends on Us, the more childlike they are.
"Lean on us! Walk in Our shadow. Look to Us for all you need and run to us to keep you safe and well-guarded. Look to us for instruction, wise counsel, and guidance like a child looks to its parents and teachers.
"The closer My children draw to Me, the safer they are and the safer they feel. Tuck in close to Me, and fear won't be able to influence you or rob you of your peace and joy.
"A carefree spirit will fall on all who listen and obey and become like little children."
Confirming Scripture: "... the greatest among you should be like the youngest..." (Luke 22:26; see also verse 27)
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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.
Email:Â hisheartinternational@yahoo.com
Website:Â donnarigney.org
Donna Rigney is the pastor of His Heart Ministries Int. in North Central Florida. She hosts a Sunday evening service at the VFW Post at 47 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast, FL. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and has a prophetic show (Nuggets of Gold) that is on Rumble and Sid Roth's network, METV. She can also be seen on Elijah Streams and is a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She appears frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries.
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