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Holly Watson: "A New Breed of Eagle Prophets Emerging"

Holly Watson, Costa Mesa, CA
Jun 15, 2024

Prophetic Round Table

In a dream I had in 2016, I found myself sitting amongst a round table of well-known prophets who operated at high accuracy levels with credible encounters with the Lord. The round table discussion focused on the urgency of the hour, and how the prophets were being called to "sound the alarm" to warn the Church. The prophets participating in this vital gathering were from various streams of prophetic ministry: a seer, a "times and seasons" prophet, a watchman, and an emerging prophet.

While the round table discussion stressed the importance of releasing a distinct warning sound from these generals in the faith, I was struck by the posture of a young, emerging prophet. Amongst these well-known generals, with a track record of delivering the genuine word of the Lord, the young, emerging prophet appeared disillusioned with the critical nature of the hour. Even as the more experienced prophets gathered to test and weigh what the Spirit of God was unveiling, the young, emerging prophet was focused on frolicking in the harvest fields while bringing attention to their "earthly attire."

High Vantage Point

I then found myself making my way to a mountaintop where I stood on what appeared to be a golf course high above the circle of the earth. My attention was drawn to a beautiful eagle soaring across the sky as he surveyed the expanse of the land through his visionary aptitude and eagle-eye vision. This eagle's soaring capabilities were impressive with the heights he had ascended to, while his wingspan stretched freely across the heavens. (Photo via Unsplash)

Mission to Action

Then, it happened in an instant! The eagle went from surveying his territory, with his eyes focused on discovering his current mission, to plunging into action through his swift response and eagle-eye instinct. With razor-sharp vision and accurate assessment of the signs of the times, the eagle plunged directly into the path of the putting green to make a hole-in-one before soaring out on the other side. The force and power generated from the swift response of this eagle hitting the mark of his intended target caused a release of sound that penetrated the ears of even the dull of hearing. What transpired next was evidence of God "shaking the nest" of those released into the world as a new breed of prophets.

A New Sound to Remove the Old Wineskin

I then heard, "A trumpeting sound for liberating those conditioned to an old wineskin is coming forth through a new company of prophets." The Word of the Lord, fresh in the mouths of this impressive remnant, carries tremendous weight in the spirit for sounding the alarm, for awakening the Church for a new move of power. A precision-like move of the Spirit of God for the coming age is arousing emerging voices from their nest of incubation to awaken a generation from their dullness of hearing. (Photo via Pxhere)

The Shift: A New Breed of Eagles Arise!

The shift to releasing new mantles for a new decade is upon us. No longer will this generation set their sights on the fanfare and hype of performance-driven prophetic ministry during the end-time harvest. But the voice of God, through the mouths of His prophets, is awakening an era where the Word of God is the backbone for every prophetic utterance released into the atmosphere. Prophets of the glory realm carry the pure Word of the Lord in their belly without pretense and are exempt from man-made pressures based on performance. The level of signs and wonders, along with the accuracy emerging at the turn of this new decade, depends upon the heights this new company of prophets is willing to ascend.

The Word of the Lord, released from every type of prophet, will uphold the fear of the Lord as well as release new depths of wisdom from the heart of God for building stronger foundations in the Church and prophetic ministry. Holy Spirit is highlighting the voices THE FATHER is preparing at this hour—young and old, experienced and inexperienced. A new breed of eagles is arising with a voice heralding the signs of the times!


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Holly Watson
Kingdom Revelations
Website: Click Here

Holly Watson is a prophet to the nations with a mandate to awaken the Bride of Christ to her end-time identity. Her passion is to release the heart of the Father in a pure and uncompromising way, while stirring this generation with a fresh impartation of Holy Ghost fire. Holly's desire is to see every person walk in liberty and freedom in Christ through the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. Holly ministers under a strong prophetic anointing and releases the healing power of the Holy Spirit under the Luke 4:18 mandate. Holly was miraculously healed after suffering for 15 years with a spirit of infirmity. Her testimony is one of faith, steadfastness, and perseverance; while believing in the unfailing Word of God through His prophetic promises.


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Can't You Talk Louder, God?

Holly Watson's Itinerary:

Note: Events are subject to change at the ministry's discretion. Check back often.

June 22, 2024
The Drawing – A Night of Encounter
Tustin, CA
(For more information click here.)

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