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Nathan French: A Word for Trump: Get Ready to Be Boosted like a Rocket!

Nathan French, Gig Harbor, WA
Dec 14, 2024

I Am Flipping the Script

Prophetic word for Donald J. Trump released on December 4, 2024.

The Lord says: "Donald J. Trump, I am rewriting your story. I am flipping the script. I am turning the enemy's plans against you into plans for your good, and am causing My grace to abound for you (Romans 5:20). Yes, your enemies are plotting against you, but there is nothing new under the sun (Ecclesiastes 1:9). I will trip every trap of the fowler (Psalm 91:3) and turn the tables to be set for you. This win of the presidency has more to do with My divine design rather than the design of any one man.

Get Ready to Be Boosted like a Rocket

"Get ready to be boosted like a rocket, but stay low. Get ready to see the nation become great again! Watch how I assist you, with heaven's army behind you, as you choose wisely this course I have set up for you, beloved.

"I AM that I AM, and I will fulfill every promise spoken by My prophets. I will assist you as you step in to enjoy the win. I see you working hard already, even before you are sworn in. I say, My hand is also set to the plow in this very hour.

"The enemy (the devil) comes to devour (1 Peter 5:8), but I have given you power. It is time to rise and shine. It is time to destroy the plans of the destroyer. I will give you strength. I will give you support from the north, south, east, and west. Countries will be taxed and love it. Confidence in America will be restored, for the end is not yet.

Come to My Table with Every Problem

"Give Me more of your time. I see you getting up early. How about sitting down to talk with Me for a while? I have the plans, and they are already made—plans to prosper you even more, as well as this nation and the nations of the world.

"Come to My table with every problem and I will serve up solutions. Then together we shall feast. Learn to hear Me like this more and more so you will know how to keep winning big. (Photo via Pxhere)

"My hand is on your shoulder. I am saying, listen to Me, the Lord your God. I will tell you what to say and do. You will be the first president of the United States of America known for the reverential fear of the Lord, one who operates from divine wisdom, and supernatural strength.

"Your wife, Melania, is a jewel! Be sure to take time to listen to her heart. I am giving her supernatural sight. She will know and understand by seeing prophetically into the future as a watchman on the wall (Isaiah 62:6–7).

"Be still and know that I am God. Nothing is impossible for Me, and nothing is impossible for you as you walk by faith. Hear Me," says the Lord. "This new beginning was designed to prove that I will not be mocked (Galatians 6:7). I am with you always (Matthew 28:20). You have been marked by Heaven for such a time as this! Merry Christmas! Let every day be a celebration of My gifts!" – Yeshua (a Hebrew name for Jesus which means "salvation" or "deliverance")

Postscript: I Have Answers

The Lord says, "I can see there are many questions:

• Who is going to do what?

• Who is going to manage?

• Who is going to help build?

• Who can be trusted?

• Who can help tear down what the enemy has built?

• Who will be added, and where?

• What, and how long, will it take to accomplish the objective?

"I have answers," says the Lord. "Wisdom will be found in a multitude of counselors, the counsel I have assigned to speak into each matter. The pure in heart will be attacked by those who operate with selfish ambition. No one's character is flawless, but I will make it clear to you, through discernment, by My Spirit, and you will know WHO by their fruit (meaning what their lives produce).

"Look to Me," says the Lord, "and I will show you what I see. Some who were on will be off, and some who were off will get right, and get on. Others will be brought in and add to your strength. I will, indeed, help you," says the Lord of hosts. "Angel armies are called to assist you in this massive undertaking, and you will overcome all obstacles!"


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Nathan French
Nathan French Ministries


Nathan French and his wife, Danielle, are the founding leaders of The Rock Revival Center, located in North end Tacoma, WA. Nathan has a heart for evangelism, discipleship and healing that is nurtured through a powerful, prophetic gifting. He is an international revivalist with a heart and a passion to bring the movement of the Holy Spirit wherever he goes. Nathan has also served as a business consultant "under the radar." He has a passion for bringing the "success" principles of the Kingdom into action at the companies he has been privileged to serve. Nathan has authored two books: It's NOT Meant to be a Secret: God Wants to Speak to You, and Rushing the Flood Gates of Heaven. Nathan has been featured in several television and radio broadcasts such as TBN, God-TV and Spirit 105.3FM.


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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Nathan French's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

April 6–13, 2025
Majestic Realms of Glory: Heavenly Cruise
With Nathan French and Kim Robinson

August 10–17, 2025
A Heavenly Encounter: Heavenly Cruise
With Nathan French, Kim Robinson, Kelsey O'Malley, and Donna Rigney
(For more information, click here.)

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