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Joe Joe Dawson: "Kingdom Bridge"

Joe Joe Dawson, Texarkana, Texas
Jun 4, 2024


I recently had a prophetic dream that I want to share with you that I really believe is going to help you and encourage you to run hard after the things of God. As soon as I awoke from this dream, I immediately knew it had a powerful and significant message for the Body of Christ in this season.

The Road Well Traveled

In the dream, I was walking along a well-manicured, dirt road. There were thousands of other people walking down the same road, and I knew in the dream that they were all Believers. However, as I looked around at them, no one was joyful or excited. They had blank stares on their faces, and seemed bored and even aimless, just trudging down this road.

The "Kingdom of God" Bridge

Then I looked to the right, and there was a huge bridge with the words "The Kingdom of God" written on the side of it. Several people looked and noticed the bridge and headed toward it, but the majority didn't even give it a second glance. I turned aside to take the bridge with the few others that had headed toward it. There were very few people walking across the bridge ahead of me, and others who had just turned aside.

The Road Less Traveled

Still in the dream, when we got to the end of the bridge a gravel road began, and farther in the distance, I could see that the road eventually became just a grassy pathway. As I kept moving quickly down the road and then down the grassy path, I saw people stopping. As soon as they stopped, they began to sink, but as long as people kept moving farther along, they did not sink.

There were even fewer people on the path around me now, and the grass was more and more beautiful, green, and lush. The farther down the path we went, the higher in height the grass became. Despite this, we all started running—each one of us—with joy and excitement upon our faces!

Breakthrough at Every Turn

Then we came upon an apple tree and an orange tree; both with the most beautiful and healthiest looking fruit growing from them. We continued to run and were surrounded by these beautiful fruit trees like we were in an orchard. Again, if anyone stopped, they sank, but those that kept moving forward continued to thrive. There was a feeling in the air like every prayer we had prayed was about to be answered and breakthrough would soon be at every turn. (Photo via Pixabay)

Don't Miss Out!

When I woke up from the dream, I took it to the Lord in prayer. It became clear to me very quickly what the Lord was saying through this dream. I believe there are countless Believers missing out on the fullness of God and what His Kingdom can bring in and through their lives.

Many Believers are simply trudging through their Christian lives and missing out on the wild adventure that comes from truly living for the Kingdom of God. Like in my dream, very few Believers are pursuing the Kingdom of God. In my dream, if I were to guess a number, it would probably be 1 out of every 200 people that turned aside to take the Kingdom bridge.

Go across the Bridge into Your Purpose

God is looking for true seekers in this season—those who are hungry to live a life full of His Spirit and sold out to His Kingdom no matter what it costs them. That wide road I found myself on, with all the other Believers at the beginning of the dream, was easy, but it was empty of joy and purpose. God wants to take every Believer that will go across that Kingdom bridge into their purpose; everyone that is willing to say "yes" to Him.

Another significant part of the dream was when people stopped, they sank. This is true for every Believer, but especially for those who want to advance the Kingdom. We must always be moving forward with the Lord. We can no longer allow anything to trip us up, or cause us to hesitate as we go after the things of God. In this season, it is time to run, not walk or catch our breath. If I were to guess a number in my dream of how many people were still around at the end, there were maybe 1 out of 1,000. I believe what the Lord is saying through this part of the dream is that very few people are willing to run, and keep running, after the things of God.

As a person who is always hungry to see God move and be a part of His Kingdom advancing, it is hard for me to understand why anyone would want anything less than the complete, absolute fullness of God. However, there are few who even see the access to the Kingdom of God they have as Believers, and even fewer who are willing to run after it. My friends, don't be one in this season to miss what God is doing. Don't be left trudging aimlessly through your life as a Believer when you have been given the keys to the Kingdom of God!

Keep Going—There Is More!

Ephesians 3:20 says, "Now to Him who is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly more than all that we dare ask or think [infinitely beyond our greatest prayers, hopes, or dreams], according to His power that is at work within us!" There is so much more available to us as children of God than many of us ever dare to think, let alone ask or believe for. (Photo via Pexels)

God wants to give you more knowledge than you could ever imagine and wants you to experience His fullness, but so many people don't walk in it. Many just want to (or expect to) live a bland Christian life where they are comfortable and unchallenged. But we know, even from just this Scripture, that there is no limit to God or His Kingdom. So why would you want to settle for less?

It's Time to Run!

One of the things this dream communicated so clearly is that if you will keep running, keep moving forward with the Lord, there is a beautiful harvest waiting for you! However, what is also clear from the dream is that if you stop, you will sink. I've seen many people over the years throw in the towel or turn back right before they are about to step into their destiny.

I'm telling you my friends, many Believers think that running hard after the things of God is too difficult. But I know from experience that the harder you run after God, the easier and more joyful your life will be. I really believe that I'm pursuing God with everything I have in this season of my life, and I have never experienced more joy or blessing!

So, I want to challenge you. Pursue the Kingdom of God! Look for the bridges, the access points, that the Spirit of God has placed on your path in this season and begin to run after the things of God like never before! Don't be a weak-minded or fleshly person who quits before the greatest season of life.

Begin to run, and keep running! Pursue God with everything you have, and when you learn to keep moving forward with Him you will experience the fullness of God in every area of your life. This is a moment, right now, that God is calling people to get off the road that everybody's on and pursue His Kingdom. If you will, then you will see the nations of the world shift. You'll walk in the fruit of the Spirit like never before and see signs, wonders, and miracles. God is calling you to live a life that you could never even imagine if you will just say yes to Him and hold nothing back. It's time to run!


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Joe Joe Dawson
Joe Joe Dawson Ministries


Joe Joe Dawson is the founder and Apostle of ROAR Apostolic Network and ROAR Church Texarkana. Joe Joe is married to the love of his life, Autumn Dawson and they have three children Malachi, Judah and Ezra. The Dawson's live and teach a lifestyle of revival and awakening. Their desire is to see every Believer fulfill their God-given destiny and live life to the fullest in God. Joe Joe is also the author of Living Your God-Sized Dream and Recipe for Revival.

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