Intro: Check out this powerful and encouraging prophetic word by Pastor Hank Kunneman, given on April 7, 2024, where the Spirit of the Lord reminded us that this is not the time to give into fear and false rhetoric concerning God exacting judgment upon the nations. No, this is the hour where God has declared that He is releasing His Spirit to restrain the powers of darkness through supernatural preservation! The Lord of hosts is bringing preservation at this time that will bring His people, and the innocent who have been oppressed, into a season of deliverance and redemption!
As God deals with demonic principalities and wicked regimes who have aligned with the agenda of Hell, there will be disruptions and events that will seem to cause chaos. We must remember that as Believers we, too, have been given power and authority to stop demonic forces through our prayers. And as Paul talked about in Philippians 4:6–7, we must not worry but instead choose to pray concerning all things so that our hearts and minds will remain strong in the supernatural peace of God.
Continue to stand in faith and choose today to not be moved by what is happening in the natural, but put your trust in the Great I Am!
Things to watch:
• Ruling regime in Iran
• China
• Shaking soil in Asia
• America and those in political power
Prophetic word given by Pastor Hank Kunneman on April 7, 2024 (9:00 AM service at the Lord of Hosts Church, Omaha, NE):
Spirit of God, Bring Your Restraint!
Let the Spirit of God begin to move over the earth. The hovering of the Holy Spirit of God – hover over the earth, over America, over the cities of this great nation. (Photo via Flickr)
Spirit of God, bring a restraint against that which would seek to come to steal, to kill, to destroy... Restrain those who would desire through corrupt government to harm innocent people.
We pray, Spirit of God, for Your restraint against the Dragon, China; against Iran. And I pray that there would be an exposing of man's hands that desire to get involved with redemptive signs in the sun, in the moon, and in the stars. We command all demonic portals to be closed, disrupted by the Spirit of God and the angelic hosts of Heaven. Disrupt, disrupt, disrupt, disrupt! Angels of the most high God, bring confusion, that they [will] turn on one another, and bring about a restraint.
Look Up! Your Redemption Draws Nigh!
"This is the time to look up, as I spoke to the disciples," says your Lord, "when I declared to them that there would be signs in the earth, earthquakes and wars – the oceans and the seas would roar. There would be perplexity among the nations, and there would be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars, I said. But then I said, look up, look up, look up! Look up, for your redemption draws nigh! I speak this to you who are in fear and troubled." I say, "Look up to Me, for I am the one who created the sun, I am the one who created the moon, and I am the one who spreads out the stars, and I have a redemptive plan.
Who Do You Trust?
"So I ask you a question this day as you enter into next week and thereafter: What is your trust in? And who do you trust? But you say, 'Lord, but do You not understand that there is chaos? There are disruptions and things planned by forces of darkness in the hands of men?' But I remind you," says the Lord, "when there was judgment upon the earth in the days of Noah, and yet there was an ark floating upon the waters of turmoil, and there was destruction all around in the earth. Yet it was My hand upon Noah, his family, and upon the ark. I remind you, who weathered the storm when the disciples were out in the midst of the sea and they thought they would die, and yet I came walking upon the sea? I entered into the boat, and I brought preservation, and I accelerated them to the place that I had called them to.
Preservation Will Prevail!
"I speak this because this is redemption. This is My Spirit that speaks to you in this hour. Who navigated Israel when they were entrapped upon the shore? It was I that brought deliverance. It was I that brought preservation. And so I say to you, there will be chaos in places, disruptions, and things that will cause some to say, 'See? This is the judgment of God, America; you are finished.' And you will not just see it, but you'll see this in days that are ahead, and they will seek to stop the liberty that I will bring to this country to set you free. But I speak, and I remind you that preservation will prevail; redemptive intervention will prevail, and will preserve you. So do not be moved by things that will manifest by the hands of men and those who cooperate with forces of darkness. (Photo via Flickr)
"But the more you pray and exercise your delegated, legislative rights of My governing power, [the more] the hand of the enemy will be restrained and stopped," says the Lord.
The Headship of Iran Will Be Cut Off and China Will Be Shaken
"Do not be moved by Iran, for they will raise their head, but they will be cut down, and the headship of their land shall be cut off.
"And, China, you shall breathe upon the earth disruption but for a season – short it shall be. I will disrupt you, and I will cause things to be greatly shaken. Pay attention. I speak even of the soil of Asia that will be a sign of what shall come, as the powers of the heavens will be greatly shaken, that My plan for this time to redeem, to show redemption of help and hope...
"For many will turn to Me in this time, and they will be awakened to truth. And I will rescue the children, but I will rescue the nations of the earth, for I am the King of glory. And it is My time to come in now. So open the gates and watch what I do to bring preservation in a time of darkness," says the living God.
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Hank Kunneman
One Voice Ministries
Hank and Brenda Kunneman pastor the Lord of Hosts Church, a thriving church in Omaha, Nebraska, and are the founders of One Voice Ministries. Together, the Kunneman's also host their own nationally and internationally televised weekly program, New Level with Hank and Brenda, airing on Daystar Television Network, Victory Television Network, and Faith Broadcasting Network. Pastor Hank has also authored several books including Prophesy with the Wind of God in Your Mouth, My Heart Cries Abba Father, The Revealer of Secrets, Don't Leave God Alone, and Barrier Breakers. Pastor Brenda is a published author with both Destiny Image and Charisma House with her most recent books being The Daily Decree, The Daily Prophecy, Roadmap to Divine Direction, Decoding Hell's Propaganda, The Supernatural You, and When Your Life Has Been Tampered With.
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