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Roma Waterman: "A 10x Leap Is Coming!"

Roma Waterman, Melbourne, VIC, Australia
Jul 20, 2024

A Time of Growing His Vision Inside

Lately, I haven't been sharing much prophetically, because the Lord has had me in a massive season of planning for what is to come. He's been showing me things that are much bigger than I imagined, and it's taken all my energy and focus to grow His vision inside of me.

I want to share with you one of the main things He has been saying to me since November 2023 that I believe is for the Body of Christ right now. I believe the Lord, right now, is requiring some big changes in our lives that are necessary for what is to come.

The Shift Is for What Is Coming

Shifts need to take place, not because something is wrong but because something is coming. Often, we make a change because something isn't working, but I feel this urgency from the Lord to make changes even in the midst of fruitfulness.

You might be feeling dissatisfied and confused by these feelings because your life seems to be "okay." Things are ticking along smoothly. This feeling is the Holy Spirit's prompting.

Get Into Position for the Mission That Is Coming to You

This is part of what it means to have "spiritual intelligence"—the Lord is preparing you, while you're in one season, for a season to come. Don't ignore it! Pause and take some time to hear what the Lord is saying, because it's very important that you get into position for the mission that is coming for you. (Photo via Creative Commons)

I know, for me, it took a couple of months of feeling unsettled, even though things were well. I kept asking the Lord, "Lord, what is it? What are You wanting?" And I kept waiting. I felt the importance of not moving until the full download was in me.

Every now and then I'll see a piece of the puzzle, but it's been forming slowly. Honest truth, I really wanted it to be quick so I could get going, but He has not been communicating that way for a reason. And I don't move until I get the full picture.

Ten Leaps in One!

I believe the reason why this is happening is because it's a 10x jump, not a 2x one. There is an exponential leap the Lord wants you to step into that will be ten leaps in one. There is an advancement in the Kingdom for the age we live in that will be spectacular, and you and I get to be a part of history in the making.

Pay Attention and You Will Be Prepared

This is what I'm learning: as you wait, be prepared to hear what is on His heart, not what's on yours. He may take you in a direction you don't expect. He's certainly doing this with me. This is because He knows what you need and what He wants to see His Kingdom come on Earth. (Photo via Unsplash)

If you pay attention, you will be prepared. Don't ignore the still small voice. Too many of us pay attention when it gets to a state of emergency. He doesn't want that pattern for us. He wants you to be prepared before you get there, because it will require a new level of commitment and focus, and you must be primed for the responsibility of carrying the new thing.

Get Ready!

I hear Him saying, "Get ready, get ready, get ready!" Allow His thoughts to ruminate inside of you until the full revelation emerges. You will not regret it.

Write it down, pray, and keep a journal, and the fullness will come in His time. But whatever you do, don't keep doing what you're doing without thinking of what needs to be done next. Look further ahead. Allow Him to give you long vision. It's possible to do this with His approval and supernatural empowerment.

The future is bright... you're going to love it!


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Roma Waterman
HeartSong Prophetic Alliance

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Roma Waterman has been one of Australia's foremost Christian artists for over 20 years and has traveled the globe leading worship and teaching on the prophetic, worship leading and songwriting. Her passion is not just to release Heaven's song over the nations, but to teach others to do the same.

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