My Encounter
I awoke the other morning to the Lord's voice speaking these words to me: "NEW ANGELS ARE BEING RELEASED TO THE EARTH FOR MY CHILDREN." I laid in the bed a few minutes and meditated on the implication of what the Lord was speaking to me. In that moment, the Holy Spirit brought back to my memory an experience that took place in my life sixteen years ago.
Years ago, I was worshiping in a meeting at a hotel in Chesapeake, VA when, for some reason, I was prompted to walk toward the altar. As I walked near the host of the meeting (Carolyn Philips of Eternal Truth Ministries) and the guest speaker (Kathryn Walters), they looked at me and began to ferociously laugh. I became offended for several reasons. Honestly, I was the only minority in the meeting, and the youngest person present. Also, I was a guest visitor. I was irritated that they were laughing at me publicly (along with some others near them) for no apparent reason.
Then the strangest thing happened as they continued to laugh and point at me... Suddenly I began to laugh uncontrollably too! I noticed that I was standing INSIDE A MIST; I was inside a light glory cloud! Gold dust began to appear on many people who were standing there laughing.
After this encounter stopped, Kathryn Walters walked over to me and gave me a prophetic word. She said to me, "The reason we started laughing at you is because when we looked over at you in the corner, we saw ANGELS PLAYING AROUND YOU. God says you had been having some strange and unusual manifestations during your alone time with God. You have been wondering what is causing some of these things, but God says, 'THESE ARE NEW ANGELS IN THE EARTH THAT HAVE NEVER BEEN HERE BEFORE, and they are so excited that they do things that seem like they are toying with you and let you know they are present!'"
I almost shouted at the top of my lungs! Unbeknownst to either of them, for the last few months, during my private times with the Lord, some peculiar angelic activity had been happening that had caused me to question if I should even continue praying. A stickler for biblical truth, I wanted to make sure that I was not being deceived. One of my spiritual daughters at the time, named Danielle, gave me this word: "The Lord says you are concerned about some recent manifestations that have taken place, but the Lord says He will make known to you, soon, what is taking place." (Photo via Pexels)
This relieved some of the burden off of my mind. And this encounter confirmed the spike of angelic activity in my life and ministry.
"Are not all angels ministering spirits sent to serve those who will inherit salvation?" (Hebrews 1:14)
My Wife Shares Her Morning Encounter
As stated previously, God had said to me, "New angels are being released to the earth for My children!" That was around 5:30 AM (EST). I also noticed that my wife Jessica had jumped out of bed and quickly sprinted downstairs to go pray earlier that morning.
Around 9:30 PM, my wife Jessica and I went downstairs and sat on our living room couch to pray. Jessica shared with me that early in the morning she had discerned an angel standing by the side of her bed, who was prompting her to get up and pray. She contrasted this angel's presence to an angelic visitation that she'd had over a year ago. This angel, she said, had more of a youthful, energetic presence and energy than the angel she had encountered previously. Her words to me were "This seemed like a new angel."
(Also, I want to note that Jessica is not what I would call a "spooky spiritualist," or someone who makes stuff up, or always perceives something as supernatural. I have known her dreams, prophetic words to me, and encounters to be realistic and reliable.)
I then shared the word of the Lord that God had given me that morning about new angels being released on the earth for His children. We both took our own personal experiences as confirmations that God was about to do something new.
"Behold, I do a NEW thing; now it shall spring forth. Shall you not know it?..." (Isaiah 43:19, emphasis mine)
An Unexpected Suddenly
Right before Jessica and I started to pray, she had a special request for me. She felt that it had been deposited within her heart for me to give a certain decree before prayer. As I finished the decree before the Lord, SUDDENLY I heard the voice of my oldest daughter screaming for us! As a parent you learn over time if it's a "casual" yell when your children call you, because they want something petty (usually a snack), or if it's a real emergency. The urgency I heard in my daughter's voice caused me to dart upstairs.
As I entered the room, I noticed that my oldest daughter was sitting up, shivering. Her two sisters flanked her sides, fast asleep.
"Avery, what is wrong?" I asked her.
My daughter frantically replied, "There was a white, glowing being standing by the door. It stayed there, but when you opened the door it disappeared."
I could feel an atmosphere of heavenly peace and glory permeating the room.
I told my daughter, "It's just an angel here to watch over you. You have seen them before. Don't worry, and try to go back to sleep."
For some reason me saying it was an angel unnerved her even more, and she began to cry. Looking back, although we know angels are GOOD, to knowingly be left alone in the room with one, who may manifest at any moment, could cause anxiety for even a mature Believer. (Photo Stockfreedotorg)
I prayed with my daughter and returned downstairs to pray. We knew that God had spoken through the word of the Lord to me concerning new angels, to my wife with an angelic awakening, and to my daughter, who visibly saw the angel standing for more than a minute in her bedroom. When God is doing something supernatural, He often speaks and confirms in threes (symbolic of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). I immediately messaged our Destiny 4 the Nations intercessory team about the angelic encounter that God had given my daughter.
God gave us overwhelming proof by what happened in our lives and home as a SIGN of what He is doing for the Ekklesia and Body of Christ at large. Also, the affirmations added fuel to the fire for me to share the message He had told me to share with His people! New angels have been released en masse!
"...In the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established." (2 Corinthians 13:1)
Five Prophetic Decrees
1. Dear Lord, may the angels of Heaven assigned to this time, this season, and this hour be released to accomplish your will on the earth.
2. Dear Lord, may new angels with new graces and new favor be released to us to bring accelerated and supernatural breakthroughs.
3. Dear Lord, may the new angels that are released on the earth partner and collaborate with old angels who have already been stationed here to fulfill Your heart's desires for mankind.
4. Dear Lord, may the new angels bring new heavenly technologies and tools to help equip the Ekklesia to overcome the forces of darkness and iniquities of our age.
5. Dear Lord, may angels surround, protect, and bless my family and household.
In Jesus' name! Selah!
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Demontae Edmonds
Freedom 4 the Nations
Demontae Edmonds is the founder of Freedom 4 the Nations, host of "This is Freedom" podcast on Charisma Podcast Network, and host of Atlanta's "Highways" TV program. He travels the nations preaching the Gospel with notable signs, wonders, and miracles. His heart is to share the reality of Jesus Christ with the world through demonstrations of the Holy Spirit's power and presence. He has authored the books "Grab Hold of Your Miracle," "Discerning of Spirits: 7 Dimensions of Revelation," and "The Supernatural Gift of Faith."
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