World Changers Like Donald Trump Will Arise!
On July 6, 2024, Father spoke to me about wonderful changes that are coming to the world: "I am raising up world changers in this hour. Many have endured great suffering because they are a threat to the enemy, but great resolve fills their hearts, and they will lead many to take the land back for My Kingdom's sake. Watch as I assemble the like-minded and the pure in heart to advance and conquer the defeated foe and his followers.
"Donald Trump will take his position and lead the charge with undaunted resolve and great courage. Again, I say, victory after victory is coming. The people of this nation and the world will reap the benefits of those who have heard and responded to the call to fight the forces of darkness and restore this world back to Me, and to godly rule.
"I will place generals all about Donald Trump. Some will be generals of intercession, while others will be military men and women who will lead battalions to restore all that has been stolen from My children that My Son purchased for them. Peace, freedom, health, and wealth are but a few of the things that will be poured forth on this world. In the outpouring of My glory, great goodness will be all pervasive.
"The wicked have ruled for far too long. They are being taken down for all to see and to know exactly, and in detail, what they have done!"
Confirming Scripture: Isaiah 44.
Freedom Is Coming to Your Nation
On the Fourth of July, while visiting with Father and Jesus, my Lord spoke to me about freedom: "Freedom is truly coming to your nation and to many other places in the world. It just won't be a slogan—'the land of the free and the home of the brave'—but it will be a reality!
"For far too long, My people have been enslaved by the powerful and wicked. Some are enslaved in their finances, others by overpowering relationships that they have with people in their lives, whom they fear disagreeing with or not submitting to their demands. Some are enslaved by wicked ideologies and philosophies, and others by false religions and false gods.
"Slavery takes many forms, but so does freedom. The freedom We are sending will release Our children from all controlling spirits. I created My children to have free wills, to choose what they want for their lives. That freedom will be restored.
"Many fought and gave their lives for freedom; it will not be 'to no avail,' but freedom will be released from Heaven to Earth. Just as freedom reigns in Heaven, it will also reign on Earth. My will shall be done on Earth as it is in Heaven."
Jesus declared, "Those who deliberately robbed My people of their freedom will have their freedom taken from them. They will surely reap what they have sown. Justice is coming; justice will bring freedom!
"I lost My freedom when I was nailed to the Cross, and I purchased your freedom through the intense injustice and horrific suffering that I endured. It will bring forth its fruit now in this hour. Freedom was bought and paid for, and it will be given freely to My children!" (Photo via Pixabay)
Confirming Scripture: Hosea 6:2.
Judgment Is Set!
On Sunday, June 30, 2024, Father declared a very sobering word to me: "Yes, this is the hour when I am saying enough! It is the hour of the last straw! I have tolerated and waited long enough for My children to repent and turn from their wicked ways. The harm done to Israel and to the innocent ones persecuted—some held in prison—is the last straw for Me.
"They are those [of whom] I say, 'Even if Noah, Daniel, and Job were there, their righteousness would save no one but themselves' (Ezekiel 14:14). Don't waste your breath praying for them, because it will do no good. To pray for them to repent, after I have brought judgment on them, is a good thing! I say 'enough' because I must end the suffering of the innocent."
Boldness and Courage Are Needed!
On May 29, 2024, while sitting with Father and Jesus in the spirit, Father declared, "It is through the 'bravehearts' that We will be moving in the days and years ahead. Fearlessness is essential for what We will be doing through Our army: always advancing forward, not looking back, but bravely taking one hill after another. This is what My beloved ones are being trained to do—never alone but always leaning on the arm of their Beloved!"
Jesus explained, "The enemy seeks to paralyze My Bride so that she can't advance and conquer his territory. Fear is being annihilated with each step My Bride takes forward into unknown territory.
"I tell My Bride, 'Fearlessly advance and, step-by-step, let Us lead you down paths you have never traveled! Joy and a sense of accomplishment will fill you.'"
Then Father said, "When Joseph and Mary had to leave Nazareth and go to an unknown territory, during the time she [Mary] was getting ready to give birth, this was a difficult journey for them. By My Spirit, they met every obstacle and did accomplish what We desired of them; and to this day, their endeavor is celebrated by mankind!
"My faithful ones, step out into the unknown with peace, knowing that We are leading the way!"
Confirming Scriptures: Isaiah 43 and Isaiah 25.
He Provides All We Need!
On June 26, 2024, Father continued to speak to me about Mary and Joseph: "We provided all Mary needed to bring forth the long-awaited Messiah to the earth Our way—the devoted husband, Joseph; the donkey to carry her; the stable to lay her head down on, and deliver My Son in; the wise men to bring the provision they would need; the star to guide the wise men to this holy family; the angel to warn them; and a place to hide away safely in Egypt. I even provided a leader to issue an edict for a census so My Son would be born in Bethlehem.
"All they needed, We provided, because Mary believed and said yes! Now tell My children to trust Us to provide all that they will need to accomplish their missions.
"Life is filled with many challenges; the greatest is to be faithful, no matter what befalls you. Some are faithful, even through dire circumstances, but fall away when celebrations and success come upon them.
"Like Mary and Joseph, stay faithful in the midst of storms and times of blessings and you will never know lack. Always I will overshadow My faithful ones and flood them with Our glory and goodness.
"Fear no man, because when each of you places your trust in Me like Mary and Joseph did, I am in control of your lives. Fear nothing, for I have only great good planned for My faithful children."
On July 3, 2024, while in the spirit standing beside Jesus, I saw a steep, almost perpendicular mountain in front of me. It looked impossible to climb. Then Jesus led me to the side of it and showed me a staircase that was carved into it. Together, we easily climbed this impenetrable mountain. (Photo via Creazilla)
My Lord explained, "Come to Me when you meet any obstacles in life—like this steep mountain—and I will show you the way to overcome them. Don't lose hope but look to Me, and I will always show you a way to surmount every difficulty. You have wisdom living within you, so don't be afraid or lose hope.
"Though things look impossible, know that I am mighty. Not only can I scale any mountain, [but] remember I made the mountains! Yes, all creation must submit to Me. I can recreate as easily as I create. Trust Me with every difficulty, and with the unknown. Even trust Me with those who oppose you and your work for Us. Nothing is beyond Me!"
Judgment Is Coming to the Church
On May 25, 2024, Father spoke to me about the condition of the Church: "Few sit with Us and really know Us and know what We think and what We are saying. Only those who know Us will represent Us and Our will and Our ways to Our children.
"I will be dealing with the false prophets and the lazy, corrupt shepherds. In the days to come, judgment will fall on My house and on this world's leaders. Those who know Us and follow Us will be kept safe when I release the gavel of justice. None of the wicked will escape My justice!
"At the same time, My faithful ones will receive their just rewards and great promotions. Encourage the fainthearted to stay true, to stay faithful, and they will live blessed while watching the corrupt reap their punishments. Persevere in righteousness!"
On June 22, 2024, Father continue to speak to me about the condition of the Church and His leaders: "When My children suffer for righteousness sake, because they love and obey Us, great rewards are showered down on them from Heaven.
"To keep My sanctuary pure and undefiled is a grave responsibility—one that many priests neglect, and have neglected in the past. To allow sin to go unaddressed, or even permit those who blatantly are engaging in sinful lifestyles to have positions of importance in the Church has become commonplace and acceptable in My house."
Confirming Scriptures: 1 Samuel 2:12–36 and 1 Samuel 4.
A Very Special Visit in Heaven
On July 5, 2024, while in the spirit, sitting on the garden swing between Father and Jesus in the garden of glory, my Lord showed me the characteristics He's looking for in His shepherds.
Jesus rose from the swing and asked me to come with Him. After hugging Father goodbye, I followed Jesus. He walked into a lush pasture, laid down on the grass, and a flock of white, fluffy sheep came and greeted Him. While He lay in the sunlight on the soft green grass, one sheep after another came close to Him; some jumped on Him and licked His face. While the sheep were welcoming Him, Jesus laughed heartily and hugged the sheep as they nuzzled close to Him. Then Jesus invited me to lie down beside Him and let the sheep greet me and come close to me; He wanted me to let them love me. (Photo via Unsplash)
Jesus explained that He was calling many to be good shepherds in this hour: "Today I call you to be a shepherd—just like I am. Let the sheep close; let them love you. Love them back and care for them. Sheep know a true shepherd, and they know those who just want the title and the benefits of being a shepherd but don't sincerely care about them. I will help you to shepherd the flock, and you will enjoy it and will laugh hardily as you interact with the sheepfold.
"Good shepherds have the smell of the sheep on them, because they don't keep the sheep at arms length. If the dedicated shepherd sees a tick or a bug on the sheep, he takes it off. The devoted shepherd leads the sheep to graze in green pastures and clear streams.
"Feed My sheep and lead them to where My Spirit flows and will refresh them. In that stream, they are cleansed and strengthened. I will lead you and show you how to be good shepherds like Me. By My Spirit, I will make it easy and enjoyable to shepherd My flock!"
Intimacy with Him Is Essential!
On June 11, 2024, Father explained the importance of spending time alone with Him: "Hearts filled with Our love have no room for hatred, jealousy, or self-pity. When love fills every vacuum, then your heart will resemble My heart. Everything I do is motivated by love.
"Draw very close to Us and We will fill you with Our love and Our glory. Transformed by Our love will all be who draw close to Us daily!"
While sitting on the garden swing in the garden of glory between Father and Jesus, and listening to Father's instructions, I saw the majestic trees in front of us. Their leaves were extremely shiny; they looked like they were coated in oil.
Father explained that as we sit in His glory, soaking in His presence, we too will shine. We won't be just surviving here on the earth, but we will thrive. The presence of His Spirit will enhance our lives and make us the light of the world, shining in the darkness and bearing abundant fruit.
Father said, "The more transparent My children are, the more I can shine through them. Only through a total death to self—'not my will, but Thy will be done'—can this transparency come about. It will not be by might or strength, but by My Spirit will each one die daily and let Me live through their lives."
Confirming Scriptures: Psalm 1, Joshua 1, and Matthew 5:13–18.
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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.
Donna Rigney is the pastor of His Heart Ministries Int. in North Central Florida. She hosts a Sunday evening service at the VFW Post at 47 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast, FL. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and has a prophetic show (Nuggets of Gold) that is on Rumble and Sid Roth's network, METV. She can also be seen on Elijah Streams and is a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She appears frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries.
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