"I will give him the key to the house of David—the highest position in the royal court. When he opens doors, no one will be able to close them; when he closes doors, no one will be able to open them." (Isaiah 22:22 NLT)
The Upgrade Is Here!
For many, the battles have been long and the trials have been intense. Your resolve has been tested with each setback, yet you've kept your eye on the true prize! YES!
Courage... truth... freedom!
Indeed, the battles you have endured have birthed in you a battle readiness and resilient resolve! You are focused! That which is on the horizon is now closer than ever as you anticipate with great wonder that which is about to come! A sense of joy fills the atmosphere.
Look Closer
As you now gaze to the "not so distant" horizon, you quickly notice that it is NOT to an end but rather to a transition. Something new is quickly coming. YES, it is even here now! There is more here than you previously thought or realized! You now see that there is more to the battle than just a victory on the other side.
The testing of your resolve was for more than just to make it resilient! Yes, you now see what the dawn of a new era will require of those who have their resilient resolve. New tools! Fresh perspectives! New problem-solving skills! New answers! A sense of joy permeates the air and is followed by a deep and slow exhale. Do you know what will be required of you?
"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8 NIV)
Ready to Pioneer
A true pioneer will have a life of excitement with discovery, as well as the difficulty of the journey ahead of them. This is the true definition of a pioneer. The new era will be filled with great discoveries and difficulties alike. The newly discovered lands have no precut trails and paths. A trailblazer is needed to cut the new path. The uncharted waters have no maps to draw from. A skilled sailor with a keen eye is needed to navigate the new waters and to avoid the hidden dangers lurking just below the surface. (Photo via Pexels)
The hardness and the warfare of the previous season was not wasted, nor was it in vain! Your resolve and character have been refined and strengthened. You are ready for pioneering!
Your Marching Orders
I hear the Lord saying, "You have found yourself in a place of great transition, feeling unsettled and unfamiliar. Lean into it! Embrace the new thing that I am doing! Be willing and obedient to lay down those things that will no longer be fruitful in this season. Again, be willing and obedient to lay down those things that will no longer be fruitful in this season.
"As you lay down what I say will no longer be fruitful, you will activate greater revelation and increased authority to walk in the new assignments that I have for you! Yes, new assignments and promotion await! However, you must be willing to step out of the old and into the new day that I have for you. Be encouraged! Anything that has been taken away will only make room for what is greater that I will be adding to you. I am leading you into your next season, your next assignment, and your next upgrade!
"Expect to receive even more clarity. Be listening for your marching orders. They will come swiftly! Even as I have been training you to conquer and to overcome, you are now mantled with greater revelation and increased authority. I will equip you to train and equip others to overcome the very same areas that you have conquered.
Stewarding the Future
"However, to whom much is given, much will be required (Luke 12:48). I am calling you to steward well that which I am releasing to you. Do not seek the approval of man. Rather, live solely and wholeheartedly for Me. I am your exceedingly great reward! Do not fear the unfamiliar, but rather embrace the truth that I am with you, leading you, guiding and equipping you for the great things just ahead! Truly, your best days are still ahead of you!"
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Jeff and Angie Stolba
Living With Confidence
Email:Â lwcministries@angiestolba.com
Website:Â www.angiestolba.com
Jeff and Angie Stolba have a heart to see people walking in compete freedom and restoration. She shares her testimony at conferences and women's events. Angie enjoys co-laboring with her husband, Jeff, in ministry, as well as pouring into their three daughters. Angie has a genuine passion for God's Word and intercessory prayer. She is the author of the book, Dealing With the Root of Rejection.
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