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Harmony Klingenmeyer: "You Are a Man of War!"

Harmony Klingenmeyer, Becker, Minnesota
Jun 16, 2024


Introduction from Christa Elisha:

 I am honored to recommend to the Elijah List my friend and sister in Christ, Harmony Klingenmeyer. Harmony and I have ministered together on multiple occasions. I have watched her love for people and her love for the Lord through her ministering as my guest on my Live show, Get Lit with Christa Elisha. We have also worked together at several tent revival meetings for the Trail of Joy, hosted by Voices of Mercy.

Harmony is extremely humble and remains submitted to her local church leadership. She has a heart for the Church as a whole, and desires the healing, education and empowerment of the Bride of Christ. She walks in supernatural power and is led by the Spirit in self-sacrificing love and grace. Harmony is a brilliant communicator and carries astounding discernment and wisdom in how to navigate difficult situations within her own family, families that she has been called to minister to and other relationships within her sphere of influence.

Most of all, she carries a strong sense of identity because of her deep and passionate relationship with her Papa God. She is the epitome of strength and dignity, with balance and beauty on display. I trust that her revelation and prophetic words from God will build up, encourage and comfort the Elijah List followers and family.

Christa Elisha Joy Schram
Servant/Founder of Arise Kingdom Ministries

You Are a Man of War!

"The Lord is my strength and song, and He has become my salvation; He is my God, and I will praise Him; my father's God, and I will exalt Him. The Lord is a man of war; the Lord is His name." (Exodus 15:2–3 NKJV)

The Lord says, "To My sons, I say, 'You are a man of war!'"

"It is time for My men to trade in their sexual lust for battle lust. My sons have forgotten the feel of a sword in their hands. They have forgotten the strategy of war. They have forgotten how to identify the right enemy at the right season. For there is a season of war which My sons understood in ancient days. My sons are made for the battle. I have placed within them My Warrior Spirit and the desire to conquer what threatens their families and territories.

The War Is for Your Children

"The emasculating spirit of Ishtar has propagated a cultural war against the warrior spirit in My men. She places a high value on a man she can control. She places pressure upon the genders to conform to the very opposite of what I have decreed over them. For confusion and chaos are Ishtar's end goals. This is the enemy that My sons are called to go to war against, because it is coming for their children."

It Is the Season to Go to War

The Lord says, "Rise like a man of war and shake yourself! Shake off the sleepiness of technology, for your minds have become numb and easily satisfied by fake war on the screen. Remember My son David who stayed at home in the season when kings go to war and, therefore, fell into the arms of the wrong kind of lust. He became a victim when he was called to be the victor over his enemies. Trade in your sexual lust for battle lust," says Yahweh. "In the end, the wrong kind of lust will cost you the fruit of the womb." (Photo via Pexels)

Protectors and Defenders

"My desire is to redeem the fruit of the womb, and to reconnect men, My sons, to their identity as warriors and conquers. I designed you to PROTECT—to be the watchman on the walls of your family, with a building tool in one hand and a sword in the other. You are called to be the first line of defense against your families' enemies.

Awaken, Warriors!

"There is a massive focus on the women of this nation right now, a call to the Deborahs and the Esthers. Remember why I caused these women to arise in their generation—to AWAKEN the warrior spirit inside of My sons. It took a Deborah to inspire Barak to call up the troops and to go to war against the Syrians. It took an Esther to open the eyes of the king to the schemes of Haman. The purpose of the righteous women's movement is to AWAKEN the fathers in the land to their God-given assignment of protection and provision.

"Do not be silent. Do not leave the war to My daughters. Rise up Man of War!"


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Harmony Klingenmeyer
Hear Their Voices


Harmony M. Klingenmeyer is a prophetic teacher and author, and is the founder of Hear Their Voices Ministries. Harmony is a powerful, prophetic and purposeful leader. She is an on-fire revivalist who is contending for a generation. She is wife to Scott, mother of three adopted boys and nineteen children out of foster care in the state of Oregon.


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