[Editor's note: Below are the prophetic words that Tim Sheets shared during his recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]
Surrender Nothing
The Lord spoke the following words to me after the election: "For the trumpets of war have been sounded from Heaven. Rise, Ekklesia. Rise in your authority. You will find it more than enough. Rise and confront the forever loser with My words. He will flee from you. Rise and confront his dark kingdom." For the Lord declares, "The prevailing anointing now flowing will activate an attitude of '[the] heroes of faith.'"
The word continued: "So arise, Ekklesia, as Holy Spirit anoints your behavior and disposition to represent Me in disciplined power. Holy Spirit is anointing the true Church to behave differently and to walk in new directions—paths of authority in the earth realm towards Hell's advances in government or in culture, similar to the attitudes of the heroes of faith. New paths, also traveling into new harvest fields, are now prepared to 'reap' upon the earth a worldwide harvest—a billion soul harvest—as heroes of past reformation and heroes of past revivals have done.
"Arise, Ekklesia, as Holy Spirit anoints your behavior and disposition to reign with Me in great authority and reap My greatest harvest. For the anointing now being poured from Heaven will shift attitudes, actions, and mindsets to reflect heroes of faith who work for My cause. Holy Spirit's presence and anointings will affect the Ekklesia's very disposition. This will be clearly seen, bringing fear into demonic strongholds. For now the intimidating Ekklesia will rise in My breaker anointing against Hell, and My compassion will rise towards My harvest. (Photo via Piqsels)
"A different behavior will be seen in My remnant warriors. Attitudes and mindsets will reflect My power upon and within them. They will not be intimidated; they will be intimidators of Hell's kingdom because of the weight of glory resting in and upon them. For My glory intimidates Hell," says the Lord. "My glory will intimidate Hell through its presence upon My Ekklesia. My Ekklesia will behave as those carrying a great weight of glory and a great weight of authority. For it is My weight of glory and authority they carry.
"Behave, Ekklesia, as sons and daughters. Behave as joint heirs with Me."
The Lord says, "The world will now see the paths of My Ekklesia extending into all of the earth. The direction she travels will show an aggressive resistance to Hell's advances in government and in cultures. The Ekklesia will now be presented as anointed for war, anointed for battle, anointed to reign, anointed to bring change, anointed to work for My harvest, anointed to reap the lost, anointed to prevail.
"I am anointing My Ekklesia with a determined attitude to prevail and win, like Gideon's 300 men and like David's mighty men. Shift now into a prevailing mentality. Shift into prevailing behavior. A determined anointing to win will now fill My remnant. They will not surrender My Kingdom to the governments of man. They will influence the governments of man with My ways. They will not surrender the spiritual weapons I've given them. They will use them. They will not hesitate at demonic noise. They will not relinquish their authority, their swords, or their spears.
"The sword of My Word will swing from their mouths, empowered to demolish strongholds, empowered to scatter and shatter enemy plans. The sword of My Word swung by My Ekklesia's decrees will be a disruptive force, confusing the plans of demonic powers. It will disrupt the followers of Baal, causing disarray from coast to coast. For you will see, even this month," says the Lord, "and in the months to come, the acceleration of disarray. Confusion and bewilderment will mystify those committed to dark agendas, and they will wear the yoke of their own confusion. They will reap their own destructive plans. They will wander their paths of disillusionment.
"My Ekklesia will rise, and their attitudes will show their trust in Me. They will surrender nothing. They will not take their orders from Hell-bent kings, potentates, governors, congressmen or women, senators, prime ministers, mayors, city councils, school boards, professors, or woke mobs. My Ekklesia listens to Holy Spirit. Their orders come from Lord Sabaoth. They surrender nothing. They are those who stand for My cause. They stand without compromise for My words. They will not be bullied. A prevailing anointing will produce prevailing victories." (Photo via Pixabay)
Times of Refreshing
Holy Spirit said, "The Father and Heaven's King have turned their faces towards the Ekklesia. They have turned their faces towards Kingdom sons and daughters. For the season of great reformation will soon come, and the sons and daughters are now to receive refreshment from a present-war season.
"Now will come energizing refreshment for the reformation era—the most supernatural era I have ever led. Yes, a new level of authority will be seen functioning through the heirs. This will rapidly grow in demonstration as they are restrengthened, renewed, and 're-visioned' for the great reformation.
"Know that the outer bands have begun to blow. They are carrying signs, wonders, miracles, healings, and supernatural deliverance to the heirs. Yes, Father's face is turned to the heirs.
"The King's face has turned to His Bride. Grace winds are beginning to blow. Receive from a supernatural flow of refreshment and empowerment."
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Tim Sheets
The Oasis Church | Tim Sheets Ministries
Email:Â carol@timsheets.org
Website: oasiswired.org | timsheets.org
Dr. Tim Sheets is an apostle, pastor, and author based in southwestern Ohio. A graduate of Christ For the Nations Institute in Dallas, Texas, he returned to Ohio in 1979 to pastor The Oasis, a CityGate Church, in Middletown, Ohio. The site is one of the largest in the Cincinnati-Dayton area and is host to many ministries/conferences. His vision is to raise up people who will authentically demonstrate the Church on the earth and passionately evangelize the world. His heart is for awakening and reformation in America. He has written Armed and Battle Ready, Being Led by the Spirit, Heaven Made Real, Angel Armies: Releasing the Warriors of Heaven, and Planting the Heavens. Dr. Tim Sheets resides with his wife, Carol, in Lebanon, Ohio. They have two children and five grandchildren.
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