[Editor's note: Below are the words that Yvon Attia shared during her recent interview on ElijahStreams. We encourage you to read through them and watch the episode right here.]
A Promise of Hope for Iran and a Heavenly Encounter!
On April 15, 2024, I went to the Word of God to learn if there was any prophecy about Iran, and I found one. The Bible called Iran "Elam."
"This is what the LORD of Heaven's Armies says: 'I will destroy the bows of Elam—the best of their forces. I will bring enemies from all directions, and I will scatter the people of Elam to the four winds. They will be exiled to countries around the world. I Myself will go with Elam's enemies to shatter it. In My fierce anger, I will bring great disaster upon the people of Elam,' says the LORD. 'Their enemies will chase them with the sword until I have destroyed them completely. I will set My throne in Elam,' says the LORD, 'and I will destroy its king and officials. But I will restore the fortunes of Elam in days to come. I, the LORD, have spoken!'" (Jeremiah 49:35–39 NLT)
After reading all these judgments there is a promise of hope.
On April 17, 2024, I entered the presence of God, and was thinking, "What would it be like to see God set His throne in Iran?" Then I was taken into the realm of the spirit, and I found myself walking in the earthly Jerusalem, the crowded streets, the markets...
Immediately, I was lifted up and I saw a glorious city covered in two different colors of gold—rose gold and white gold—and the buildings had domes with gemstones.
I knew the Lord was showing me around, but I noticed that there were no places of worship, no churches, no temples, etc. It felt like walking in a Kingdom where I knew the One King ruled. His throne reached the heavens. You could smell Him, You could feel Him...
I asked, "Lord, what is this place?"
He said, "That's the heavenly Jerusalem."
I saw a huge altar with martyrs around it. I knew they were martyrs because there was blood on their gowns. (Photo via Flickr)
They asked, "How long, O Lord, before You avenge us?"
He said, "I will do it speedily."
There was a man standing at a pool, and the pool was empty. I recognized him as the man who was lame in John 5.
I asked him, "Why is the pool empty?"
He said, "The water in the pool did not heal me; Jesus did."
Around Jerusalem, I could see its neighbors, but they all had one flag; it was a heavenly flag that looked white. Each of those countries had a flag that said, "King of kings."
I saw many children. Some wore white, while others wore different colors.
I asked the Lord, "Why are these children wearing white?"
He said, "These children lost their innocence due to abuse. They wear white as a reminder of their purity."
Other children seemed to climb on Jesus, and they literally did not leave His presence. I found out they had been abused by their fathers and others. They didn't leave the Lord's embrace.
There was a transfer of glory, and the manifest presence of the Lord was reflected over everyone and everything.
[Editor's Note: Yvon didn't get to share the following words during her interview, so we wanted to include them below for you to enjoy!]
A Promise of Favor and Deliverance in the Month of May
Word received on April 22, 2024:
"So David asked the LORD, 'Should I go out to fight the Philistines? Will You hand them over to me?'
"The LORD replied to David, 'Yes, go ahead. I will certainly hand them over to you.'
"So David went to Baal-perazim and defeated the Philistines there. 'The LORD did it!' David exclaimed. 'He burst through my enemies like a raging flood!' So he named that place Baal-perazim (which means 'the Lord who bursts through')." (2 Samuel 5:19–20 NLT)
April brought about so many attacks on God's people. Now many are feeling weak and inadequate, but I heard God say, "Watch out for the raging flood, for My grace is sufficient in your weakness. I will burst through your enemies like a raging flood.
"My grace, My supernatural enablement, will achieve this. This is a sweeping flood of favor over you and a raging flood over your enemies. I am pouring out My favor over you—favor for a new assignment, favor for a new purpose."
I heard Him remind me of Isaiah 55:5: "You also will command nations you do not know, and peoples unknown to you will come running to obey, because I, the Lord your God, the Holy One of Israel, have made you glorious."
The glorious presence of the Lord bestowed on His children will begin to manifest in a whole new way during this month. There will be a fresh outpouring of the Spirit that will cause major revival.
Word received on April 25, 2024:
"You are entering a very special month which will not be marked by lack, need, or disappointment; rather, it will be marked by My abundant grace and favor. For I am releasing a word that will flood your reality with My goodness.
"There shall be a pouring out of grace, glory, and goodness towards you. It will come like a sweeping flood, covering you with My presence. It will come like a sweeping flood, washing out the damage which your enemies have done to you. I have seen the attacks [that have been] done to you, and I speak the same words which I have spoken through Isaiah: According to their deeds, I will repay (see Isaiah 59:18). (Photo via Unsplash)
"This is a month where My deliverance will come like a sweeping flood, a flood which will burst through your enemies, a breakthrough flood, but also a flood which will redeem your life from destruction and crown you with loving-kindness and tender mercies. My grace will be poured out like a blanket of protection, hiding you under My wings. Here is My promise to you: When the enemy comes like a flood, My Spirit will lift up a standard against him.
"This is a month where I will call you to go deeper, a month where you will see the fish flood your boat. It's a type of grace which will cause you to be awestruck. I will exchange your weakness for strength, your lack for abundance, your sickness for health, [your] sadness for joy.
"For My grace perfects you in every way. You will hear Me say, 'Get up, pick up your mat, and go,' for My healing power will flow into your body like a flood. Despite your condition, this is a month where I will say to you, 'Shake off the dust, arise, and shine,' for My glory will sweep over you like a flood.
"You will receive flood-sweeping glory, for My glorious grace will make you radiant, and your heart will thrill with joy. Receive the same promise I once spoke through Isaiah. The wealth of the nations shall come to you. A multitude of camels shall come together to you. For I the Lord, the Holy One of Israel, made you glorious.
"Therefore, receive My promise for this month. A promise to cover you with grace like a sweeping flood—grace to overcome. For My Spirit that is upon you and My words that I have put in your mouth will never depart from you or your children. You will proclaim how good God is!"
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Yvon Attia
Celebrate Freedom Ministries
Email:Â info@celebratefreedomministries.org
Website:Â www.celebratefreedomministries.org
Yvon Attia is a radical lover of Jesus and His Word, fully dedicated to His purposes and His call. Yvon is an author and a powerful, passionate speaker who preaches the Word with the power of God's Spirit, and the manifestation of His presence. She unpacks the Word from a Middle Eastern perspective, explaining its depth in terms of culture, context and power. Yvon is married to her high school sweetheart, Mina, and they have two beautiful children, Esther and Raphael. Both Yvon and her husband are ordained pastors under the spiritual fatherhood covering of Apostle Guillermo Maldonado Of King Jesus International Ministry in Miami. Miracles of healing take place during their meetings as God faithfully confirms the Word through signs that follow. They are also the founders of Celebrate Freedom Ministry, which is part of the supernatural global network of King Jesus International Ministry.
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