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The Sign of Jonah: Hope Is Going to Go Viral!

Andrew Whalen, Peoria, Illinois
Nov 4, 2024

A Prophetic Word for America and the 2024 Election

On April 1, 2024, I had a dream that I was going to release the following prophetic word over America on the day before the elections—today (November 4, 2024). In keeping to the pattern of Scripture, I will not be "disobedient to the heavenly vision" (Acts 26:19) and will share what I saw!

In the dream, I found myself driving to deliver "the word of the Lord" to America. I knew in the dream that I was to deliver this word on the day before the 2024 election.

The Sign of Jonah

On the way to get to the place where I needed be in order to deliver this word, I passed a large building with a sign that said "JONAH." At that moment, I knew instinctively that it was "THE SIGN OF JONAH," and I had a revelation that it was connected to America and Trump.

After I saw this sign, I knew it was essential to send this word out through social media. So I sat down and began to write/type the word.

Winner of the 2024 Election

As I typed the word, I started to share a previous dream that I'd just had on this very same night of April 1, 2024. In that dream, I looked in a mirror and saw a television behind me reflecting in it. As I looked at the "Tell-a-Vision"/TV, I knew that I was standing in the future. Suddenly in the dream, on the TV, a news report came on with a headline that said, "Donald Trump—Winner of the 2024 Election."

Then Trump came on the screen. I was seeing this all in a mirror, and when he came on the screen, it looked like he was standing next to me in the mirror. So I took a selfie with him, along with the headline declaring His win.

When I took the picture, it printed out like a Polaroid. However, as soon as the picture printed, some woman whom I didn't see stole this picture. I went searching for it, but couldn't find the picture. It seemed like it had been stolen and lost. However, at this point in the dream, I said, "Even though they did this, it doesn't matter! Trump wins, and God wins!" (Photo via Creative Commons)

Four Years of Awakening

After I typed that dream down, I continued to type the prophetic word to give to the nation. I wrote this: "What we have endured the last four years has largely been for the purpose of awakening by allowing corruption to surface. This has primed our society to desire change and actively reform corrupt systems and structures to the foundations of righteousness, justice, and equity."

A Timeline of Blessing

I continued to write the word and said, "Getting Trump back into the presidential position for America will send us into a timeline of blessing as we could never imagine."

I then wrote in the word, "Nineveh was doomed without hope, but when the sign of Jonah came forth; they were rescued from destruction."

At this point in the dream, I realized I had written this on social media and then pressed "send." At that moment, I can't describe fully what happened, but this word went out across America to what seemed like millions of people in moments. It went viral in mere minutes.

In the dream I could see and feel the hope coming back into the people of the United States, especially within the Church.

End of dream.

A Resurrection of Hope and a Nation Revived

One quick thought is that, like Jonah and like Christ, the hope they carried was seemingly and temporarily "lost." Yet both Jonah and Jesus were supernaturally resurrected from a hopeless grave to become a sign that set the people free. Have we once again come to a time where what has been dead, or what may even seem to go down into death, will rise from the grave to glorify God and bring deliverance to the nation?

I share this not for the purpose of having this go viral, but more importantly, I believe hope is going to go viral! By God's power to the glory of Christ, America will be saved! Hope is coming again, and it will revive our nation! We will be like those who dream!


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Andrew Whalen
Vanquish – Prophetic Warriors


Andrew Whalen is an emerging leader and prophetic voice to a generation. He functions as a prophetic warrior to advance the Kingdom of God in all spheres of society. Andrew is uniquely called to raise up spiritual special forces, equipped to achieve spiritual breakthroughs against regional and national level, demonic resistance. Andrew and his wife Kelly have pioneered and led various ministry initiatives, while also engaging in the marketplace, for over fifteen years. In the last four years, they have served as core prophetic leaders with Lou Engle ministries. Today, Andrew and Kelly, along with their three children, reside in Peoria, Illinois, where they lead VANQUISH – PROPHETIC WARRIORS, and are also working to establish an apostolic training center, The Unapologetic Dreamers. Andrew's heart burns to see a generation take hold of everything that Christ has provided for us through His victory.


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