Dream: A Breaker Anointing for Those Who Are Hidden
The voice of the Lord is releasing an emergence of His glory carriers.
The Lord gave me a dream that was so detailed and encouraging (in the apostolic move of God) to release a breaker anointing on behalf of those who have been hidden or seem to have been forgotten.
In my dream, I was in a remote part of the world that seemed like no one knew existed. I was welcomed and made to feel at home by such lovely people. Everything in this village looked rustic, as they didn't even have electricity or any of the modern amenities the world has.
Amazed, I saw that even with no electricity, their homes were full of light. This group of very creative people had found alternative means of electricity that lit up everywhere. They had been graced with intelligence to design and make their own amenities, though they had no contact with the modern world.
I was impressed as I saw everything they had done. I told them that the world needed to hear their voice, and that they should be on the radio and other media, where their gift would be known to the world. I felt the world had need of them even though they were hidden away.
As I said this, a person spoke arrogantly, mocking the people. The arrogant person said that no one would be interested in hearing them, as they couldn't even speak well and were not eloquent. They pointed out that these people couldn't travel, as no car would come and pick them up from such a remote area. In essence, the person was describing their stark reality: a people stuck in limbo who would never advance in life.
In the dream I suddenly realized that my visit with them was over, and I had to leave. A holy and powerful unction rose up within me, and I spoke with a loud voice, stretching out my hands towards them with an apostolic mandate, declaring:
"I make a way for you. I break through ways that have been closed to you; you will be sought out and occupy where you are meant to be." (Photo via Pexels)
I continued to pray in this manner until I woke up from the dream.
Interpretation of the Dream: An Alternative Form of Light
I believe the alternative form of light that covered the abodes of those I saw in my dream was the fulfillment of Isaiah 60:19: "The sun shall no longer be your light by day, nor for brightness shall the moon give light to you; but the Lord will be to you an everlasting light, and your God your glory."
Those lovely people I saw in my dream were individuals walking in such deep levels of God's glory that God Himself was their light. It did not matter that they had no other forms of light, because God was the glory they walked in. Such was this light on them that it lit up everywhere, even though they did not have access to other forms of light. In the days of gross darkness, the Lord Himself will be the covering glory of His people.
The Creative Realms of God's Glory
In my dream, those I met walked in such levels of creativity that even though they had no contact with the modern world, they were able to create amenities of their own, which made them very comfortable.
I believe there are creative realms yet untapped that will be released for the world to see and experience. Supernatural, creative miracles and creativity in arts, entertainment, amenities, and many other areas will be released through the glory abiding in many Believers. Those whom I saw in my dream were creative beyond what I had seen before, even though they were totally shut away from the modern world. The glory of God will birth their destined creativity.
Emergence of the "Forgotten Ones" in the Timing of the Lord
The voice of the Lord is being released with so much power that barriers are being removed for the emergence of many of God's glory carriers. There are those whose emergence is "in season" right now. Man will not take the glory for this, as it is the Lord Himself who has removed barriers in this season to cause their emergence.
We are seeing Believers and leaders in the Body of Christ rising up across the world in boldness as the Lord uses them in evangelism, healing revivals, prophetic movements, deliverance, and many other areas. This is beautiful to see, and I believe it will continue to happen.
I also sense that there are those whom the Lord will keep hidden until a later time in Heaven's timetable of revival. I see these people as being a part of the "Joel's Army" (see Joel 2), whose place, rank, and function are to be released on a future date, according to Heaven's timing for revival.
They will emerge as the need for what they carry intensifies on the earth—those who are still in the hidden place of the overshadowing of God, being prepared in the character of Christ and His glory. They will emerge at the appropriate time to fulfill God's mandate on the earth. (Photo via Pexels)
The Glory of God Released Through the Media
There are many hidden voices that carry the glory of God and the wisdom needed to navigate the season we are in. When these voices are released, Habakkuk 2:14 will be fulfilled, and the knowledge of God's glory will cover the earth "as the waters cover the sea." Those whom I saw in my dream walked in such deep levels of God's glory that I felt their voices needed to be heard through various forms of media to impart wisdom to the world. I believe the Lord is releasing sensitivity and wisdom to those whom He has appointed as gatekeepers over the media industry to herald these voices in this season.
The Voice of the Accuser Is Being Rebuked by the Lord
For those of you in the Body who have suffered rejection, have been misjudged, or have been made to feel like you have no voice, the Lord's voice is rebuking the enemy of your soul, as He calls forth your destiny and for you to arise and come out of hiddenness in the timing He has purposed for you to come forth.
Come into alignment with what Heaven is saying about you. Do not believe the lies of the enemy. God's voice is resounding over you to break you out of the place of your limitation. You might not be the most eloquent or the most well equipped, but He has chosen you for such a time as this!
Friends, rejoice in these seasons of His glory! We will see God's glory carriers emerge to fulfill their mandates on this earth. His voice is resounding through the earth to bring forth this emergence.
There is an apostolic mandate being released from Heaven in this season to release and make a way for some who have been hidden. In my dream, the homes of these "forgotten" people were bathed with light. The world needs your light.
The Apostolic Mandate: The Vehicle God Has Sent to Bring You Out of Hiddenness
There are voices that have gone through intense trials and have remained faithful. The person who mocked this group of precious people in the dream said no car or vehicle would come for them to take them to places where their voices would be heard, because they lived in such a remote area. BUT, there is an apostolic mandate that has been sent as a vehicle in this season to bring many from hiddenness into their place of enlargement.
I pray and decree in the powerful name of Jesus, come forth into your season of enlargement, for the glory of Christ and His Kingdom! Through prayer, I release the breaker anointing to break you into all the Lord has for you. I call forth the glory streams in you to overflow for such a time as this. Amen.
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Ella Onakoya
Harvest of the Nations
Email:Â ella_koya@hotmail.com
Website:Â www.harvestofthenations.com
Ella Onakoya is a lover of Jesus and the founding leader of Harvest of the Nations. She ministers in the UK, America, Europe, Africa and Asia. She is an evangelist, a prophetess, a prophetic watchman, and an apostle to the nations. She is also a teacher and an author. God moves powerfully through her ministry to revive, heal, equip, and release the Body of Christ as she speaks in various conferences, churches, ministries, and equipping schools. She is also the director of Harvest of the Nations School of Ministry. She writes prophetic articles for the Elijah List, and her articles have also been published by Charisma Magazine and Spirit Fuel. For further information about her ministry, please visit www.harvestofthenations.com.
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