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It Took 37 Years to See This Prophetic Word Come to Pass.

Steve Shultz
Sep 4, 2024

It Took 37 Years to See This
Prophetic Word Come to Pass.

Steve Shultz     Dear ElijahStreams Family

     I received these two words, one after the other from the Lord 37 years ago: I heard, "WELL MINISTRIES!" and then seconds later, the voice said, "LITTLE ORPHAN CHILDREN."

     I didn't know at the time exactly what it meant. Derene and I have always had a heart for children, so the "little orphan children" part was easier to understand, although the fullness of that part of the word is still developing and expanding. We've been supporting children in many different ways over the years. (You may not know this, but Derene was a pediatric nurse. She has such a tender heart towards children.)

     For the longest time, though, I couldn't understand what HE meant by "WELL MINISTRIES." In the early 2000s, we opened a bookstore in Albany, Oregon named "The Well". I thought that might be what the Lord meant...providing a place to tap into the Living Water through books and resources. We enjoyed that bookstore and that season at Elijah List Ministries. Maybe that was a partial fulfillment of the word, but after that season ended and we closed our bookstore, I now know God was thinking even bigger!

     In September 2021, our friends Mike and Lori Salley contacted us. We've been friends for over 20 years. They founded Show Mercy International and have focused their work in Uganda, Africa. Lori asked if we would consider donating to help provide a well in Uganda.

     "Absolutely!" I told her. Then not long after that, Lori asked if I would like to do another one. "Sure!" I said. Then I started asking HER if she could do more than one well every few months. We heard testimonies of the Gospel of Jesus being shared, people accepting HIM as their Savior, and the life-changing effect of access to clean water for countless others. These testimonies inspired us to do even more.

Collecting dirty water before a new well
Drinking from the new well 

     So, I shared with YOU, our faithful partners, about this opportunity to provide the gift of life through clean water. Your immediate and unwavering response was a testament to your compassion and generosity. Your actions have not only provided clean water but also shared the Gospel, bringing hope and salvation to many in Uganda.

     Each well you support has become a lifeline for these precious people, and we are deeply grateful for your continued support. Your involvement is making a significant difference.

     Our frequency of paying for new wells has just kept growing. THREE a month. Then SIX a month, and finally these years later, we are at 15 wells a month!

     Recently, Bobby Conner shared a NOW WORD from the Lord on the air. It awakened my spirit and reinvigorated my determination to keep pressing forward with clean water. Read it for yourself. I know the Holy Spirit will also quicken something in your hearts too:

"I do want to say something about the water. I want to encourage each one of us. The Bible says out of our innermost being will flow a river of living water. We know that that's about the Spirit of God, but we don't want to see children dying prematurely because of the need for clean water. We can do something about this. I want you to pray about it and ask the Spirit of God what HE would have you to give. Give a good offering to bring some water to these children. I don't want any of them dying on our watch, because we did not provide clean water... because out of our innermost being will flow a river of living water, the Holy Ghost. I want you to pray about it if you will. I really endorse this 1000% because they, ElijahStreams, don't waste your money. They do everything they can with every penny to see that more people can have fresh water, so I encourage you to do that." ~ Bobby Conner

     Let's not shrink back from the urgent call of the Lord. We believe this call and intend to provide, with your continued partnership, 30 wells a month. In other words, on average, one new water well will be completed every day of the month!

     That means more children, the most vulnerable in Uganda, will be helped. BUT, we can't do it without YOU. We need your help! I know that, together, we can continue to help bring clean water to those in the most need!

Thank you for your generosity,

Steve and Derene Shultz
525 2nd Ave SW, Suite 629
Albany, OR 97321

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