Word released on November 12, 2024:
I heard the Lord say, "I will smash the rocks of transition anxiety."
As I was praying over the pioneers, I received a vision that spoke powerfully of where many of us are right now. In this vision, I saw people standing in a tight path surrounded by mountains that seemed to press in on them from all sides. Their faces showed a mix of confusion and uncertainty, as though they were struggling to discern which way to go.
As I watched, I felt the Lord impress upon me that this was a picture of those in transition, a season marked by movement yet filled with questions and unknowns.
Thrust Into Transition
Right now, many pioneers have been suddenly thrust into this season of transition where everything seems to be shifting around them. Assignments that once brought purpose have come to a close. Relationships that once felt secure have faded or ended. It's as though God is clearing the slate, changing everything to prepare each person for the next assignment—the new thing He has in store.
The Lord's heart for us in this moment is to rest in Him and not be overwhelmed by the movement and change. We are not to stress, strive, or hustle our way through this season, nor are we to lose the peace He has given us.
In the vision, as I continued to look at these pioneers, I suddenly saw rocks being hurled at them from seemingly nowhere. These rocks were not large or threatening enough to cause real harm, but the pioneers responded as if they were deadly.
Rocks in Scripture often represent obstacles, burdens, or even accusations in the spirit. During transition, the enemy uses rocks as tools to create distraction and unrest, seeking to chip away at the confidence, joy, and hope we are meant to carry in times of change. In this case, these rocks were more than just small irritations; they symbolized deeper issues at play.
The Battle of the Mind
As I asked the Lord what these rocks represented, He revealed that they were fear, anxiety, and foreboding. Many pioneers have endured difficult seasons of transition in the past, seasons where they've faced hardship, uncertainty, and unresolved pain. (Photo via Pexels)
Now, in this current transition, the enemy is stirring up those old anxieties and fears, seeking to trigger feelings of insecurity and foreboding. These small rocks are reminders of past seasons that the enemy is using to create turmoil in the mind. And that's what this is right now, a battle of the mind—a relentless onslaught of thoughts that pull us back to survival mode and that "old wilderness" mentality.
The enemy wants us to believe that this transition will be like the painful ones we've endured before. But the Lord is saying that this time it's different. He wants us to resist the temptation to dwell on fear and instead press into the peace He's offering.
Breaking the Rocks of Anxiety and Fear
In the vision, as I continued to see the rocks pelting these pioneers, I heard the Lord say, "I am going to break the rocks and stones of anxiety and foreboding that have been over My people."
He brought to my mind Jeremiah 23:29, which says, "'Is not My Word like fire,' declares the LORD, 'and like a hammer that breaks a rock in pieces?'" God's Word is a hammer that shatters the rocks that have burdened His people, breaking every lie, every doubt, and every foreboding thought that the enemy has tried to use against them.
Where anxiety has felt like a constant assault, God is declaring that His Word will bring freedom and clarity. He is removing the remnants of past traumas and resetting His people for the joy, purpose, and victory that lie ahead.
The Key Right Now Is the Word
The key right now to breaking free from these rocks of fear and anxiety is to immerse ourselves in the Word of God. This is a practical word for us in this season. We are called to take out the Word, meditate on it, and let it transform our minds. Let the Word of God be as the hammer that breaks through the lies and distortions the enemy has used to cloud our vision.
The enemy has been waging war over our minds, because he knows that if he can capture our thoughts, he can keep us flustered, anxious, and unable to discern God's direction. But as we root ourselves in the Word, we reclaim our authority over our minds. We're not to dwell on fear, but instead to anchor ourselves in the promises God has spoken over us.
Take Back Ground!
As we reclaim our peace and mental clarity, the fog of confusion will begin to lift. Where we have felt flustered, we will find renewed focus and calm. As God smashes the rocks of transition anxiety, He will release fresh strategies and wisdom. Our minds will be free to hear His voice clearly, to move forward without fear, and to embrace this new season with joy. (Photo via Pxfuel)
The Lord is leading us into a place of freedom, not bondage. He is guiding us to a place where we can dream with Him again, where transition is not marked by survival but by excitement for what lies ahead. As we allow God to break the rocks and restore our peace, we will receive the strategies we need to move forward boldly and unafraid.
This is His promise over us in this season. He is breaking the rocks of anxiety and foreboding. He is restoring clarity and peace. And as we walk in this, we will see the fullness of His plans unfold before us, unafraid and with great expectation for what He has prepared.
Let me pray for you:
Lord, we come before You surrendering every fear, anxiety, and foreboding thought that has tried to cling to us in this season of transition. We thank You, Lord, that You are the God who goes before us, who sees every obstacle, every challenge, and every unknown. You know the depths of our hearts and the wounds we've carried from past seasons. Today, we release those burdens to You, knowing that You desire to heal and restore us.
Father, we invite Your Word to be the hammer that breaks every rock of fear and anxiety in our lives. We ask that You shatter every lie, every doubt, and every foreboding thought that the enemy has used to cloud our minds. Let Your truth replace every anxious thought and fill us with clarity and peace.
Holy Spirit, we welcome You to fill the places in our minds and hearts that have been disturbed by transition. Give us the strength to resist fear, to move out of survival mode, and to embrace the new season with confidence and joy. We ask for a reset in our spirits for fresh vision, and for the excitement of dreaming with You again.
Lord, we declare that You are breaking the rocks that have tried to hinder us. We receive the strategies, wisdom, and direction You are releasing. Let our minds be clear and our hearts be at peace so we can walk forward unafraid, knowing that You have prepared the way of this transition, and we no longer have to fear, in Jesus' name!
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Nate Johnston
Everyday Revivalists
Email:Â everydayrevivalists@gmail.com
Website:Â nateandchristy.co
Nate Johnston is a prophetic voice and worshiper who has a heart to see sons and daughters unleashed into passionate friendship with God and an effective supernatural lifestyle. Through his ministry school, "Everyday Revivalists," he leads people from the basics of the gospel through to being sent and released into their mission field, as well as championing and raising up emerging prophetic voices around the world. His burning cry and desire is to see the Body of Christ become a beacon for the lost by raising up a generation that walks in the love and power of God, representing Him well. Nate and his wife Christy have three daughters, Charlotte, Sophie, and Ava and live in Colorado Springs, CO.
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