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Danielle Dixon: The Son of Righteousness Is Rising over Australia

Danielle Dixon, Queensland, Australia
Dec 7, 2024

A Radiant Sunrise over Australia

I saw a radiant sunrise breaking over the nation of Australia, and the Lord brought to mind Malachi 4:2:

"But for you who fear My name [with awe-filled reverence] the sun of righteousness will rise with healing in its wings. And you will go forward and leap [joyfully] like calves [released] from the stall."

A Birthplace for Healing

Australia is a birthing place for healing evangelists, uniquely called to see an unprecedented outpouring of healing sweep across Australia and the nations.

This is a charge for both the mature Believers and the emerging generation in Australia: Rise up with healing in your hands!

"Go Again!"

God is calling forth those who have been part of healing ministries in the past, particularly those who've stepped back due to discouragement or heartbreak over the results. The enemy's strategy has been to make you doubt your calling, question God's power, and steal your confidence. He wants you to retreat from the battlefield and stop praying for the sick. But the Lord says, "Go again!"

The Son of Righteousness is rising over Australia with a fresh and powerful healing anointing. You will witness miracles beyond anything you've seen before, and situations that once seemed impossible will become the norm.(Photo via Pixabay)

This healing anointing will work in tandem with evangelism.

Healing Anointing and Evangelism

Now is the time for Australia to shine brightly. Many from other nations will be drawn to this light, coming not only to receive healing, but also to carry back an impartation to their own nation. This will include both Christians and those who are outside the Church. People from all walks of life will come seeking the healing anointing poured out in Australia.

This anointing will not just bring healing; it will destroy yokes and lift heavy burdens. Isaiah 10:27 (TPT) says, "In that day the Lord will remove the heavy burden from your shoulders and break the yoke of bondage from your necks because of the heavy anointing upon you!"

Those involved in past deliverance ministries will be amazed at how effortlessly breakthroughs will now occur under this healing anointing. Desire it, pray for it, and receive it! All are needed. The harvest is plenteous; the laborers are few.

Restoration of Joy!

As workers go forth into the harvest, they will leap with joy, just as Malachi 4:2 describes.

God is pouring out joy across the land of Australia as His people see His covenant promises fulfilled. Hearts will overflow with indescribable joy!


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Danielle Dixon
Ark Ministries 


Danielle Dixon is an Australian prophet who presently resides in Cairns, Queensland with her husband Massey. They serve together as the senior pastors of Ark Ministries which they planted in 1997. Danielle's heart and passion is to see "captives set free" (Isaiah 61). Many lives have been changed by her Breaking Bondages series.


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