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Amanda Grace: "The J.O.Y. Is Entering the States!"

Amanda Grace, Fishkill, New York
Aug 16, 2024


[Editor's note: Below are the notes that Amanda Grace shared from during her recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]

Prophetic word released on July 11, 2024:

ALL praise, honor, and glory be to the Lord of hosts, the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the righteous Judge who sits on the highest throne. His glory encompasses His throne and pours into the earth so that His will may be accomplished! The Lord goes forth strong and mighty and has come forth from His holy habitation, and to His Kingdom there is NO END.

The Pressure Has Begun

And the Spirit of the Lord says this day, "The pressure has increased, My children; the boiling over has begun. Amongst pressure there is a RELEASE," says the Lord, "however, only when the pressure is released by an act of lifting or removing a covering," says the Lord. "This is moments away from happening, My children. This is the precipice, this is the crucial hour of switches and swaps and flops, as the great scramble has begun," says the Lord.

"There is a great scramble and panic, as they have caught themselves in their own net," says the Lord. "The pit that they have dug for others has caught and ensnared them," says the Lord. "For they are not contending with a man," says the Lord. "They are not mocking man," says the Lord. "They are contending with ME, RUACH ELOHIM. They are mocking and challenging MY sovereignty," says the Lord. "They are mocking MY authority," says the Lord. "They are mocking the very existence of what I the Lord have had in place since the earth began," says the Lord. "I the Lord God speak, and it is I AM," says the Lord. "They are a vapor," says the Lord, "a vapor. And that is what their twisted, heinous plans shall now turn into—a vapor before their very eyes.

America Has Strayed

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, "America has strayed. Yes, America has chased after the Baals. It has chased after the gods of greed, power, and indulgence," says the Lord. "America, in its defiance, decided THEY had a better way. Man decided THEY had a better way," says the Lord. "And this better way has embedded in it the chains of Hell, enslavement, bondage, perversion, blasphemy, pride, and rebellion. And such took over America to the highest seats and, yes, I the Lord allowed it. I allowed it for a FULL display to project across your nation to see the wickedness in all its ugliness, that the people of your nation might see what lurks under every foul stench of agendas, and talking points, and plans, and bills, [and] strategies," says the Lord.

O America, Change Your Direction!

And says the Lord of hosts, "Isaiah wrote: 'In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord sitting on a throne, HIGH and LIFTED up, and the train of His robe filled the TEMPLE [the Holy Place]' (Isaiah 6:1, emphasis mine). Uzziah was causing a spiritual block in the land of Israel. His ACTIONS caused events to occur that caused the temple to be unclean and a nation to suffer. When King Uzziah was removed," says the Lord, "that block lifted, the bondage broke; however, the people still needed to turn," says the Lord.

"O America, change your direction," says the Lord. "O eagle, turn from your direction and reroute because of the treachery ahead," says the Lord. "Be ready and alert," says the Lord. "Be sober minded in this hour, for the desperation has mounted, that the most outlandish, destructive, heinous acts shall be attempted to hold onto a platform that has now become dry sand, and is crumbling piece by piece in this hour. (Photo via Pexels)

"America is in the valley," says the Lord. "Yes, it is a valley of decision; however, it is also a valley of dryness, of lawlessness. And I AM YOUR SHEPHERD, O AMERICA. I THE LORD YOUR GOD AM YOUR SHEPHERD. If you stay in this valley, you will stagnate and fall. In this hour, there must be a great push of faith to get through such a valley, for the pressure system in such is causing nothing to grow and a decaying of what is."

There Shall Be a Hard Correction

Thus says the Lord, "The government—the highest seats in your nation are about to make a VERY sharp maneuver, that those of both parties shall look on in shock, as this sharp maneuver shall cause a derailment and tracks to break and wheels to lose their security and fall off," says the Lord.

"I the Lord, raise kings up and I bring them low, and I the Lord will NOT be challenged by men thinking they can circumvent ME, Almighty God, and keep their seats. For in this hour you have attempted to challenge and ascend in equality to the throne of Almighty God. In your delusion and puffed-up grandeur, you have thought such. You have thought as well, O judge who sits on the Supreme Court, that you will be the one who flips and sabotages what I the Lord have set out to do, and there shall be a HARD correction for such," says the Lord. "For you have made deals in the dark and have been lured into such, and your foot is one step away from the trap closing, you losing your footing, and falling off your seat."

The High Places Torn Down

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, "The high places, how they have attempted to claim territory in this time. You shall begin to see these high places fall in unusual and unexpected ways. For MY POWER shall tear them down," says the Lord, "in ways that will shock the nation and cause those in their corruption to become very uneasy as such occurs."

The Church Is Being Measured and Weighed

Thus says the Lord, "The Church is being measured on MY righteous scales and weighed in this time. Many who call themselves shepherds are attempting to publicly justify what they have done in the dark, how they have turned [to] unnatural feelings. And lusts have developed because of such perversions [that] they let claim their podiums and their seats. Perversion and permissiveness have taken the seats of Shepherd and Judge within the Church," says the Lord. "I the Lord have given time, I have given mercy, and YOU KNOW BETTER," SAYS THE LORD.

"YOUR FATHERS GAVE YOU A RIGHTEOUS AND SECURE FOUNDATION, AND YOU, IN YOUR POMPOUS THINKING AND PHILOSOPHICAL EXPLOITS, HAVE DESECRATED THAT FOUNDATION. You have desecrated the altar of the Lord with strange spirits and strange sacrifices and unnatural sounds that are a stench in My nostrils," says the Lord. This," says the Lord, "shall be exposed and cleaned out. For many churches have become a sanctuary for demons and devils, and a place to hatch their agendas and have the Church promote them! ENOUGH," SAYS THE LORD, "ENOUGH!"

"Rectification in this time," says the Lord. "Correction in this time. It is time," says the Lord, "to move on from the dysfunction. It cannot swirl around you any longer and create disorderly effects in your lives. This," says the Lord, "must be cleansed as well."

Watch Switzerland, France, New Zealand, and Germany

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, "Watch Switzerland in this hour; watch France, as more upheaval and a deep excavation of their government and ruling practices shall bring forth devastation to that country. (Photo via Picryl)

Call unto Me, the Lord God, O people of France, in an hour [when] your own government is attempting to rob you. And you have allowed it with your progressiveness and liberal wanton ways," says the Lord.

"Revival shall hit France," says the Lord. "Renewal and revival shall break out in France, in New Zealand," says the Lord. "Watch Germany as they make a VERY sharp move that will shake up Europe," says the Lord.

Watch Egypt and Lebanon

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, "Watch Egypt," says the Lord, "and Lebanon in this time. For a Jewish man shall be raised up in Egypt to be positioned for such a time, where Egypt must be restrained or there shall be a triangular war in the Middle East," says the Lord.

"Lebanon," says the Lord. "O Lebanon, you harbor what is not of Me," says the Lord. "You harbor those who claim they serve Me; however, [they] serve a VERY FALSE and bloodthirsty ruler of the darkness that is not God—it is NOT. It is the Baals and the Molechs who have cloaked themselves as such," says the Lord. "They have cloaked themselves.

"Your conscience is seared, and Lebanon has gone the way of Cain, attempting to kill Abel, because Abel was favored By Me, the Lord God Almighty, El Shaddai. You have gone such a way, and now the grace has thinned, and the hour of judgment and correction is upon you. Forsake your gods and call on the name of Jesus, O people of Lebanon. The ruins of Lebanon will be left for the younger to be rebuilt," says the Lord.

Phenomenons of Nature

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, "Phenomenons of nature, of land, of ocean, [and] of weather will continue in such a year," says the Lord. "They will continue to call such 'BIBLICAL events,' and they are such," says the Lord. "And I shall continue to allow such to separate the people from that same spirit that ensnared them in Egypt," says the Lord. "It is being allowed to demonstrate My power. The earth is MY footstool, and I the Lord do what I please, because the earth is the Lord's and the FULLNESS THEREOF."

A Double Fall

And says the Spirit of the Lord this day, "A double fall within family lines, within party lines—falls in twos," says the Lord. "This you shall see, for an emergency meeting has been called, and the elephants in the room have sat with the most boastful of donkeys and developed an elaborate plan. They have moved to distract and switch, and both parties are involved," says the Lord, "including those on the high committees," says the Lord. "Those two who have been in Congress the longest will fall because of such a meeting," says the Lord. "For when they attempt [it], it shall hit a snag and tear before the people of the nation, and it shall be a crisis for both parties," says the Lord, "BOTH PARTIES."

Another Sifting in Church and Leadership

"Stay in MY truth," says the Lord, "for another sifting is set to take place, both in the Church and in leadership. My truth is your shield and buckler. Your faith is your shield. It is the gift of faith that must be activated in this hour—it MUST! For it shall be a light in this valley.

"Idols were taken and destroyed in the Kidron Valley in My Word," says the Lord. "This is your Kidron-Valley moment, America. Leadership, the Church: Take your idols and destroy them in this valley, and bring them to ash, in order that you may stand on the hill.

"For it shall be a very bumpy tumble off the hill of this nation, a VERY PUBLIC tumble in threes," says the Lord, "off 'the hill.' For that hill has been smeared and stained and littered with every detestable thing to Me, where the satyrs dance, and the jackals and wolves circle. The hill is more like a death valley. It is not raised up; it has been brought very low."

The White House Shall Be Smeared

"The White House shall be smeared with every charge written upon it," says the Lord. "For the charges are great, and the scrolls are being positioned, and that house shall shake; their ground shall shake," says the Lord. "Their vegetation shall uproot and die, for that ground has been cursed," says the Lord, "CURSED by those whose feet have touched [it] that operated in rebellion and witchcraft to keep their seats. O First Lady," says the Lord, "you have indeed dabbled and gone to the dark arts for such. Instead, it shall bring defeat," says the Lord. "For the darkness does not have an answer FOR MY WORDS THAT GO FORTH FROM MY THRONE AND ARE SPOKEN INTO THE EARTH. (Photo via PickPik)

The J.O.Y. Is Entering States



Revival Shall Break Out in Chicago

"Revival shall break out in Chicago," says the Lord. "Band gangs shall surrender to Me," says the Lord. "Drug dealers shall throw their drugs in the street and repent.

"There is a move soon coming out of Chicago," says the Lord. "The winds of change are blowing in and blowing out the leadership that have made deals with gangs and dealers to keep their seats. Like a whirlwind, [they] shall be blown out," says the Lord.

An Attempt to Throw the Nation into Upheaval Around September

Thus says the Lord, "Around the time of September there shall be events in tandem, MULTIPLES," says the Lord, "that are going to attempt to throw your nation into upheaval," says the Lord. "Do not fall for the charade or the public parade they attempt to put on to punish the people of this nation. For the upheaval shall be a desperate attempt that shall look as if it is succeeding; however, [it] ultimately shall cause much devastation through the branches of government. For all three branches simultaneously are about to be shaken and shaken HARD," says the Lord. "For a whirlwind of their own making has turned on them, and their already weak branches shall shake and cause much to fall.

Stay the Course

"I am God. There is no other. Stay the course, My children; stay the course with ME. Do not get spellbound by the prognosticators and puppets who allure you to allow fear and rage to enter. Anchor in My Word and you and your households shall and will be saved, for the enemy is desperately looking for weak areas right now to exploit, to steal, to destroy, to cause chaos [to]. He is attempting [this] any way He can. And your authority through Christ Jesus, and continually bringing that onslaught of power, will stop serious attacks in this time.

"This is the hour for you to keep your sword of the Spirit and shield of faith up continually. Do not let down your guard," says the Lord, "for I am your front and rear guard," says the Lord. "Know this day [that] what has been spoken forth will be accomplished, and that I the Lord your God am with you, My children, even until the end of the age. The Lord is with you and will fight for you in this hour as you surrender and submit to My Word, My will, [and] My plans, so MY purposes may be accomplished to their fullest in this unique time within the earth." Thus says the Lord. In Jesus' name, amen.


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Amanda Grace
Ark of Grace Ministries


Amanda Grace and her husband Chris are the founders of Ark of Grace Ministries (located in the beautiful Hudson Valley), walking out the commission in Mark 16:15: "Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature." They minister to all of God's creation, both people and animals. They prophetically minister and teach, breaking down the Word of God (which is living and active) by examining the Hebrew and Greek roots of the Bible, as well as the times when it was written, to understand the true context of the Scriptures and apply them to life. Another way that Amanda and Chris minister at Ark of Grace is through their animal Sanctuary, where they take in lost, abandoned, disabled animals and show them the love of God. Amanda also takes care of her husband Chris who sustained a traumatic brain injury in January 2019 and miraculously survived. They have both experienced and understand the incredible power of Almighty God and how He redeems! They teach others—through their testimony, biblical teaching, the prophetic, and life lessons of caring for the residents of their animal sanctuary—how the Lord can move in every circumstance of life.


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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Amanda Grace's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

February 8–15, 2025
Heavenly Cruises 2025

May 22 – June 2, 2025
Israel Tour 2025
(For more itinerary information click here)

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