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Yvon Attia: A Month of Sudden, Divine Catapulting

Yvon Attia, Miami, Florida
Dec 5, 2024


As December (the twelfth month) was approaching, my heart was filling with excitement, anticipation, and joy. I have studied the prophetic meaning of the number twelve and I know that it holds significant prophetic and symbolic meaning throughout the Bible. It is often associated with divine government, authority, completeness, and God's covenantal promises. It represents God's structured and organized rule over creation, particularly in relation to His people. In a prophetic sense, the number twelve can indicate God's order, the fulfillment of promises, or the establishment of a kingdom (Revelation 21:12–14).

However, during prayer, the Lord released a specific word regarding this month. First, my husband received the word "suddenly," and after a few days I received the word "immediately." As we prayed together about God's prophetic word for December, we both knew in our hearts that whatever God was about to do was not going to be gradual; it would be immediate and sudden. Furthermore, I heard a word which I never use in my vocabulary, and I knew it was the Lord. I heard "catapult," and I knew in my spirit that December would be a month of sudden, divine catapulting.

The prophetic meaning of "catapult" refers to a sudden or dramatic rise, launch, or lift—often implying a rapid or unexpected movement from one situation or position to another, typically to a much higher or more successful one. It means to suddenly or dramatically launch someone or something into a new position or situation. For example, "The discovery catapulted her career to new heights."

When something or someone is described as being "catapulted," it suggests that they have been propelled upward quickly and with great force, often in a way that seems sudden or comes without warning.

I heard the Lord say, "December will be a month of 'sudden catapult.'" There will be a sudden shift in purposes, destinies, and callings. But the "sudden catapult" will be in both directions. Some will be propelled and catapulted upward, while others who have been rebellious will be catapulted downward. They will catapult downward at a great speed, despite whatever heights they think they've reached. It's a month of catapulting, and it will happen suddenly.

You will see a sudden catapulting in areas like government and the music industry, but more so in the Church, because judgment begins with the house of God. This will not be gradual, but a sudden drop. Many in December will face a challenge, and the challenge will be an opportunity for God to suddenly catapult them.

The Sudden Fall of Ananias, Sapphira, and Uzziah

The Lord began to first remind me of those who suddenly catapulted downward because of their deceit and pride. A great example of this is the account of Ananias and Sapphira in Acts 5:1–11. They both intentionally tried to deceive the apostles by lying about the amount of money they had received from selling property. They pretended to donate the entire sum while secretly keeping part of it for themselves.

Peter said to Ananias, "... 'Ananias, how is it that satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received for the land? Didn't it belong to you before it was sold? And after it was sold, wasn't the money at your disposal? What made you think of doing such a thing? You have not lied just to human beings but to God'" (Acts 5:3–4). Immediately he was struck dead by the Holy Spirit, and shortly afterward his wife Sapphira, who had also lied, met the same fate. (Photo via Creazilla)

King Uzziah of Judah is another great example of someone was suddenly catapulted downward. He enjoyed a long and prosperous reign, marked by military victories and national prosperity. However, his downfall came when he became prideful and tried to take over the role of the priests. In a moment of arrogance, he entered the temple of the Lord to burn incense, a duty reserved solely for the priests. When the high priest, Azariah, and eighty other priests confronted him, Uzziah became enraged and refused to repent. As a consequence, God struck him with leprosy, and he was cast out of the palace and lived in isolation for the rest of his life.

Uzziah's fall was sudden and devastating; he turned from being a king with great power to one with a cursed and isolated existence. The Bible tells us that "after Uzziah became powerful, his pride led to his downfall. He was unfaithful to the LORD his God, and entered the temple of the LORD to burn incense on the altar of incense" (2 Chronicles 26:16).

Catapulted Downward

Furthermore, many will be suddenly catapulted in the music industry. The story of Lucifer, who was a musician, represents the ultimate "catapulting downward" from a position of great beauty, honor, and closeness to God to one of destruction and eternal punishment. Lucifer was once a high-ranking angel in Heaven, created perfect and full of wisdom. However, his pride led him to the desire to elevate himself above God, which resulted in his fall from Heaven.

Isaiah and Ezekiel both describe the pride and arrogance that led to Lucifer's downfall, where he sought to "ascend" above the heavens and take the throne of God, but instead he was catapulted downward to the earth. "How you have fallen from Heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!" (Isaiah 14:12).

Catapulted Upward

On the other side, many of God's remnant are about to be suddenly catapulted upward by God's grace and divine power. The challenges that are being faced will become the opportunities that will suddenly allow them to experience this "catapulting" into a new realm of glory.

The Holy Spirit highlighted to me the story of the woman with the issue of blood in Mark 5. The Bible clearly describes how she had suffered a great deal from constant bleeding. She had suffered under the care of many doctors and her condition had only continued to catapult downward. She went from bad to worse. She'd heard of Jesus but was facing a huge challenge. How could she get to Him? Those who were bleeding were considered defiled, and they also defiled whomever they touched (Leviticus 15:19–22). The woman was not allowed to touch Jesus.

Furthermore, Jesus was on His way to heal the dying daughter of Jairus, the leader of the synagogue (Mark 5:22–23). The crowd was pressing around Him and there was no way for her to get to Him. Amazingly, she did not give up but did the unthinkable. She came up behind Him through the crowd and touched His robe. "For she thought to herself, 'If I can just touch His robe, I will be healed'" (Mark 5:28).

The moment she took up the challenge, the Bible tells us, "Immediately the bleeding stopped, and she could feel in her body that she had been healed of her terrible condition" (Mark 5:29). In other words, immediately, her health suddenly catapulted in the opposite direction. At first, it was going downward, but one touch from the King changed the direction of this catapulting.

I heard the Lord prophetically say, "The bleeding is about to stop." Many have been bleeding and wasting away. Many have been drained of so much. But the Holy Spirit is changing the direction of the catapulting. The Lord responded to her faith, not just her need, and I believe that He will be doing the same for many who will put their trust in Him and take up the challenge.

Joseph's story is a classic example of a "catapulted" rise in status. Sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph faced years of hardship. However, after interpreting Pharaoh's dream, he was suddenly promoted from being a prisoner to the second-in-command of Egypt, overseeing the entire land and preparing for the coming famine. His rise was swift and unexpected, essentially catapulting him from the position of a lowly status to the position of great power and influence.

"So Pharaoh said to Joseph, 'I hereby put you in charge of the whole land of Egypt.'" (Genesis 41:41)

David's defeat of Goliath, for instance, was a moment that immediately catapulted him into the public eye and a rapid rise in popularity, eventually leading to him becoming the king of Israel. 1 Samuel 17:50 tells us, "So David triumphed over the Philistine with a sling and a stone; without a sword in his hand he struck down the Philistine and killed him."

The story of Esther is another great example of a sudden catapulting. Haman, who was second in charge, set in his heart on destroying the Jews. A decree was written and signed by the king. Esther's uncle notified her and asked her to do an impossible challenge, that is to go to the king and plead for the life of her people. Esther was distressed and said, "[A]nyone who appears before the king in his inner court without being invited is doomed to die unless the king holds out his gold scepter. And the king has not called for me to come to him for thirty days" (Esther 4:11). Yet she took up the challenge and risked her life to save her people. Her authority suddenly catapulted, and the Lord gave her so much favor in the eyes of the king. (Photo via Piqsels)

The Bible is filled with examples of God suddenly catapulting His people.

The most profound and spiritually significant "catapulting" in the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. After His crucifixion, Jesus was resurrected, and His elevation was not just to a political or social position, but to a place of eternal glory at the right hand of God. His resurrection and ascension represent the ultimate form of divine elevation, where He was catapulted into an exalted state—from suffering and death to ruling as King of kings.

I believe December will be that type of month for so many.

Prophetic Word of the Lord for December

The Lord says, "December will be a month of 'sudden catapulting,' a sudden catapulting which will go both ways. It will be sudden, swift, and dramatic. It will be marked by a challenge which is designed to catapult My faithful people and propel them up.

"At the same time, you will watch and see the arrogant suddenly, and without introduction, catapult downward. This will happen in different areas, but more so in the Church, for judgment will begin with the house of God.

"Those who choose to deceive, cover up, and lie—and lie to the Holy Spirit—they will drop from grace; they will catapult downward suddenly, following satan, their leader, the morning star who fell from Heaven and was cast down.

"This is a month of exposure, and those who think that they are powerful in their own eyes will be the first to suddenly be catapulted downward. But not so with My people. They will suddenly be catapulted in the opposite direction. For they were born for such a time as this, and the challenge they are facing is not for their demise, [but] rather for a sudden 'catapult' into a new realm of glory.

"David did not know that defeating Goliath was the event which would immediately catapult him into the public eye and make the Israelites shout, 'Saul has killed his thousands, but David his tens of thousands!' (1 Samuel 18:7).

"Esther did not know that the challenge to enter into the king's court was going to suddenly catapult her authority and get her to save her people.

"Joseph did not know that interpreting Pharaoh's dream would suddenly catapult him from the prison to the palace, and prepare him for the coming famine.

"This is a month where there will be a sudden catapulting in health. Many will get healed hearing this, for I will cut off the flow of sickness in your body. The bleeding will stop, and the gradual downward catapulting will change direction to suddenly shoot upward.

"Therefore I say to you that in December I will make all grace abound to you. My grace will catapult towards you, suddenly and in greater measure, for I have unfinished business with you.

"This is not a month to close the books or slow down, [but] rather to release a greater measure of My resurrection power, My dunamis power, to catapult My grace towards you. It will suddenly open up locked gates. It will be a month of extraordinary miracles. Although your enemy prowls like a roaring lion, those roars are empty and his teeth have been knocked out. Therefore, hear My promise to you: December shall be a month of sudden catapulting, where you will find yourself propelled by My Spirit. And the challenge that you're facing right now will be the opportunity which I will use. Face it with courage and get ready for a month of divine catapulting."


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Yvon Attia
Celebrate Freedom Ministries


Yvon Attia is a radical lover of Jesus and His Word, fully dedicated to His purposes and His call. Yvon is an author and a powerful, passionate speaker who preaches the Word with the power of God's Spirit, and the manifestation of His presence. She unpacks the Word from a Middle Eastern perspective, explaining its depth in terms of culture, context and power. Yvon is married to her high school sweetheart, Mina, and they have two beautiful children, Esther and Raphael. Both Yvon and her husband are ordained pastors under the spiritual fatherhood covering of Apostle Guillermo Maldonado Of King Jesus International Ministry in Miami. Miracles of healing take place during their meetings as God faithfully confirms the Word through signs that follow. They are also the founders of Celebrate Freedom Ministry, which is part of the supernatural global network of King Jesus International Ministry.


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Yvon Attia's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

April 4–12, 2025
Experience Egypt
Join ElijahStreams on an unforgettable, guided spiritual tour through Egypt's most iconic landmarks! This nine-day, eight-night tour is hosted by Steve and Derene Shultz, with special guests Mina and Yvon Attia! Worship the Lord along the Nile River with worship led by Steve Swanson.
(For more itinerary information, click here)

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