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Rachel Miranda Emerson: "Prophetic Purification & the Rise of Issachars"

Rachel Miranda Emerson, Bardstown, KY
Jun 8, 2024


The Lord is intensifying His purification of the prophetic, and He is shaking the very foundations to its core. For those who yield to His purification and divine fire, He will eradicate the spirit of error and straighten the crooked paths.

"I will go before you and make the crooked places straight..." (Isaiah 45:2)

He is calling forth a purified army of prophets in this crucial hour, ones who have been refined in the fires of trial and have proven to be true, specifically marked prophets for this generation.

They are emerging boldly with the mantle of Elijah, accompanied by sounds of lightning and thunder. These prophets will shake cities for the glory of God. They are endowed with the knowledge of the times and seasons of the Lord, speaking with accuracy and wisdom. They embody a holy, reverential fear of the Lord and manifest the nature of the Messiah, Jesus Christ of Nazareth. Their words will pierce through the atmospheres of regions, ushering in authentic reformation, transformation, and revival!

The false and the phony will diminish, fading away like a dying flame in these times. May the Lord open your eyes of understanding to discern and recognize the true from the false.

Personal Decree for Prophetic Voices

In the mighty name of Jesus Christ, I decree a divine purification over my life as a prophetic voice. I submit myself to the holy cleansing from all defilement of flesh and spirit. I invite the fire of the Holy Spirit to refine and purify my mouth and heart so that I may declare the oracles of God in truth and purity.

I renounce the spirit of error, deceit, and manipulation in my prophetic calling. I embrace integrity and the fear of the Lord as the foundation of my ministry. I decree that my words will be as purified silver, tested and free from impurity.

I declare that my prophetic ministry is sanctified, set apart for the sacred purpose of advancing the Kingdom of Heaven. I commit to speaking forth God's truth with clarity, accuracy, and godly reverence. As the Lord cleanses and purifies me, may there be a fresh outpouring of the Spirit equipping me with prophetic precision and power for such a time as this. Amen!

Issachar Anointing

The Issachar anointing carries a deep spiritual understanding and discernment of the times and seasons, and the wisdom to know how to act accordingly. Those who operate under the Issachar anointing are strategic, prophetic thinkers who provide direction and clarity in times of confusion and transition. May we yearn to know the times and seasons of the Lord! (Photo via Pixabay)

This is crucial for the Body of Christ, especially in navigating the complex and ever-changing spiritual and worldly climates. These prophets flow by the impulses of Holy Spirit to receive revelation about the shifts and movements within the spiritual realm. They will interpret divine signals and understand the deeper meaning behind events and seasons, making them invaluable during critical times. Who are the Issachars of this time?

These prophets are aligning with God's timetable, understanding His cycles and appointments, and helping the Body of Christ to move in rhythm with the Spirit!

"From the tribe of Issachar, there were 200 leaders of the tribe with their relatives. All these men understood the signs of the times and knew the best course for Israel to take." (1 Chronicles 12:32)

"I have set watchmen on your walls, O Jerusalem; they shall never hold their peace day or night. You who make mention of the LORD, do not keep silent, and give Him no rest till He establishes and till He makes Jerusalem a praise in the earth." (Isaiah 62:6–7)

God Is Raising up Issachars!

God is raising up those who yearn and desire to operate in the Issachar anointing.

Say this with me: In the name of Jesus, I decree that the Issachar anointing would come over those who are called to be the discerners of times and seasons. May the Holy Spirit open our spiritual eyes and ears, granting us divine insight and understanding.

As the sons of Issachar understood their times, so shall we understand and interpret the movements of God's Spirit in this hour. We will not walk in confusion but in divine clarity and purpose.


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Rachel Miranda Emerson
Awakening to Revival Global


Rachel Miranda Emerson is an emerging and rising seer with a prophetic voice shaking the world. She is a prolific dreamer and a visionary pioneer for such a time as this. She desires to share the heart of the Father with the Body of Christ by prophetic ministry. Rachel and her husband are founders of Awakening to Revival Global Ministry and Roar Academy Online, walking out the Ephesians 4:11 mandate; equipping, training and launching a company of Believers to impact the nations. She resides in Bardstown, Kentucky with her husband Daniel Emerson—father, pioneer and prophet—and their children.


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