The Oil of Gladness
As I began this encounter in the spirit, I was at the beach in Heaven with Jesus. I was being saturated with the oil of gladness as I soaked in the sunlight. Looking up I saw a flock of large birds flying freely above us.
This encounter continued on March 24, 2024. I saw myself in the spirit floating on the river of God that flows from the throne of God. I was being saturated in the oil of gladness. This was the presence of the Holy Spirit. Nothing evil could penetrate this thick oil that totally covered me, because I belong to Him, and He is Mine.
When we climb into His river, we are cleansed, but when we soak in the river, His oil of gladness coats us completely. This is the hour He will make us glad, as we come to Him in total surrender with a heart of devotion!
While in the river, I heard Father say: "I am bringing life to My children. Where death, destruction, debt, discouragement, disease, and disasters have come, My oil of gladness will deliver My children and destroy all the works of darkness. Delight and not despair will fill My people, as We soak them in Our glory, and they are filled with My resurrection power!
"Joy and gladness are the true portion of My children. I am rescuing those who have been oppressed for years by a heavy taskmaster. These [taskmasters] have cracked their whips and held My children captive to their demands of silent submission. No more! I say, 'No more,' to these tyrants. I have come to cut free those they enslaved to their wants. Watch as I do it My way and in My timing.
"I say, 'Enough!' No more will you hold My people in the grip of your systemic abuse. From the least to the greatest, My children will be free—quickly!
"Love will fill this world once again. When I pour My Spirit out on all flesh, I will pour My love—and faith—that transforms lives, and the masses will be Mine! Then people will taste and see that I am good!"
Confirming Scriptures:
"You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness, therefore God, your God, has anointed you with the oil of gladness beyond your companions." (Hebrews 1:9)
"[T]o grant those who mourn in Zion—to give them a beautiful headdress instead of ashes, the oil of gladness instead of mourning, the garment of praise instead of a faint spirit; that they may be called oaks of righteousness, the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified." (Isaiah 61:3)
For the river of God, see Ezekiel 47.
No Delays!
On March 27, 2024, Father gave me a word for the remnant: "Nothing can stop Us from blessing and rescuing Our children, because you believe and love Us with all your hearts, minds, and strength. Nothing will keep Us or delay Us from doing what We want—with no delays!
"You have endured delays for a season, but now We have an army of loyal, loving warriors—not worriers! As they declare My will and wield the sword of Our words with precision, I can accomplish My plans to restore, rescue, deliver and bestow My best on My children. No delays! Yes, I declare, 'No delays' for My perfect will to be accomplished.
"The schemes of the enemy to subvert Our plans will fail, because My faith-filled, devoted ones are at their posts. Yes, you have heard My will and seen what I planned, but you also saw delay come and subvert My best from coming to pass. (I knew Father was referring to the stolen election of 2020.) That won't happen again in this day and hour. (Photo via Unsplash)
"Not one prayer, not a cry from anyone, has fallen to the ground. All are before Me in My throne room, waiting patiently for My answers. I say that now is the hour for Me to usher in all I intended from before time began. No more delays for My children in their personal lives, nor will there be any more delays in the national scene.
"The hurdles, stumbling blocks, and brick walls have been destroyed, and the way made clear for My children to encounter My perfect will and to live blessed. Easily will they accomplish their destined assignments."
Delay Cannot Affect Us
While in the spirit, I saw a large demon called "Delay." This large demon had a troop of smaller demons surrounding him that worked with him to bring delays to God's people and to this world. I also saw that we have the authority to destroy Delay and his horde of demons, because the Lord has spoken that delay cannot affect us. With our swords brandished, declaring the Word of God and worshiping in unity, they will be destroyed and will not bring delay into our lives.
On April 10, 2024, Father gave me a very encouraging word: "You have heard Me clearly: great days are coming for the faithful and the grateful. Watch and see Us free those who have suffered much at the hands of the very wicked. Not just exonerated and vindicated will they be, but blessed as well. Paid will they be for what they suffered at the hands of the corrupt liars and wicked—by those who heaped suffering and injustice on them!
"I am pushing the hands of time ahead, in an act of vindication for the delays people have endured at the hands of the demons of delay. Yes, I am moving ahead My plan to rescue and restore. Ahead of schedule will these things be that We are releasing, sent from Heaven to Earth."
Like Israel, Be Alert! Get on the Offensive!
On April 14, 2024, I clearly heard the Lord say: "More prayer is needed, because of your fruitfulness the warfare has intensified in order to stop you."
The Lord explained to me that just like Israel was attacked, we have also been attacked. We, too, need to get on the offensive and fight back. We must pick up the weapons of our warfare and fight the good fight of faith.
Then I heard Jesus declare, "Armed with great faith and the love that surpasses all understanding, advance and declare Our Word boldly; shrink not back; fight the strong man over your lives; cast him out; break strongholds and destroy curses, using My name and My blood in My full authority.
"Put on the shoes to advance My Kingdom and stand firm; march forward; don't retreat! Hold fast [to] the faith that We have given you. Yes, hold fast [to] the faith in My promises and see your victory, because it is at hand. Call it forth!
"Like a mighty army going into battle, advance with great courage and boldness! Your weapons are mighty to tear down strongholds. Fueled with faith, advance. Don't be afraid, but instead loose fear into the camp of the enemy!"
On April 25, 2024, the Lord continued to speak to me about His army: "A great mobilization has come in My army. Motivated by love, and not by hatred, they are a united force that will not be defeated! This is not the hour for retreating—not for My people or for Israel. Push forward through all obstacles, and you will see the glory of your faithful, mighty God arise over your lives in a far greater way than ever before!
"My army is a force to be reckoned with: one Body, one Bride, [and] one mighty army. Previously, My people were extremely effective but now—because of the great love and unity, birthed through travail—they will be unstoppable, and will advance and take this land, this world, back for Us! Forward will their momentum be. With no looking back, they will defeat every foe!"
Confirming Scriptures: 2 Corinthians 10:3–6; Ephesians 6:10–18; Matthew 11:12.
His Fire Will Fall!
On April 3, 2024, once again, Father spoke to me about His fire and His glory: "My glory and My fire, working together, will transform the lukewarm and tepid into blazing furnaces, aglow with a great passion for Us and for advancing Our Kingdom.
"Like dry sticks, My people will easily ignite with passion for Us and for Our works. The past season of suffering and lack has been sent by the foe, but is being used by Us to prepare My people for My fire. Yes, fresh fire from Heaven will transform them as they are baptized in My fire and My glory. (Photo via Unsplash)
"A baptism can bring about such significant changes in the lives of those who enter the waters of baptism. How much more will the baptism of fire and glory do for those who hunger for more of Us?
"Like rivers of water will Our glory and fire fill the earth in the days ahead. Yes, open your spiritual eyes. See rivers of glory fire covering this earth, and your faith will be fed, and it will grow to the level We need. In order to do all We want to do through Our Bride, We need people with a vibrant faith. Fuel your faith so that it grows. Visualize what We say We will do! Don't visualize what the enemy threatens to bring on you and on this world. Don't fuel fear!"
On April 5, 2024, Father continued to tell me about what is coming to the Earth when He pours His fire down: "Fire will fall with Our glory from Heaven and will flood the earth with Our goodness. Evil will be chased far from Our precious children. In this flood of fire and glory, what was stolen from Our beloved, must be restored and will be given back with interest!"
Confirming Scriptures: Isaiah 44:1–5.
April 9, 2024. Once again, Father spoke to me about a glory revival that is coming: "Fire from Heaven will soon fall on the earth. Fiery coals that burn on My altar will be brought to the earth and ignite the fire of glory revival in My children.
"This fire will purge and cleanse My children and, at the same time, equip them to speak on My behalf; to do great miracles; to train and equip My children to minister on My behalf; to bring in the great harvest of souls...
"My fire will consume the wickedness that has overtaken your land. So many are faithful; We must respond to their prayers in spite of the arrogance of the wicked who follow satan. Because of the goodness and faithfulness of My followers, sinners will benefit from the overflowing glory fire that will be poured out on the land. Many will repent when they encounter Our glory! Because of the righteous remnant, the world will be blessed by My glory."
Confirming Scriptures: Isaiah 6:1–8; Ezekiel 21:25–29.
Fire and Glory Are Coming!
On April 12, 2024, while in the spirit, I had a wonderful encounter with Father. He explained: "Many are the delights I will be pouring out on My children that will overflow onto the 'world.' Yes, as My children are equipped with My glory and power, miracles will impact the people in the world. This will bring forth a great harvest of souls.
"Fiery coals from Heaven will purify the lips, words, and hearts of the masses. As Isaiah was chosen and sent for Us to speak My words, so too, will those that are purified. They will be used by Our hands to gather in the lost [people] that they [had] formally aligned with and encouraged in their sinful ways." (See Isaiah 6:1-9.)
"Revival fires will spread stronger and faster than a contagious disease does! My children that carry My fire will ignite the dry sticks (hearts) they encounter, and then those newly 'on fire' ones will go forth and spread My fire!
"As the enemy has used people to spread his wickedness, I will, in turn, use people to spread My goodness!"
Confirming Scripture: Galatians 5:22–24: "But when the Holy Spirit controls our lives, He will produce this kind of fruit in us: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self control."
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Donna Rigney
His Heart Ministries Int.
Donna Rigney is the pastor of His Heart Ministries Int. in North Central Florida. She hosts a Sunday evening service at the VFW Post at 47 Old Kings Road, Palm Coast, FL. Donna has written three powerful books. Two of her prophetic books, Divine Encounters and The Glory of God Revealed, detail her many riveting encounters with Jesus, where He took her in the spirit to Heaven and Hell. Donna's heart's desire is to impart all of her passion for a life of intimacy with the Holy Spirit and a hunger for the glory of God. Donna has appeared on Sid Roth's It's Supernatural, and has a prophetic show (Nuggets of Gold) that is on Rumble and Sid Roth's network, METV. She can also be seen on Elijah Streams and is a contributing prophetic voice on the Elijah List. She appears frequently on her YouTube channel, Donna Rigney Ministries.
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