Four Wave Dreams
In the late 1990s, I had a dream where I saw four massive waves roll into Oahu at different locations. The first was an enormous 900-foot wave on our southern shore at a popular beach area called Magic Island. (This dream birthed intense intercession for five consecutive years.) The second wave swept into the eastern shore in an area called Hawaii Kai. The third wave crashed into Oahu's northernmost shoreline in an area known as "Pupukea," while the fourth rolled into the western shoreline in the Nanakuli-Waianae areas.
A Fifth Wave Dream
On May 9th, 2024, I had a powerful dream. The dream began as I looked out upon Kaneohe Bay from the back of my home (see photo). Our home sits on a hill above Kaneohe Bay. It is also important to note that Kaneohe is in the eastern gate of Oahu, and that God's glory rises in the east (see Ezekiel 43:1–5). (Photo courtesy of Rob Gross)
As the dream unfolded, the waters in the bay began to churn violently (Kaneohe Bay is normally very calm). Waves then began to build across the bay, attracting dozens of surfers. As I watched the surfers catch the waves, I saw three numbers in the Spirit: eight, twenty-five and forty. Eight for "new beginnings," twenty-five for the year 2025, and forty for "coming out of the wilderness" (see Mark 1:12–13). The number twenty-five, or five times five, could also mean "grace upon grace."
As the surfers continued to ride the waves, I was shocked to see a very large wave jump the shoreline below my home and rise up and over the hill towards my home. Immediately I yelled to everyone inside our house that a wave was coming and to take cover inside (there was no time to go anywhere else). I retreated to my room and prepared for the worst.
As I huddled nervously in my room, out of the corner of my eye through my bedroom window I saw an enormous shadow overhead on the ground outside. The wave then crashed down upon us with great force, but to my surprise we were not washed away! It felt so real as my home shook from the power of the wave.
I then returned to the back of my home to see what was going on in the bay and saw a second wave (two is the number of witness) coming straight for me like the first wave. Once again I rushed back into my home, and the wave overshadowed us again.
The Overshadowing Power of the Almighty
There are three things that I believe the Lord is speaking through this dream: First, I think the Lord is saying that He wants to release a fresh understanding about the "realm of overshadowing." Secondly, it also seems plausible that the Lord has revealed His intention to overshadow us with His glory cloud in 2025. And thirdly, I believe the Lord could be saying that in 2025 He is going to bring Hawaii out of the wilderness and into a season of great grace – a new beginning that sweeps in the harvest.
The Hebrew word for overshadow is sakak, while the Greek word is episkiazó. The word means "to throw a shadow upon" and "to invest with preternatural influence," and it is used exclusively in the New Testament for the power of the Almighty.
"He was still speaking when, behold, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, 'This is My beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased; listen to Him.'" (Matthew 17:5 ESV)
"And a cloud overshadowed them, and a voice came out of the cloud, 'This is My beloved Son; listen to Him.'" (Mark 9:7 ESV)
"The angel answered her, 'The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore also the holy One who is born from you will be called the Son of God.'" (Luke 1:35 WEB)
"While he said these things, a cloud came and overshadowed them, and they were afraid as they entered into the cloud." (Luke 9:34 WEB)
"They even carried out the sick into the streets and laid them on cots and mattresses, so that as Peter came by, at least his shadow might overshadow some of them." (Acts 5:15 WEB)
"In fact, when people knew Peter was going to walk by, they carried the sick out to the streets and laid them down on cots and mats, knowing the incredible power emanating from him would overshadow them and heal them." (Acts 5:15 TPT)
Cindy Jacobs' 1994 Word for Hawaii
In the early 90s, Cindy Jacobs prophesied that Hawaii would be the first "all-Christian state" in America. Hawaii is the 50th and last state in the Union (the last shall be first – Matthew 20:16).
This word seemed inconceivable at the time, as Hawaii was and continues to be one of the most liberal states in America. (In 1970 we legalized abortion before Roe v. Wade, and then same sex marriage in 2013.) Hawaii has also been known for other "firsts," as we were the first state to have a Japanese American governor, the first to elect a Hawaiian governor, and the first to elect a Filipino American governor. (Cindy Jacobs depicted above)
God Did It Before and He Can Do It Again!
What did God do? Let me draw your attention to an excerpt taken from an article written by Chris Cook, titled, "When Revival Swept Hawaii":
"Before 1820, the Hawaiian Islands had never encountered widespread Christianity. But that was about to change. As the Second Great Awakening traveled around the United States, it also spread outside its borders, sparking the New England missionary companies that arrived in the Sandwich Islands, which today are called Hawaii, in the 1820s and 1830s. Hiram Bingham led the inaugural mission's team that arrived in 1820. Fellow New Englander Titus Coan, who landed in Hawaii in 1834, built on the foundation that Bingham's generation had established, his work catalyzing the Great Revival of 1836–1840. The effect of this movement proved so significant that within a generation, the ruler of Hawaii declared his kingdom a Christian nation." (Excerpt via Christianity Today)
In 1846, the Christian faith was established in this statement: "The religion of the Lord Jesus Christ shall continue to be the established national religion of the Hawaiian Islands."
As mentioned in the above excerpt, the Great Revival of 1836–1840 was led by a Presbyterian minister named Titus Coan. Reverend Coan faithfully served the Lord for forty-seven years in Hilo, Hawaii, and by 1870 he had received around 13,000 members into his church, making it the largest organized Protestant congregation in all of Christendom at that time.
According to Paul Miller's case study, "By 1853 the native Hawaiian church had already sent out its own native missionary, John Kekalas, to the Marquesas out of a native population of 71,000 of which over 56,000 were Protestants. The ABCFM [American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions] moved to declare Hawaii Christianized and terminated the mission" (Excerpt via "The Holy Spirit and the Nineteenth-Century Mission to Hawaii" by Paul Miller, Spiritus: ORU Journal of Theology: Vol. 5: No. 1, Article 8 – brackets mine).
Stay the Course – A Healing Revival Is on the Way!
For those of you who have been contending for a great move of God in Hawaii, stay the course, because I believe what Cindy Jacobs prophesied in the early 90s will soon begin.
Acts 5:15 (NHEB) says, "They even carried out the sick into the streets, and put them on cots and mats, so that as Peter came by at the least his shadow would fall on some of them."
The signs of a healing revival have begun. The below accounts are twelve of over fifty recorded healing miracles that have occurred in our church. Healing is the dinner bell that Jesus graciously rings to attract the lost to Himself!
Testimonies of Healing Miracles
A twelve-year-old boy with a rare cancer condition of the gums received prayer in 2023 prior to flying to Seattle for surgery. When his surgeon opened his mouth to begin the procedure, the cancer was no longer visible. She scraped his gums and sent the tissue sample to a lab in San Francisco for testing. The results came back two hours later with no genetic traces of cancer. In 2024, this now thirteen year old remains cancer free! As a result, his father gave his life to Christ.
A young woman with a cracked tooth received prayer from a Spirit-led dentist in our church. The woman went to her dentist soon after and was told that her tooth was no longer cracked!
A Millennial woman tearfully shared with her worship team members that she had just been diagnosed with uterine cancer. The team gathered around her and prayed for the Lord to heal her. A week later she visited her doctor for further tests and was told that the cancer had disappeared!
A man from the Baby Boomer generation shared that he wasn't sleeping well because he had Tinnitus, or ringing in the ear. He received prayer from his pastor and reported that the ringing had stopped!
A woman (also a Baby Boomer) shared with another woman that she had mitral valve prolapse (a heart valve disease). The woman prayed for her, and when she went for a routine check up, her doctor informed her that her condition was no longer present!
A woman in her mid 40s received prayer in a prayer line for macular degeneration. She had been told by her physician that she had a fifty percent chance of going blind. After receiving prayer, she went to a new doctor and was told that, except for a few floaters, her eyes were fine. She was stunned! (Photo via Pexels)
A Millennial woman visiting from Florida with a benign tumor in her brain received prayer from one of our prayer team members. After returning to Florida, she went to her doctor for a test and he told her that her tumor was gone!
A Millennial man received prayer for an STD he had contracted prior to becoming a Christian. After getting retested, his doctor called him two weeks later and gave him the good news: he no longer had a sexually transmitted disease!
A woman from another church attended a training event that our church was hosting and received prayer from a member of our team for a second-degree burn on her hand. Four days later, there was no evidence (scar) that her hand had been severely burned!
A woman with stage one breast cancer received prayer the day before she was scheduled to have it removed. When she arrived at the hospital for the procedure, she underwent a preliminary test that showed no evidence of any cancer. Her doctor sent her home. She remains cancer free to this day!
Another woman from the Baby Boomer generation sat up on her bed with an excruciating headache and collapsed to the floor. Her husband rushed her to a nearby hospital where she was diagnosed with a massive brain aneurysm. The attending ER physician encouraged her husband to say goodbye. I accompanied him into the ER. His wife's face was black and blue as if she had been in a prize fight. I laid hands on her and immediately felt cool air whoosh through my arms into her head. She is well and alive to this day!
A woman in her mid 60s requested prayer for her bad back. The Spirit of God came upon her and she bent back as if she was doing the Limbo (the back of her head nearly touched the ground). Considering this woman's age and physical lack of conditioning, it was an amazing sight to watch the Lord bend her backwards the way He did. When the Lord was finished ministering to her, she stood up and was completely healed!
Be encouraged, Church! The glory of the Lord is about to overshadow Hawaii like He did in 1836–1840.
Sadly, I need to mention that after Coan's passing much of the harvest that came through his ministry was lost. I believe this was because people were not trained to do the work of the ministry or contend for future generations. We must NOT make the same mistake!
The year 2025 is seven months away, and we need to train and equip our people to heal the sick, prophesy life to the downtrodden, and deliver the demonized and brokenhearted. The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. If we commit ourselves to getting trained and equipped, we will not only keep the coming harvest, but other states in the Union will begin to be overshadowed by the Lord too. We must believe that God is not done with America and that His best is yet to come!
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Rob Gross
Senior Pastor, Mountain View Community Church
Rob Gross planted Mountain View Community Church in 1992 in Kaneohe, Hawaii and continues to serve as senior pastor. He is known as a pastor to pastors and has a prayer/counseling ministry known for releasing breakthrough and supernatural healing in people's lives. He has taught workshops and seminars on the gifts of the Spirit, prophetic evangelism, the Sabbath, the orphan stronghold and the Father's blessing. Rob grew up in Kaneohe and is of Jewish and Japanese ancestry. He graduated from Iolani School, earned his bachelor's degree and Phi Beta Kappa honors from the University of Hawaii, and earned his master of divinity degree from Golden Gate Baptist Theological Seminary. Rob and his wife Barbara have three adult sons – Jordan, Brandon and Jonathan – and three grandchildren.
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