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Michelle May: An Esther Army Rising

Michelle May, Buffalo, New York
Dec 11, 2024

Wake Up, Stand Up, and Take Your Rightful Place

In 2016 and 2017 I began to have visions of women as warriors on battlefields. They were being asked to wake up, stand up, and take their rightful place in the Kingdom and in the army of God. The visions the King gave in 2017 were of an army of women in their crowns and gowns, but most were fast asleep lying on the battlefield. The women were from every people group and every nation.

Very slowly, they began to wake up. One by one—as they woke up and oriented themselves from their slumber—they began to line up in formation, creating a powerful army of women ready to use their voices to fight.

"... Wake up, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." (Ephesians 5:14 BSB)

They were rising up against demonic networks. They were rising up against demonic strongholds. They were rising up against demonic structures. They were using their royal authority, wielding their scepters, and crushing the enemy's plots, plans, and schemes. They were becoming who Father created them to be. They were unstoppable.

"But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God's special possession, that you may declare the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His wonderful light." (1 Peter 2:9 NIV)

The Lion of Judah was there, high on a hill, as the leader of this bountiful army. He was roaring over the women; His breath was anointing them with boldness, fire, and courage. He was giving them orders, giving them strength, and giving them strategies to win and experience victory. He was roaring over them so that they would carry on, no matter what the cost and no matter what the assignment.

You Are Ready

I heard the Spirit of the Lord say: "My daughters, My daughters, My daughters, it is time for you to rise up, stand up, and use your voices to take your rightful place in My Kingdom here on Earth. The time of sleeping, the time of slumbering, the time of passivity, and the time of waiting IS OVER (see Ecclesiastes 3).

"Thank you for reporting for duty. Thank you for your efforts, making time to come and report to Me so that you may become all I have for you to become. You are ready, you are ready, you are ready.

"I have prepared you over the years. I have prepared you in the little ways. I have prepared you in the big ways. And it is time for you to step into the things I have planned. It is time for you to begin to march forward into the army unit awaiting your arrival. There are battalions for you to report to. There are platoons for you to report to. There is a position for you in this army, for I have created you for such a time as this.

"This is not a time to be on the sidelines; this is a time to march forward. This is a time to move forward. This is a time to take ground from the enemy. This is a time to use all of the skills, all of the experiences, all of the things I have taught you over the decades and put them together so you can take back territory from the enemy for your family, communities, cities, and nations."

"Therefore, prepare your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ." (1 Peter 1:13 NASB1995)

For Such a Time as This

"It is time, it is time, it is time. Yes, My dear daughters, you have been designed and chosen to live through this season and this time. I know it has not been easy. I know there have been a lot of surprises, and most have not been good surprises. They've been unusual surprises, they've been shocking surprises, and they've been uncomfortable surprises. But remember, nothing surprises Me. I planned for this season. I knew it was coming, and I planned for you to be alive during this season (see Esther 4:10–17). (Photo via Piqsels)

"Transformation is coming. Reformation is coming. I am tearing down demonic structures. I am tearing down demonic networks. I am tearing down what the wicked have built. You are watching the tearing down, and now the imploding will begin. This imploding will continue.

"As with all tearing down and building up, it is messy. You have seen the mess. But rest assured dear daughters, I know you, and I know you are good at cleaning up messes. I know you are good at it because I have seen you do it again and again in your own lives. I have seen you fall down and get up, fall down and get up, fall down and get up.

"I have made you resilient. You are a resilient warrior. You are a strong warrior. You are a strategic warrior. You are a gifted warrior. You are a warrior who is in the right place at the right time, living in the right season. You are a fearless warrior.
You are My warrior. Get your warrior boots on and take your place in My grand, eternal army... the GREATEST army that ever was or will be.

"Trample on fear. Trample on exhaustion. Trample on self-doubt. Trample on insecurity. Trample on unworthiness. Trample on comparison. Trample on hierarchies. Trample on 'not enough.' Trample on dishonor. Trample on passivity. Trample on complacency. Trample on silence. Trample on oppression. Trample on every lie that comes."

"I have given you authority to trample on snakes and scorpions and to overcome all the power of the enemy; nothing will harm you." (Luke 10:19 NIV)

"I Made You Fearless"

"THE TRUTH IS, I MADE YOU FEARLESS... Listen to My voice. I MADE YOU FEARLESS! Those spirits of fear MUST FLEE. They cannot stay. STOMP them out! CHOKE them out so they have no place in your life and you can no longer hear them! RISE UP and become who I designed you to be!

"In this season you will see much change, growth, and transformation. Hang on, hang on, hang on.
Do not lose hope, do not lose hope, do not lose hope."

"Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal." (2 Corinthians 4:16–18 NIV)

"For what is coming after the tearing down is the building of a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful army of women who are strong, focused, and marching forward; aligned with the divine destiny, plans, and purposes that I wrote for them before the beginning of time.

"Much of what I have created women to do and to be has been lost in past seasons. And now it is time for Me to restore you to your rightful place in the Kingdom as daughters and as part of My HOLY army.

"Recently, only half of My army has been up and running, and the other half has not been allowed to use her voice. The season of silence is over. The season of her voice has begun (see Jeremiah 29:11; Ephesians 2:10; Isaiah 13:1–5).

The Anointed Voice

"I am putting an anointing on your voice in this season, and you will begin to declare a thing and see it come to pass. You will speak those things that are not as though they were, and you will see them be created right before your very eyes."

"As it is written: I have made you a father to many nations, even before God whom you have believed, who gives life to the dead, and calls those things which are not, as though they were." (Romans 4:17 NMB)

"Be careful what you are saying and creating with your voice, for you will eat the fruit of it (see Proverbs 18:21). Be careful how you are using your voice, for this new anointing was not present in past seasons.

"I am anointing your voice for war. I am anointing your voice for authority. I am anointing your voice to be used as I designed it to be used. I am anointing your voice to transform mountains, transform cities, transform people groups, transform states, transform territories, transform provinces, and transform nations (see Matthew 17:20).

"You will speak words I give you, and the sound waves made from My words through you will deliver, break apart, and redesign. The sound waves will build, create, heal, and restore. Again, I say, be careful what you are saying and creating with your voice, for in this season of acceleration, much will be created. (Photo via Unsplash)

All Are Leaders

"And so it has begun. Each of you will be assigned a very specific position for which you have been trained and made. Some of you will be gathering enemy intelligence. Some of you will be sent on covert operations to quietly dismantle. Some are foot soldiers, some are strategists, some are generals, some are worshipers, some are nurturers and nurses. Some are leaders of many, and some are leaders of few, but ALL ARE LEADERS. Every one of My sons and daughters is called to influence the culture and nation I placed them in. Every one of you has a place which I uniquely designed for you. I need ALL of you standing up and in position, for there is a war raging against humanity, and there is no time for nonsense or pettiness.

"I have qualified you in the seasons before this one, so there is no need for more qualification or worrying about whether or not you are qualified. Trample on worry. My blood qualified you more than 2,000 years ago, and I have trained you well. You are My sheep and you hear My voice well (see John 10:4; 10:27). Do not believe the murmurings and the lies being spoken into your ears, trying to plant doubt that you cannot hear your Commander in Chief. Trample on doubt. You know My voice, daughters, and you follow it well."

"Who is this King of glory? The LORD, strong and mighty, the LORD, mighty in battle! Lift up your heads, O gates! And lift them up, O ancient doors, that the King of glory may come in. Who is this King of glory? The LORD of hosts, He is the King of glory!" (Psalm 24:8–10 ESV)

Finding Your Place

"I will be using all of the things you learned in the past seasons and throughout your lifetime in THIS season and the next ones to come. Begin to find your place with Me. Begin to step into your assignments, and begin to move forward in the things which I have for you. You are sure-footed, and I am ordering your steps (see Psalm 37:23).

"There is much to do and much to accomplish, and it will be amazing to be participate in and witness My hand moving among the people and among the nations. You will see My hands, feet, and voice moving through your hands, feet, and voice, for I long to partner with you, daughter. Do not think I am talking to someone else; I am talking to you. 'Now you are the Body of Christ, and members individually' (1 Corinthians 12:27 NKJV).

"You are My beloved one, the one whom I cherish, the one whom I love, the one whom I call MINE (see Isaiah 43:1). There is no fear in you, for My Spirit dwells in you and I am FEARLESS. There is no need to fear because I am with you; I am the great and mighty Lion of Judah who goes before you (see Deuteronomy 31:7–8). I am running next to you in battle and I am your rear guard (see Isaiah 52:12). There is nothing to fear. Step on the neck of fear and choke it out, for I am sending out courage that will begin to bubble up from My eternal well coming through you and through your voice.

"You are fearless. You are courageous. You are bold. You are brave (see Joshua 1:9). You have all that you need because you have Me, and in Me is everything, for I am INFINITE (see 1 Kings 8:27).

"Move out and move forward into the things that I have for you. March forward, march forward, march forward! Yes, there is much to do and much to accomplish. Thank you, My dear daughter, for reporting for duty."

"The LORD will guard your going out and your coming in from this time forth and forever." (Psalm 121:8 NASB1995)


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Michelle May
Michelle May Ministries


Michelle May began walking in prophecy and the discerning of spirits as a small child. Walking under an open Heaven, she challenges Believers to go higher and walk deeper in Christ. Bringing a godly perspective to earthly circumstances and discerning the times and seasons are a couple of ways in which she moves in the prophetic. Michelle teaches on discernment, prophecy, hearing God's voice, Kingdom identity and authority, healing, spiritual warfare, prophetic intercession, and deliverance. She is also an itinerant minister who ministers twice monthly at a local city church. Michelle May Ministries is about releasing God's truth to empower the divine destinies of churches, individuals, people groups, cities, and nations.


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