In the month of June, God is releasing strategies from Heaven for people's divine assignments. He is inviting people to "clear the clutter" in their lives and let go of things that are good, but not His best. He is bringing us into a deeper relationship with Him and—from relationship—releasing revelation. It's time to "prophesy your future" by partnering with His Word and declaring what He's doing. Make the decision to stop complaining and to use your words to declare life.
Heavenly Strategies
"'All this,' David said, 'I have in writing as a result of the Lord's hand on me, and He enabled me to understand all the details of the plan.'" (1 Chronicles 28:19)
God is releasing strategies from Heaven over people's lives for their divine assignments and callings. Angels are on assignment, handing out Kingdom blueprints; these are being made available to those who are seeking Him. God is giving people divine strategies and showing them the ways they can partner with Heaven in order to fulfill His purposes on the earth.
This is a beautiful, but sacred, invitation. In order to step into the fullness of God's calling on your life, not everything can come with you. You may have numbed out, avoided, or primarily sought entertainment outside of God. But when you see your heavenly assignment, those other things lose their value. It's time to write down what God shows you and to hold it close to your heart. Trust Him, even if what He reveals to you seems too big for you to accomplish on your own. Invite trusted people to share this vision with you and take a step of faith. Trust that God will bring the strategies you need as you move in accordance with His voice. If this is for you, God is opening your eyes to see the action steps you need to take today—even if that is simply writing down the vision.
Cleaning out Dark Places
"Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it is the wellspring of life." (Proverbs 4:23) (Photo via Pexels)
A few weeks ago, my housemates and I (Katelyn) decided to tackle cleaning our garage. We had moved in a frenzy a year ago, and the garage had grown chaotic over the winter. Not only did it feel incredible to finally haul off mounds of unused items to the thrift store, it created space for what we actually wanted to use our garage for. However, in the process of cleaning, we found and killed multiple black widow spiders that had just been hiding amidst the chaos and darkness. YUCK.
Chaos and clutter, while not inherently wrong, make space for unwanted guests both in the spiritual and the natural. Black widow spiders were hiding in the chaos and clutter of our garage. In the same way, resentment, anger, sadness, unprocessed pain, etc. can hide in the clutter of our busy lives. When we never take time to slow down and pause, we end up carrying around an unnecessary amount of physical and emotional baggage.
God instructed His children to honor the Sabbath and keep it holy because we need to slow down and rest. Slowing down is one of the best ways we can connect with God. Our brains and bodies heal when we sleep and when we rest; our minds and spirits are the same way. It's important to clear the clutter of our physical, mental, and emotional lives. When you say "no" to the things that are no longer serving you, whether that's physical junk, extra activities that you're doing because you're "supposed to," or unhealthy relationships that you're scared to walk away from, you make space to say, "Yes" to the BEST that God has in store for you.
So take time to pause and reevaluate your commitments, clear out your junk-filled spaces, and clean house. Where you're holding onto bitterness or unforgiveness, invite God in! It may be that God specifically leads you on a healing journey or changes your path because you take time to slow down and reconnect with Him. He has so much goodness in store for you, and you will discover the joy and liberation that comes from letting go and cleaning house!
Revelation Flows from Relationship
"With it [the coal] he touched my mouth and said, 'See, this has touched your lips; your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for.' Then I heard the voice of the Lord saying, 'Whom shall I send? And who will go for us?'" (Isaiah 6:7–8)
Surrender is one of the greatest keys to breakthrough you will ever experience. We often search for answers while holding onto the things keeping us stuck, whether that's addiction or unhealthy relationships or old patterns. However, when we come to the Lord in surrender, revelation flows.
Opening up Our Spiritual Senses
Isaiah surrendered and asked God to purify His heart; as a result, his eyes and ears were opened to what God was doing in Heaven—searching for someone to send. In the same way, when we surrender and allow God to purify us, He opens up our eyes and ears to see the things of God. This can look like learning to recognize His voice and the ways He speaks. He doesn't always use words, but rather, He can speak to us through our five senses. This may come through an inner knowing that you recognize as His voice, seeming coincidences that keep showing up, physically experiencing His presence (this can feel like a weightiness), or even noticing that when you pray, it seems like a beautiful fragrance has filled the room. In the same way that we have physical senses, we have spiritual ones.
If you're hungry for the things of God, ask Him to open up the eyes of your heart to what He's doing. If you feel like you haven't been able to hear Him, then come to Him in faith and surrender, and ask Him to open up the eyes of your heart to recognize Him. Partner with people who have a history of knowing His voice and see the ways you grow in cultivating your spiritual senses. (Photo via Unsplash)
Prophesy Your Future
"The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit." (Proverbs 18:21)
One of the things we are most passionate about at The Crowning Jewels is the importance of the tongue. Scripture speaks strongly of the significance of our words, yet so many of us go through life flippantly using our words. We complain and criticize finding fault with others, our bodies, our situations, or our relationships. We make jokes about our struggles saying things like, "Well, shoulda known this was gonna to happen to me," or "That's just my luck." And we wonder why we feel stuck and like nothing is ever changing. This is because we can literally create life or death with our words.
Our words are like seeds, they go into the soil of our lives and grow fruit-bearing trees or choking and destructive weeds. If you're experiencing an onslaught of negative circumstances in your life, one of the first places you need to look is at your words. Your voice matters, and your words have power. What are you saying about your circumstances, body, relationships, etc.? Are you prophesying hope and a bright future? Or are you cursing your life with your words and with complaining?
God is teaching us to speak words of life, and He is calling us to pay attention to what we speak and speak in alignment with His promises. So many of the things we have declared have come to pass because we spoke them out in faith. It's time to align your words to match what God is saying and doing. It's time to prophesy blessing and favor over your life. Speak out good things, even when circumstances look the opposite. If you need to go on a negativity fast, where you stop complaining for 40 days in order to change your habits, DO IT! So many of God's children are caught in cycles of destruction because they haven't changed the way they speak about their lives. When you change your words, you're not just saying positive things. You're actually changing the trajectory of your life to line up with God's purposes for you.
• God is releasing divine strategies for my life.
• I am making space for the newness God is bringing to me.
• I am letting go of the good to make room for God's best.
• I seek God's face first, above all else.
• I reject complaining and use my words to speak LIFE and HOPE.
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Anne Jackson
The Crowning Jewels
Texas-born Anne Jackson worked as a nurse for seventeen years before fully embracing her creative nature. Having grown up believing that God only spoke through the Bible, her life was transformed with the personal knowledge that He still speaks today. As she experienced a revelation of God's love for her and the power of words to transform and heal, she began designing jewelry, partnering with the Holy Spirit to create a tangible way to bring Heaven to Earth. This is where her prophetic jewelry company, The Crowning Jewels, was birthed. Many people recognize her company as a business-ministry hybrid. She is known as a prophetic visionary with the drive to accomplish her dreams. Her mandate is to champion others as they discover their God given identity and fulfill their divine purpose. After living in Redding, CA for ten years, she recently moved back home and currently resides in Texas.
Katelyn Alexander
The Crowning Jewels
Katelyn Alexander is a masterful teacher and coach with a passion for seeing people walk in the wholeness of who God created them to be. An actor, writer, and storyteller, Katelyn blends creativity and charisma with a solid foundation on the Word of God. Katelyn first worked with Anne and The Crowning Jewels in 2015 and now blogs, writes, and teaches for TCJ.
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